Name Description Size
Constants.ios.mjs 3538
FormAutofill.ios.sys.mjs 620
FormAutofill.sys.mjs Determines if an autofill feature should be enabled based on the "available" and "supportedCountries" parameters. @param {string} available Available can be one of the following: "on", "detect", "off". "on" forces the particular Form Autofill feature on, while "detect" utilizes the supported countries to see if the feature should be available. @param {string[]} supportedCountries @returns {boolean} `true` if autofill feature is supported in the current browser search region 11391
FormAutofillChild.ios.sys.mjs eslint-disable no-undef,mozilla/balanced-listeners 7607
FormAutofillChild.sys.mjs Handles content's interactions for the frame. 27765
FormAutofillContent.sys.mjs Form Autofill content process module. 2129
FormAutofillNative.cpp 51547
FormAutofillNative.h 807
FormAutofillParent.sys.mjs Implements a service used to access storage and communicate with content. A "fields" array is used to communicate with FormAutofillChild. Each item represents a single input field in the content page as well as its @autocomplete properties. The schema is as below. Please refer to FormAutofillChild.js for more details. [ { section, addressType, contactType, fieldName, value, index }, { // ... } ] 44828
FormAutofillPreferences.sys.mjs Injects the form autofill section into about:preferences. 15064
FormAutofillStorageBase.sys.mjs 66950
FormAutofillSync.sys.mjs 11646
Helpers.ios.mjs eslint mozilla/use-isInstance: 0 9645 798
metrics.yaml 56714
MLAutofill.sys.mjs 6177 1463
Overrides.ios.js 981
ProfileAutoCompleteResult.sys.mjs @returns {number} The number of results 16596