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use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// Uniquely identify a metric so that we can look up names, labels (etc) and
/// perform IPC
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum MetricGetter {
impl MetricGetter {
/// Extract the underlying metric_id, if there is one.
pub fn metric_id(self) -> Option<MetricId> {
match self {
MetricGetter::Id(metric_id) => Some(metric_id),
_ => None,
pub fn is_dynamic(self) -> bool {
*self & (1 << crate::factory::DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT) > 0
#[cfg(feature = "with_gecko")]
impl MetricGetter {
/// Given a metric getter, retrieve the name and (optionally) label of the
/// underlying metric. Note, this currently returns the name of the
/// metric in the so-called "JavaScript conjugation", while labels are
/// returned in the so-called "YAML conjugation". Bug 1938145 captures
/// the work for looking up the actual metric, after which Bug 1934880
/// will allow us to get both in the yaml conjugation.
pub fn get_identifiers(&self) -> (String, Option<String>) {
match self {
MetricGetter::Id(id) => (id.get_name(), None),
MetricGetter::SubId(sid) => match sid.lookup_metric_id_and_label() {
Some((id, label)) => (id.get_name(), Some(label)),
None => (String::from("Could not find submetric in maps"), None),
impl From<MetricId> for MetricGetter {
fn from(metric_id: MetricId) -> MetricGetter {
impl From<SubMetricId> for MetricGetter {
fn from(submetric_id: SubMetricId) -> MetricGetter {
impl std::ops::Deref for MetricGetter {
type Target = u32;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
match self {
MetricGetter::Id(MetricId(m)) => m,
MetricGetter::SubId(SubMetricId(m)) => m,
/// Uniquely identifies a single metric across all metric types.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct MetricId(pub(crate) u32);
impl MetricId {
pub fn new(id: u32) -> Self {
pub fn is_dynamic(self) -> bool {
self.0 & (1 << crate::factory::DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT) > 0
#[cfg(feature = "with_gecko")]
impl MetricId {
// Wraps the result of `lookup_canonical_metric_name` so that it's
// slightly easier for consumers to use. Also provides a slightly more
// abstracted interface, so that in future we can use other ways to get
// the name of a metric.
pub(crate) fn get_name(&self) -> String {
pub(crate) fn lookup_canonical_metric_name(&self) -> &'static str {
use std::ffi::{c_char, CStr};
extern "C" {
fn FOG_GetMetricIdentifier(id: u32) -> *const c_char;
// SAFETY: We check to make sure that the returned pointer is not null
// before trying to construct a string from it. As the string array
// that `FOG_GetMetricIdentifier` references is statically defined
// and allocated, we know that any strings will be guaranteed to have
// a null terminator, and will have the same lifetime as the program,
// meaning we're safe to return a static lifetime, knowing that they
// won't be changed "underneath" us. Additionally, we surface any
// errors from parsing the string as utf8.
unsafe {
let raw_name_ptr = FOG_GetMetricIdentifier(**self);
if raw_name_ptr.is_null() {
"id not found"
} else {
match CStr::from_ptr(raw_name_ptr).to_str() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => "utf8 parse error",
impl From<u32> for MetricId {
fn from(id: u32) -> Self {
impl std::ops::Deref for MetricId {
type Target = u32;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// Uniquely identifies a sub-metric across all metric types.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct SubMetricId(pub(crate) u32);
impl SubMetricId {
pub fn new(id: u32) -> Self {
pub fn is_dynamic(self) -> bool {
self.0 & (1 << crate::factory::DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT) > 0
#[cfg(feature = "with_gecko")]
impl SubMetricId {
/// Given a submetric id, use the glean submetric maps to look up the
/// underlying metric id, and label. Note that this essentially performs
/// the reverse of `private::submetric_id_for`.
pub(crate) fn lookup_metric_id_and_label(&self) -> Option<(MetricId, String)> {
let map = crate::metrics::__glean_metric_maps::submetric_maps::LABELED_METRICS_TO_IDS
.expect("read lock of submetric ids was poisoned");
.find(|(_, &value)| value == *self)
.map(|(key, _)| key.clone())
impl From<u32> for SubMetricId {
fn from(id: u32) -> Self {
impl std::ops::Deref for SubMetricId {
type Target = u32;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {