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Test Info:

import json
import sys
import unittest
from os import path
from textwrap import dedent
import mozunit
import toml
import voluptuous
from io import StringIO
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir, path.pardir)
from gen_feature_definitions import (
def make_test_file_path(name):
return path.join(FEATURE_GATES_ROOT_PATH, "test", "python", "data", name + ".toml")
def minimal_definition(**kwargs):
defaults = {
"id": "test-feature",
"title": "Test Feature",
"description": "A feature for testing things",
"bug-numbers": [1479127],
"restart-required": False,
"type": "boolean",
defaults.update(dict([(k.replace("_", "-"), v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]))
return defaults
class TestHyphensToCamelCase(unittest.TestCase):
simple_cases = [
("", ""),
("singleword", "singleword"),
("more-than-one-word", "moreThanOneWord"),
def test_simple_cases(self):
for in_string, out_string in self.simple_cases:
assert hyphens_to_camel_case(in_string) == out_string
class TestExceptionGroup(unittest.TestCase):
def test_str_indentation_of_grouped_lines(self):
errors = [
Exception("single line error 1"),
Exception("single line error 2"),
Exception("multiline\nerror 1"),
Exception("multiline\nerror 2"),
assert str(ExceptionGroup(errors)) == dedent(
There were errors while processing feature definitions:
* single line error 1
* single line error 2
* multiline
error 1
* multiline
error 2"""
class TestFeatureGateException(unittest.TestCase):
def test_str_no_file(self):
error = FeatureGateException("oops")
assert str(error) == "In unknown file: oops"
def test_str_with_file(self):
error = FeatureGateException("oops", filename="some/bad/file.txt")
assert str(error) == 'In file "some/bad/file.txt":\n oops'
def test_repr_no_file(self):
error = FeatureGateException("oops")
assert repr(error) == "FeatureGateException('oops', filename=None)"
def test_repr_with_file(self):
error = FeatureGateException("oops", filename="some/bad/file.txt")
assert (
repr(error) == "FeatureGateException('oops', filename='some/bad/file.txt')"
class TestProcessFiles(unittest.TestCase):
def test_valid_file(self):
filename = make_test_file_path("good")
result = process_files([filename])
assert result == {
"demo-feature": {
"id": "demo-feature",
"title": "Demo Feature",
"description": "A no-op feature to demo the feature gate system.",
"restartRequired": False,
"preference": "",
"type": "boolean",
"bugNumbers": [1479127],
"isPublic": {"default": True},
"defaultValue": {"default": False},
"minimal-feature": {
"id": "minimal-feature",
"title": "Minimal Feature",
"description": "The smallest feature that is valid",
"restartRequired": True,
"preference": "features.minimal-feature.enabled",
"type": "boolean",
"bugNumbers": [1479127],
"isPublic": {"default": False},
"defaultValue": {"default": None},
def test_invalid_toml(self):
filename = make_test_file_path("invalid_toml")
with self.assertRaises(ExceptionGroup) as context:
error_group = context.exception
assert len(error_group.errors) == 1
assert type(error_group.errors[0]) == FeatureGateException
def test_empty_feature(self):
filename = make_test_file_path("empty_feature")
with self.assertRaises(ExceptionGroup) as context:
error_group = context.exception
assert len(error_group.errors) == 1
assert type(error_group.errors[0]) == FeatureGateException
assert "required key not provided" in str(error_group.errors[0])
def test_missing_file(self):
filename = make_test_file_path("file_does_not_exist")
with self.assertRaises(ExceptionGroup) as context:
error_group = context.exception
assert len(error_group.errors) == 1
assert type(error_group.errors[0]) == FeatureGateException
assert "No such file or directory" in str(error_group.errors[0])
class TestFeatureSchema(unittest.TestCase):
def make_test_features(self, *overrides):
if len(overrides) == 0:
overrides = [{}]
features = {}
for override in overrides:
feature = minimal_definition(**override)
feature_id = feature.pop("id")
features[feature_id] = feature
return features
def test_minimal_valid(self):
definition = self.make_test_features()
# should not raise an exception
def test_extra_keys_not_allowed(self):
definition = self.make_test_features({"unexpected_key": "oh no!"})
with self.assertRaises(voluptuous.Error) as context:
assert "extra keys not allowed" in str(context.exception)
def test_required_fields(self):
required_keys = [
for key in required_keys:
definition = self.make_test_features({"id": "test-feature"})
del definition["test-feature"][key]
with self.assertRaises(voluptuous.Error) as context:
assert "required key not provided" in str(context.exception)
assert key in str(context.exception)
def test_nonempty_keys(self):
test_parameters = [("title", ""), ("description", ""), ("bug-numbers", [])]
for key, empty in test_parameters:
definition = self.make_test_features({key: empty})
with self.assertRaises(voluptuous.Error) as context:
assert "length of value must be at least" in str(context.exception)
assert "['{}']".format(key) in str(context.exception)
class ExpandFeatureTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_hyphenation_to_snake_case(self):
feature = minimal_definition()
assert "bug-numbers" in feature
assert "bugNumbers" in expand_feature(feature)
def test_default_value_default(self):
feature = minimal_definition(type="boolean")
assert "default-value" not in feature
assert "defaultValue" not in feature
assert expand_feature(feature)["defaultValue"] == {"default": None}
def test_default_value_override_constant(self):
feature = minimal_definition(type="boolean", default_value=True)
assert expand_feature(feature)["defaultValue"] == {"default": True}
def test_default_value_override_configured_value(self):
feature = minimal_definition(
type="boolean", default_value={"default": False, "nightly": True}
assert expand_feature(feature)["defaultValue"] == {
"default": False,
"nightly": True,
def test_preference_default(self):
feature = minimal_definition(type="boolean")
assert "preference" not in feature
assert expand_feature(feature)["preference"] == "features.test-feature.enabled"
def test_preference_override(self):
feature = minimal_definition(preference="test.feature.a")
assert expand_feature(feature)["preference"] == "test.feature.a"
class ProcessConfiguredValueTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_expands_single_values(self):
for value in [True, False, 2, "features"]:
assert process_configured_value("test", value) == {"default": value}
def test_default_key_is_required(self):
with self.assertRaises(FeatureGateException) as context:
assert process_configured_value("test", {"nightly": True})
assert "has no default" in str(context.exception)
def test_invalid_keys_rejected(self):
with self.assertRaises(FeatureGateException) as context:
assert process_configured_value("test", {"default": True, "bogus": True})
assert "Unexpected target bogus" in str(context.exception)
def test_simple_key(self):
value = {"nightly": True, "default": False}
assert process_configured_value("test", value) == value
def test_compound_keys(self):
value = {"win,nightly": True, "default": False}
assert process_configured_value("test", value) == value
def test_multiple_keys(self):
value = {"win": True, "mac": True, "default": False}
assert process_configured_value("test", value) == value
class MainTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_it_outputs_json(self):
output = StringIO()
filename = make_test_file_path("good")
main(output, filename)
results = json.load(output)
assert results == {
"demo-feature": {
"id": "demo-feature",
"title": "Demo Feature",
"description": "A no-op feature to demo the feature gate system.",
"restartRequired": False,
"preference": "",
"type": "boolean",
"bugNumbers": [1479127],
"isPublic": {"default": True},
"defaultValue": {"default": False},
"minimal-feature": {
"id": "minimal-feature",
"title": "Minimal Feature",
"description": "The smallest feature that is valid",
"restartRequired": True,
"preference": "features.minimal-feature.enabled",
"type": "boolean",
"bugNumbers": [1479127],
"isPublic": {"default": False},
"defaultValue": {"default": None},
def test_it_returns_1_for_errors(self):
output = StringIO()
filename = make_test_file_path("invalid_toml")
assert main(output, filename) == 1
assert output.getvalue() == ""
if __name__ == "__main__":