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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// #define DEBUG_FIND 1
#include "nsFind.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsINode.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsITextControlFrame.h"
#include "nsIFormControl.h"
#include "nsTextFragment.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsAtom.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
#include "nsUnicodeProperties.h"
#include "nsCRT.h"
#include "nsRange.h"
#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "mozilla/TextEditor.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ChildIterator.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TreeIterator.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Text.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/Segmenter.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/UnicodeProperties.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_browser.h"
using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::dom;
using namespace mozilla::unicode;
// Yikes! Casting a char to unichar can fill with ones!
#define CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(c) ((char16_t)(unsigned char)c)
#define CH_SHY ((char16_t)0xAD)
// nsFind::Find casts CH_SHY to char before calling StripChars
// This works correctly if and only if CH_SHY <= 255
static_assert(CH_SHY <= 255, "CH_SHY is not an ascii character");
# define DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF(...) /* nothing */
static nsIContent& AnonymousSubtreeRootParentOrHost(const nsINode& aNode) {
return *aNode.GetClosestNativeAnonymousSubtreeRootParentOrHost();
static void DumpNode(const nsINode* aNode) {
if (!aNode) {
printf(">>>> Node: NULL\n");
nsString nodeName = aNode->NodeName();
if (aNode->IsText()) {
nsAutoString newText;
printf(">>>> Text node (node name %s): '%s'\n",
} else {
printf(">>>> Node: %s\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(nodeName).get());
static bool IsBlockNode(const nsIContent* aContent) {
if (aContent->IsElement() && aContent->AsElement()->IsDisplayContents()) {
return false;
// FIXME(emilio): This is dubious...
if (aContent->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::img, nsGkAtoms::hr,
nsGkAtoms::th, nsGkAtoms::td)) {
return true;
nsIFrame* frame = aContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!frame) {
return false;
const auto& disp = *frame->StyleDisplay();
// We also treat internal table frames as "blocks" for the purpose of
// locating boundaries for searches (see
return disp.IsBlockOutsideStyle() || disp.IsInternalTableStyleExceptCell();
static bool IsDisplayedNode(const nsINode* aNode) {
if (!aNode->IsContent()) {
return false;
if (aNode->AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame()) {
return true;
// If there's no frame, it's not displayed, unless it's display: contents.
return aNode->IsElement() && aNode->AsElement()->IsDisplayContents();
static bool IsRubyAnnotationNode(const nsINode* aNode) {
if (!aNode->IsContent()) {
return false;
nsIFrame* frame = aNode->AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!frame) {
return false;
StyleDisplay display = frame->StyleDisplay()->mDisplay;
return StyleDisplay::RubyText == display ||
StyleDisplay::RubyTextContainer == display;
static bool IsFindableNode(const nsINode* aNode) {
if (!IsDisplayedNode(aNode)) {
return false;
nsIFrame* frame = aNode->AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!frame) {
// display: contents
return true;
if (frame->StyleUI()->IsInert() ||
frame->HidesContent(nsIFrame::IncludeContentVisibility::Hidden) ||
nsIFrame::IncludeContentVisibility::Hidden)) {
return false;
return frame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible();
static bool ShouldFindAnonymousContent(const nsIContent& aContent) {
nsIContent& host = AnonymousSubtreeRootParentOrHost(aContent);
if (nsCOMPtr<nsIFormControl> formControl = do_QueryInterface(&host)) {
if (formControl->IsTextControl(/* aExcludePassword = */ true)) {
// Only editable NAC in textfields should be findable. That is, we want to
// find "bar" in `<input value="bar">`, but not in `<input
// placeholder="bar">`.
// TODO(emilio): Ideally we could lift this restriction, but we hide the
// placeholder text at paint-time instead of with CSS visibility, which
// means that we won't skip it even if invisible. We should probably fix
// that.
return aContent.IsEditable();
// We want to avoid finding in password inputs anyway, as it is confusing.
if (formControl->ControlType() == FormControlType::InputPassword) {
return false;
return true;
static bool SkipNode(const nsIContent* aContent) {
const nsIContent* content = aContent;
while (content) {
if (!IsDisplayedNode(content) || content->IsComment() ||
content->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::select)) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Skipping node: ");
return true;
// Skip option nodes if their select is a combo box, or if they
// have no select (somehow).
if (const auto* option = HTMLOptionElement::FromNode(content)) {
auto* select = HTMLSelectElement::FromNodeOrNull(option->GetParent());
if (!select || select->IsCombobox()) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Skipping node: ");
return true;
if (StaticPrefs::browser_find_ignore_ruby_annotations() &&
IsRubyAnnotationNode(content)) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Skipping node: ");
return true;
if (content->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree() &&
!ShouldFindAnonymousContent(*content)) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Skipping node: ");
return true;
// Only climb to the nearest block node
if (IsBlockNode(content)) {
return false;
content = content->GetFlattenedTreeParent();
return false;
static const nsIContent* GetBlockParent(const Text& aNode) {
for (const nsIContent* current = aNode.GetFlattenedTreeParent(); current;
current = current->GetFlattenedTreeParent()) {
if (IsBlockNode(current)) {
return current;
return nullptr;
static bool NonTextNodeForcesBreak(const nsINode& aNode) {
nsIFrame* frame =
aNode.IsContent() ? aNode.AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame() : nullptr;
// TODO(emilio): Maybe we should treat <br> more like a space instead of a
// forced break? Unclear...
return frame && frame->IsBrFrame();
static bool ForceBreakBetweenText(const Text& aPrevious, const Text& aNext) {
return GetBlockParent(aPrevious) != GetBlockParent(aNext);
struct nsFind::State final {
State(bool aFindBackward, nsIContent& aRoot, const nsRange& aStartPoint)
: mFindBackward(aFindBackward),
mStartPoint(aStartPoint) {}
void PositionAt(Text& aNode) { mIterator.Seek(aNode); }
bool ForcedBreak() const { return mFoundBreak; }
Text* GetCurrentNode() const {
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!mInitialized)) {
return nullptr;
nsINode* node = mIterator.GetCurrent();
MOZ_ASSERT(!node || node->IsText());
return node ? node->GetAsText() : nullptr;
Text* GetNextNode(bool aAlreadyMatching) {
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!mInitialized)) {
} else {
Advance(Initializing::No, aAlreadyMatching);
mIterOffset = -1; // mIterOffset only really applies to the first node.
return GetCurrentNode();
enum class Initializing { No, Yes };
// Advance to the next visible text-node.
void Advance(Initializing, bool aAlreadyMatching);
// Sets up the first node position and offset.
void Initialize();
// Returns whether the node should be used (true) or skipped over (false)
static bool AnalyzeNode(const nsINode& aNode, const Text* aPrev,
bool aAlreadyMatching, bool* aForcedBreak) {
if (!aNode.IsText()) {
*aForcedBreak = *aForcedBreak || NonTextNodeForcesBreak(aNode);
return false;
if (SkipNode(aNode.AsText())) {
return false;
*aForcedBreak = *aForcedBreak ||
(aPrev && ForceBreakBetweenText(*aPrev, *aNode.AsText()));
if (*aForcedBreak) {
// If we've already found a break, we can stop searching and just use this
// node, regardless of the subtree we're on. There's no point to continue
// a match across different blocks, regardless of which subtree you're
// looking into.
return true;
// TODO(emilio): We can't represent ranges that span native anonymous /
// shadow tree boundaries, but if we did the following check could / should
// be removed.
if (aAlreadyMatching && aPrev &&
!nsContentUtils::IsInSameAnonymousTree(&aNode, aPrev)) {
// As an optimization, if we were finding inside an native-anonymous
// subtree (like a pseudo-element), we know those trees are "atomic" and
// can't have any other subtrees in between, so we can just break the
// match here.
if (aPrev->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) {
*aForcedBreak = true;
return true;
// Otherwise we can skip the node and keep looking past this subtree.
return false;
return true;
const bool mFindBackward;
// Whether we've called GetNextNode() at least once.
bool mInitialized;
// Whether we've found a forced break from the last node to the current one.
bool mFoundBreak;
// An offset into the text of the first node we're starting to search at.
int mIterOffset;
TreeIterator<StyleChildrenIterator> mIterator;
// These are only needed for the first GetNextNode() call.
const nsRange& mStartPoint;
void nsFind::State::Advance(Initializing aInitializing, bool aAlreadyMatching) {
// The Advance() call during Initialize() calls us in a partial state, where
// mIterator may not be pointing to a text node yet. aInitializing prevents
// tripping the invariants of GetCurrentNode().
const Text* prev =
aInitializing == Initializing::Yes ? nullptr : GetCurrentNode();
mFoundBreak = false;
while (true) {
nsIContent* current =
mFindBackward ? mIterator.GetPrev() : mIterator.GetNext();
if (!current) {
if (AnalyzeNode(*current, prev, aAlreadyMatching, &mFoundBreak)) {
void nsFind::State::Initialize() {
mInitialized = true;
mIterOffset = mFindBackward ? -1 : 0;
nsINode* container = mFindBackward ? mStartPoint.GetStartContainer()
: mStartPoint.GetEndContainer();
// Set up ourselves at the first node we want to start searching at.
nsIContent* beginning = mFindBackward ? mStartPoint.GetChildAtStartOffset()
: mStartPoint.GetChildAtEndOffset();
if (beginning) {
// If the start point is pointing to a node, when looking backwards we'd
// start looking at the children of that node, and we don't really want
// that. When looking forwards, we look at the next sibling afterwards.
if (mFindBackward) {
} else if (container && container->IsContent()) {
// Text-only range, or pointing to past the end of the node, for example.
nsINode* current = mIterator.GetCurrent();
if (!current) {
const bool kAlreadyMatching = false;
if (!AnalyzeNode(*current, nullptr, kAlreadyMatching, &mFoundBreak)) {
Advance(Initializing::Yes, kAlreadyMatching);
current = mIterator.GetCurrent();
if (!current) {
if (current != container) {
mIterOffset =
mFindBackward ? mStartPoint.StartOffset() : mStartPoint.EndOffset();
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS nsFind::StateRestorer final {
explicit StateRestorer(State& aState)
: mState(aState),
mCurrNode(aState.GetCurrentNode()) {}
~StateRestorer() {
mState.mFoundBreak = mFoundBreak;
mState.mIterOffset = mIterOffset;
if (mCurrNode) {
State& mState;
int32_t mIterOffset;
bool mFoundBreak;
Text* mCurrNode;
nsFind::GetFindBackwards(bool* aFindBackward) {
if (!aFindBackward) {
*aFindBackward = mFindBackward;
return NS_OK;
nsFind::SetFindBackwards(bool aFindBackward) {
mFindBackward = aFindBackward;
return NS_OK;
nsFind::GetCaseSensitive(bool* aCaseSensitive) {
if (!aCaseSensitive) {
*aCaseSensitive = mCaseSensitive;
return NS_OK;
nsFind::SetCaseSensitive(bool aCaseSensitive) {
mCaseSensitive = aCaseSensitive;
return NS_OK;
/* attribute boolean entireWord; */
nsFind::GetEntireWord(bool* aEntireWord) {
if (!aEntireWord) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
*aEntireWord = mEntireWord;
return NS_OK;
nsFind::SetEntireWord(bool aEntireWord) {
mEntireWord = aEntireWord;
return NS_OK;
nsFind::GetMatchDiacritics(bool* aMatchDiacritics) {
if (!aMatchDiacritics) {
*aMatchDiacritics = mMatchDiacritics;
return NS_OK;
nsFind::SetMatchDiacritics(bool aMatchDiacritics) {
mMatchDiacritics = aMatchDiacritics;
return NS_OK;
// Here begins the find code. A ten-thousand-foot view of how it works: Find
// needs to be able to compare across inline (but not block) nodes, e.g. find
// for "abc" should match a<b>b</b>c. So after we've searched a node, we're not
// done with it; in the case of a partial match we may need to reset the
// iterator to go back to a previously visited node, so we always save the
// "match anchor" node and offset.
// Text nodes store their text in an nsTextFragment, which is effectively a
// union of a one-byte string or a two-byte string. Single and double strings
// are intermixed in the dom. We don't have string classes which can deal with
// intermixed strings, so all the handling is done explicitly here.
char32_t nsFind::DecodeChar(const char16_t* t2b, int32_t* index) const {
char32_t c = t2b[*index];
if (mFindBackward) {
if (*index >= 1 && NS_IS_SURROGATE_PAIR(t2b[*index - 1], t2b[*index])) {
c = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(t2b[*index - 1], t2b[*index]);
} else {
if (NS_IS_SURROGATE_PAIR(t2b[*index], t2b[*index + 1])) {
c = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(t2b[*index], t2b[*index + 1]);
return c;
bool nsFind::BreakInBetween(char32_t x, char32_t y) const {
nsAutoStringN<4> text;
AppendUCS4ToUTF16(x, text);
const uint32_t x16Len = text.Length();
AppendUCS4ToUTF16(y, text);
intl::WordBreakIteratorUtf16 iter(text);
return *iter.Seek(x16Len - 1) == x16Len;
char32_t nsFind::PeekNextChar(State& aState, bool aAlreadyMatching) const {
// We need to restore the necessary state before this function returns.
StateRestorer restorer(aState);
while (true) {
const Text* text = aState.GetNextNode(aAlreadyMatching);
if (!text || aState.ForcedBreak()) {
return L'\0';
const nsTextFragment& frag = text->TextFragment();
uint32_t len = frag.GetLength();
if (!len) {
const char16_t* t2b = nullptr;
const char* t1b = nullptr;
if (frag.Is2b()) {
t2b = frag.Get2b();
} else {
t1b = frag.Get1b();
int32_t index = mFindBackward ? len - 1 : 0;
return t1b ? CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(t1b[index]) : DecodeChar(t2b, &index);
#define IsSpace(c) (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(c) || (c) == NBSP_CHARCODE)
#define OVERFLOW_PINDEX (mFindBackward ? pindex < 0 : pindex > patLen)
#define DONE_WITH_PINDEX (mFindBackward ? pindex <= 0 : pindex >= patLen)
// Take nodes out of the tree with NextNode, until null (NextNode will return 0
// at the end of our range).
nsFind::Find(const nsAString& aPatText, nsRange* aSearchRange,
nsRange* aStartPoint, nsRange* aEndPoint, nsRange** aRangeRet) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("============== nsFind::Find('%s'%s, %p, %p, %p)\n",
mFindBackward ? " (backward)" : " (forward)",
(void*)aSearchRange, (void*)aStartPoint, (void*)aEndPoint);
Document* document =
aStartPoint->GetRoot() ? aStartPoint->GetRoot()->OwnerDoc() : nullptr;
Element* root = document->GetRootElement();
*aRangeRet = 0;
nsAutoString patAutoStr(aPatText);
if (!mCaseSensitive) {
if (!mMatchDiacritics) {
// Ignore soft hyphens in the pattern
static const char16_t kShy[] = {CH_SHY, 0};
const char16_t* patStr = patAutoStr.get();
int32_t patLen = patAutoStr.Length() - 1;
// If this function is called with an empty string, we should early exit.
if (patLen < 0) {
return NS_OK;
const int32_t patternStart = mFindBackward ? patLen : 0;
// current offset into the pattern -- reset to beginning/end:
int32_t pindex = patternStart;
// Current offset into the fragment
int32_t findex = 0;
// Direction to move pindex and ptr*
int incr = mFindBackward ? -1 : 1;
const nsTextFragment* frag = nullptr;
int32_t fragLen = 0;
// Pointers into the current fragment:
const char16_t* t2b = nullptr;
const char* t1b = nullptr;
// Keep track of when we're in whitespace:
// (only matters when we're matching)
bool inWhitespace = false;
// Place to save the range start point in case we find a match:
Text* matchAnchorNode = nullptr;
int32_t matchAnchorOffset = 0;
char32_t matchAnchorChar = 0;
// Get the end point, so we know when to end searches:
nsINode* endNode = aEndPoint->GetEndContainer();
uint32_t endOffset = aEndPoint->EndOffset();
char32_t c = 0;
char32_t patc = 0;
char32_t prevCharInMatch = 0;
State state(mFindBackward, *root, *aStartPoint);
Text* current = nullptr;
auto EndPartialMatch = [&]() -> bool {
// If we didn't match, go back to the beginning of patStr, and set findex
// back to the next char after we started the current match.
// There's no need to do this if we're still at the beginning of the pattern
// (this can happen e.g. with whitespace, and prevents exponential
// complexity when scanning a pattern that starts with whitespace).
const bool restart = !!matchAnchorNode && pindex != patternStart;
if (restart) { // we're ending a partial match
findex = matchAnchorOffset;
state.mIterOffset = matchAnchorOffset;
c = matchAnchorChar;
// +incr will be added to findex when we continue
// Are we going back to a previous node?
if (matchAnchorNode != state.GetCurrentNode()) {
frag = nullptr;
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Repositioned anchor node\n");
"Ending a partial match; findex -> %d, mIterOffset -> %d\n", findex,
matchAnchorNode = nullptr;
matchAnchorOffset = 0;
matchAnchorChar = 0;
inWhitespace = false;
prevCharInMatch = 0;
pindex = patternStart;
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Setting findex back to %d, pindex to %d\n", findex,
return restart;
while (true) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Loop (pindex = %d)...\n", pindex);
// If this is our first time on a new node, reset the pointers:
if (!frag) {
current = state.GetNextNode(!!matchAnchorNode);
if (!current) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Reached the end, matching: %d\n", !!matchAnchorNode);
if (EndPartialMatch()) {
return NS_OK;
// We have a new text content. See if we need to force a break due to
// <br>, different blocks or what not.
if (state.ForcedBreak()) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Forced break!\n");
if (EndPartialMatch()) {
// This ensures word breaking thinks it has a new word, which is
// effectively what we want.
c = 0;
frag = &current->TextFragment();
fragLen = frag->GetLength();
// Set our starting point in this node. If we're going back to the anchor
// node, which means that we just ended a partial match, use the saved
// offset:
// FIXME(emilio): How could current ever be the anchor node, if we had not
// seen current so far?
if (current == matchAnchorNode) {
findex = matchAnchorOffset + (mFindBackward ? 1 : 0);
} else if (state.mIterOffset >= 0) {
findex = state.mIterOffset - (mFindBackward ? 1 : 0);
} else {
findex = mFindBackward ? (fragLen - 1) : 0;
// Offset can only apply to the first node:
state.mIterOffset = -1;
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Starting from offset %d of %d\n", findex, fragLen);
// If this is outside the bounds of the string, then skip this node:
if (findex < 0 || findex > fragLen - 1) {
"At the end of a text node -- skipping to the next\n");
frag = nullptr;
if (frag->Is2b()) {
t2b = frag->Get2b();
t1b = nullptr;
nsAutoString str2(t2b, fragLen);
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("2 byte, '%s'\n",
} else {
t1b = frag->Get1b();
t2b = nullptr;
nsAutoCString str1(t1b, fragLen);
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("1 byte, '%s'\n", str1.get());
} else {
// Still on the old node. Advance the pointers, then see if we need to
// pull a new node.
findex += incr;
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Same node -- (%d, %d)\n", pindex, findex);
if (mFindBackward ? (findex < 0) : (findex >= fragLen)) {
"Will need to pull a new node: mAO = %d, frag len=%d\n",
matchAnchorOffset, fragLen);
// Done with this node. Pull a new one.
frag = nullptr;
// Have we gone past the endpoint yet? If we have, and we're not in the
// middle of a match, return.
if (state.GetCurrentNode() == endNode &&
((mFindBackward && findex < static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset)) ||
(!mFindBackward && findex > static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset)))) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Reached the end and not in the middle of a match\n");
return NS_OK;
// Save the previous character for word boundary detection
char32_t prevChar = c;
// The two characters we'll be comparing are c and patc. If not matching
// diacritics, don't leave c set to a combining diacritical mark. (patc is
// already guaranteed to not be a combining diacritical mark.)
c = (t2b ? DecodeChar(t2b, &findex) : CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(t1b[findex]));
if (!mMatchDiacritics && IsCombiningDiacritic(c) &&
!intl::UnicodeProperties::IsMathOrMusicSymbol(prevChar)) {
patc = DecodeChar(patStr, &pindex);
"Comparing '%c'=%#x to '%c'=%#x (%d of %d), findex=%d%s\n", (char)c,
(int)c, (char)patc, (int)patc, pindex, patLen, findex,
inWhitespace ? " (inWhitespace)" : "");
// Do we need to go back to non-whitespace mode? If inWhitespace, then this
// space in the pat str has already matched at least one space in the
// document.
if (inWhitespace && !IsSpace(c)) {
inWhitespace = false;
pindex += incr;
#ifdef DEBUG
// This shouldn't happen -- if we were still matching, and we were at the
// end of the pat string, then we should have caught it in the last
// iteration and returned success.
NS_ASSERTION(false, "Missed a whitespace match");
patc = DecodeChar(patStr, &pindex);
if (!inWhitespace && IsSpace(patc)) {
inWhitespace = true;
} else if (!inWhitespace) {
if (!mCaseSensitive) {
c = ToFoldedCase(c);
if (!mMatchDiacritics) {
c = ToNaked(c);
if (c == CH_SHY) {
// ignore soft hyphens in the document
if (pindex != patternStart && c != patc && !inWhitespace) {
// A non-matching '\n' between CJ characters is ignored
if (c == '\n' && t2b && IS_CJ_CHAR(prevCharInMatch)) {
int32_t nindex = findex + incr;
if (mFindBackward ? (nindex >= 0) : (nindex < fragLen)) {
if (IS_CJ_CHAR(t2b[nindex])) {
// We also ignore ZWSP and other default-ignorable characters.
if (IsDefaultIgnorable(c)) {
// Figure whether the previous char is a word-breaking one,
// if we care about word boundaries.
bool wordBreakPrev = true;
if (mEntireWord && prevChar) {
if (prevChar == NBSP_CHARCODE) {
prevChar = CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(' ');
wordBreakPrev = BreakInBetween(prevChar, c);
// Compare. Match if we're in whitespace and c is whitespace, or if the
// characters match and at least one of the following is true:
// a) we're not matching the entire word
// b) a match has already been stored
// c) the previous character is a different "class" than the current
// character.
if ((c == patc && (!mEntireWord || matchAnchorNode || wordBreakPrev)) ||
(inWhitespace && IsSpace(c))) {
prevCharInMatch = c;
if (inWhitespace) {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("YES (whitespace)(%d of %d)\n", pindex, patLen);
} else {
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("YES! '%c' == '%c' (%d of %d)\n", c, patc, pindex,
// Save the range anchors if we haven't already:
if (!matchAnchorNode) {
matchAnchorNode = state.GetCurrentNode();
matchAnchorOffset = findex;
if (!IS_IN_BMP(c)) {
matchAnchorOffset -= incr;
matchAnchorChar = c;
// Are we done?
// Matched the whole string!
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Found a match!\n");
// Make the range:
// Check for word break (if necessary)
if (mEntireWord || inWhitespace) {
int32_t nextfindex = findex + incr;
char32_t nextChar;
// If still in array boundaries, get nextChar.
if (mFindBackward ? (nextfindex >= 0) : (nextfindex < fragLen)) {
if (t2b) {
nextChar = DecodeChar(t2b, &nextfindex);
} else {
nextChar = CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(t1b[nextfindex]);
} else {
// Get next character from the next node.
nextChar = PeekNextChar(state, !!matchAnchorNode);
if (nextChar == NBSP_CHARCODE) {
nextChar = CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(' ');
// If a word break isn't there when it needs to be, reset search.
if (mEntireWord && nextChar && !BreakInBetween(c, nextChar)) {
matchAnchorNode = nullptr;
if (inWhitespace && IsSpace(nextChar)) {
// If the next character is also an space, keep going, this space
// will collapse.
int32_t matchStartOffset;
int32_t matchEndOffset;
// convert char index to range point:
int32_t mao = matchAnchorOffset + (mFindBackward ? 1 : 0);
Text* startParent;
Text* endParent;
if (mFindBackward) {
startParent = current;
endParent = matchAnchorNode;
matchStartOffset = findex;
matchEndOffset = mao;
} else {
startParent = matchAnchorNode;
endParent = current;
matchStartOffset = mao;
matchEndOffset = findex + 1;
RefPtr<nsRange> range = nsRange::Create(current);
if (startParent && endParent && IsFindableNode(startParent) &&
IsFindableNode(endParent)) {
IgnoredErrorResult rv;
range->SetStart(*startParent, matchStartOffset, rv);
if (!rv.Failed()) {
range->SetEnd(*endParent, matchEndOffset, rv);
if (!rv.Failed()) {
return NS_OK;
// This match is no good, continue on in document
matchAnchorNode = nullptr;
if (matchAnchorNode) {
// Not done, but still matching. Advance and loop around for the next
// characters. But don't advance from a space to a non-space:
if (!inWhitespace || DONE_WITH_PINDEX ||
IsSpace(patStr[pindex + incr])) {
pindex += incr;
inWhitespace = false;
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("Advancing pindex to %d\n", pindex);
DEBUG_FIND_PRINTF("NOT: %c == %c\n", c, patc);