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/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs";
/** @type {Lazy} */
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
ExtensionTelemetry: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionTelemetry.sys.mjs",
Schemas: "resource://gre/modules/Schemas.sys.mjs",
WebNavigationFrames: "resource://gre/modules/WebNavigationFrames.sys.mjs",
const Timer = Components.Constructor(
const ScriptError = Components.Constructor(
import {
} from "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionChild.sys.mjs";
import { ExtensionCommon } from "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs";
import { ExtensionUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs";
const {
} = ExtensionUtils;
const {
} = ExtensionCommon;
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "isContentScriptProcess", () => {
return (
Services.appinfo.processType === Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT ||
!WebExtensionPolicy.useRemoteWebExtensions ||
// Thunderbird still loads some content in the parent process.
AppConstants.MOZ_APP_NAME == "thunderbird"
var DocumentManager;
const CATEGORY_EXTENSION_SCRIPTS_CONTENT = "webextension-scripts-content";
var apiManager = new (class extends SchemaAPIManager {
constructor() {
super("content", lazy.Schemas);
this.initialized = false;
lazyInit() {
if (!this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true;
for (let { value } of Services.catMan.enumerateCategory(
)) {
const SCRIPT_EXPIRY_TIMEOUT_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000;
const SCRIPT_CLEAR_TIMEOUT_MS = 5 * 1000;
const CSS_EXPIRY_TIMEOUT_MS = 30 * 60 * 1000;
const CSSCODE_EXPIRY_TIMEOUT_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000;
const scriptCaches = new WeakSet();
const sheetCacheDocuments = new DefaultWeakMap(() => new WeakSet());
class CacheMap extends DefaultMap {
constructor(timeout, getter, extension) {
this.expiryTimeout = timeout;
// This ensures that all the cached scripts and stylesheets are deleted
// from the cache and the xpi is no longer actively used.
// See Bug 1435100 for rationale.
extension.once("shutdown", () => {
get(url) {
let promise = super.get(url);
promise.lastUsed =;
if (promise.timer) {
promise.timer = Timer(
this.delete.bind(this, url),
return promise;
delete(url) {
if (this.has(url)) {
return super.delete(url);
clear(timeout = SCRIPT_CLEAR_TIMEOUT_MS) {
let now =;
for (let [url, promise] of this.entries()) {
// Delete the entry if expired or if clear has been called with timeout -1
// (which is used to force the cache to clear all the entries, e.g. when the
// extension is shutting down).
if (timeout === -1 || now - promise.lastUsed >= timeout) {
class ScriptCache extends CacheMap {
constructor(options, extension) {
url => {
/** @type {Promise<PrecompiledScript> & { script?: PrecompiledScript }} */
let promise = ChromeUtils.compileScript(url, options);
promise.then(script => {
promise.script = script;
return promise;
* Shared base class for the two specialized CSS caches:
* CSSCache (for the "url"-based stylesheets) and CSSCodeCache
* (for the stylesheet defined by plain CSS content as a string).
class BaseCSSCache extends CacheMap {
constructor(expiryTimeout, defaultConstructor, extension) {
super(expiryTimeout, defaultConstructor, extension);
addDocument(key, document) {
deleteDocument(key, document) {
delete(key) {
if (this.has(key)) {
let promise = this.get(key);
// Never remove a sheet from the cache if it's still being used by a
// document. Rule processors can be shared between documents with the
// same preloaded sheet, so we only lose by removing them while they're
// still in use.
let docs = ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakSetKeys(
if (docs.length) {
return super.delete(key);
* Cache of the preloaded stylesheet defined by url.
class CSSCache extends BaseCSSCache {
constructor(sheetType, extension) {
url => {
let uri =;
return lazy.styleSheetService
.preloadSheetAsync(uri, sheetType)
.then(sheet => {
return { url, sheet };
* Cache of the preloaded stylesheet defined by plain CSS content as a string,
* the key of the cached stylesheet is the hash of its "CSSCode" string.
class CSSCodeCache extends BaseCSSCache {
constructor(sheetType, extension) {
hash => {
if (!this.has(hash)) {
// Do not allow the getter to be used to lazily create the cached stylesheet,
// the cached CSSCode stylesheet has to be explicitly set.
throw new Error(
"Unexistent cached cssCode stylesheet: " + Error().stack
return super.get(hash);
// Store the preferred sheetType (used to preload the expected stylesheet type in
// the addCSSCode method).
this.sheetType = sheetType;
addCSSCode(hash, cssCode) {
if (this.has(hash)) {
// This cssCode have been already cached, no need to create it again.
// The `webext=style` portion is added metadata to help us distinguish
// different kinds of data URL loads that are triggered with the
// SystemPrincipal. It shall be removed with bug 1699425.
const uri =
"data:text/css;extension=style;charset=utf-8," +
const value = lazy.styleSheetService
.preloadSheetAsync(uri, this.sheetType)
.then(sheet => {
return { sheet, uri };
super.set(hash, value);
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "staticScripts", function () {
return new ScriptCache({ hasReturnValue: false }, this);
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "dynamicScripts", function () {
return new ScriptCache({ hasReturnValue: true }, this);
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "anonStaticScripts", function () {
// TODO bug 1651557: Use dynamic name to improve debugger experience.
const filename = "<anonymous code>";
return new ScriptCache({ filename, hasReturnValue: false }, this);
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "anonDynamicScripts", function () {
// TODO bug 1651557: Use dynamic name to improve debugger experience.
const filename = "<anonymous code>";
return new ScriptCache({ filename, hasReturnValue: true }, this);
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "userCSS", function () {
return new CSSCache(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.USER_SHEET, this);
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "authorCSS", function () {
return new CSSCache(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.AUTHOR_SHEET, this);
// These two caches are similar to the above but specialized to cache the cssCode
// using an hash computed from the cssCode string as the key (instead of the generated data
// URI which can be pretty long for bigger injected cssCode).
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "userCSSCode", function () {
return new CSSCodeCache(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.USER_SHEET, this);
defineLazyGetter(ExtensionChild.prototype, "authorCSSCode", function () {
return new CSSCodeCache(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.AUTHOR_SHEET, this);
* This is still an ExtensionChild, but with the properties added above.
* Unfortunately we can't express that using just JSDocs types locally,
* so this needs to be used with `& ExtensionChild` explicitly below.
* @typedef {object} ExtensionChildContent
* @property {ScriptCache} staticScripts
* @property {ScriptCache} dynamicScripts
* @property {ScriptCache} anonStaticScripts
* @property {ScriptCache} anonDynamicScripts
* @property {CSSCache} userCSS
* @property {CSSCache} authorCSS
* @property {CSSCodeCache} userCSSCode
* @property {CSSCodeCache} authorCSSCode
// Represents a content script.
class Script {
* @param {ExtensionChild & ExtensionChildContent} extension
* @param {WebExtensionContentScript|object} matcher
* An object with a "matchesWindowGlobal" method and content script
* execution details. This is usually a plain WebExtensionContentScript
* except when the script is run via `tabs.executeScript` or
* `scripting.executeScript`. In this case, the object may have some
* extra properties: wantReturnValue, removeCSS, cssOrigin
constructor(extension, matcher) {
this.scriptType = "content_script";
this.extension = extension;
this.matcher = matcher;
this.runAt = this.matcher.runAt; =;
this.js = this.matcher.jsPaths;
this.jsCode = null; // tabs/scripting.executeScript + ISOLATED world.
this.jsCodeCompiledScript = null; // scripting.executeScript + MAIN world.
this.css = this.matcher.cssPaths.slice();
this.cssCodeHash = null;
this.removeCSS = this.matcher.removeCSS;
this.cssOrigin = this.matcher.cssOrigin;
this.cssCache =
extension[this.cssOrigin === "user" ? "userCSS" : "authorCSS"];
this.cssCodeCache =
extension[this.cssOrigin === "user" ? "userCSSCode" : "authorCSSCode"];
if ( === "MAIN") {
this.scriptCache = matcher.wantReturnValue
? extension.anonDynamicScripts
: extension.anonStaticScripts;
} else {
this.scriptCache = matcher.wantReturnValue
? extension.dynamicScripts
: extension.staticScripts;
/** @type {WeakSet<Document>} A set of documents injected into. */
this.injectedInto = new WeakSet();
if (matcher.wantReturnValue) {
get requiresCleanup() {
return !this.removeCSS && (!!this.css.length || this.cssCodeHash);
async addCSSCode(cssCode) {
if (!cssCode) {
// Store the hash of the cssCode.
const buffer = await crypto.subtle.digest(
new TextEncoder().encode(cssCode)
this.cssCodeHash = String.fromCharCode( Uint16Array(buffer));
// Cache and preload the cssCode stylesheet.
this.cssCodeCache.addCSSCode(this.cssCodeHash, cssCode);
addJSCode(jsCode) {
if (!jsCode) {
if ( === "MAIN") {
// To support the scripting.executeScript API, we would like to execute a
// string in the context of the web page in #injectIntoMainWorld().
// To do so without being blocked by the web page's CSP, we convert
// jsCode to a PrecompiledScript, which is then executed by the logic
// that is usually used for file-based execution.
const dataUrl = `data:text/javascript,${encodeURIComponent(jsCode)}`;
const options = {
hasReturnValue: this.matcher.wantReturnValue,
// Redact the file name to hide actual script content from web pages.
// TODO bug 1651557: Use dynamic name to improve debugger experience.
filename: "<anonymous code>",
// Note: this logic is similar to this.scriptCaches.get(...), but we are
// not using scriptCaches because we don't want the URL to be cached.
/** @type {Promise<PrecompiledScript> & {script?: PrecompiledScript}} */
let promised = ChromeUtils.compileScript(dataUrl, options);
promised.then(script => {
promised.script = script;
this.jsCodeCompiledScript = promised;
} else {
// === "ISOLATED".
this.jsCode = jsCode;
compileScripts() {
return => this.scriptCache.get(url));
loadCSS() {
return => this.cssCache.get(url));
preload() {
cleanup(window) {
if (this.requiresCleanup) {
if (window) {
let { windowUtils } = window;
let type =
this.cssOrigin === "user"
? windowUtils.USER_SHEET
: windowUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET;
for (let url of this.css) {
this.cssCache.deleteDocument(url, window.document);
if (!window.closed) {
const { cssCodeHash } = this;
if (cssCodeHash && this.cssCodeCache.has(cssCodeHash)) {
if (!window.closed) {
this.cssCodeCache.get(cssCodeHash).then(({ uri }) => {
runSafeSyncWithoutClone(windowUtils.removeSheet, uri, type);
this.cssCodeCache.deleteDocument(cssCodeHash, window.document);
// Clear any sheets that were kept alive past their timeout as
// a result of living in this document.
matchesWindowGlobal(windowGlobal, ignorePermissions) {
return this.matcher.matchesWindowGlobal(windowGlobal, ignorePermissions);
async injectInto(window, reportExceptions = true) {
if (
!lazy.isContentScriptProcess ||
) {
let context = this.extension.getContext(window);
for (let script of this.matcher.jsPaths) {
context.logActivity(this.scriptType, script, {
url: window.location.href,
try {
// In case of initial about:blank documents, inject immediately without
// awaiting the runAt logic in the blocks below, to avoid getting stuck
// This is only relevant for dynamic code execution because declarative
// content scripts do not run on initial about:blank - bug 1415539).
if (!window.document.isInitialDocument) {
if (this.runAt === "document_end") {
await promiseDocumentReady(window.document);
} else if (this.runAt === "document_idle") {
await Promise.race([
return this.inject(context, reportExceptions);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(context.normalizeError(e));
* Tries to inject this script into the given window and sandbox, if
* there are pending operations for the window's current load state.
* @param {ContentScriptContextChild} context
* The content script context into which to inject the scripts.
* @param {boolean} reportExceptions
* Defaults to true and reports any exception directly to the console
* and no exception will be thrown out of this function.
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* Resolves to the last value in the evaluated script, when
* execution is complete.
async inject(context, reportExceptions = true) {
// NOTE: Avoid unnecessary use of "await" in this function, because doing
// so can delay script execution beyond the scheduled point. In particular,
// document_start scripts should run "immediately" in most cases.
if (this.requiresCleanup) {
const { cssCodeHash } = this;
let cssPromise;
if (this.css.length || cssCodeHash) {
let window = context.contentWindow;
let { windowUtils } = window;
let type =
this.cssOrigin === "user"
? windowUtils.USER_SHEET
: windowUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET;
if (this.removeCSS) {
for (let url of this.css) {
this.cssCache.deleteDocument(url, window.document);
if (cssCodeHash && this.cssCodeCache.has(cssCodeHash)) {
const { uri } = await this.cssCodeCache.get(cssCodeHash);
this.cssCodeCache.deleteDocument(cssCodeHash, window.document);
runSafeSyncWithoutClone(windowUtils.removeSheet, uri, type);
} else {
cssPromise = Promise.all(this.loadCSS()).then(sheets => {
let window = context.contentWindow;
if (!window) {
for (let { url, sheet } of sheets) {
this.cssCache.addDocument(url, window.document);
runSafeSyncWithoutClone(windowUtils.addSheet, sheet, type);
if (cssCodeHash) {
cssPromise = cssPromise.then(async () => {
const { sheet } = await this.cssCodeCache.get(cssCodeHash);
this.cssCodeCache.addDocument(cssCodeHash, window.document);
runSafeSyncWithoutClone(windowUtils.addSheet, sheet, type);
// We're loading stylesheets via the stylesheet service, which means
// that the normal mechanism for blocking layout and onload for pending
// stylesheets aren't in effect (since there's no document to block). So
// we need to do something custom here, similar to what we do for
// scripts. Blocking parsing is overkill, since we really just want to
// block layout and onload. But we have an API to do the former and not
// the latter, so we do it that way. This hopefully isn't a performance
// problem since there are no network loads involved, and since we cache
// the stylesheets on first load. We should fix this up if it does becomes
// a problem.
if (this.css.length) {
context.contentWindow.document.blockParsing(cssPromise, {
blockScriptCreated: false,
let scripts = this.getCompiledScripts(context);
if (scripts instanceof Promise) {
// Note: in theory, the following async await could result in script
// execution being scheduled too late. That would be an issue for
// document_start scripts. In practice, this is not a problem because the
// compiled script is cached in the process, and preloading to compile
// starts as soon as the network request for the document has been
// received (see ExtensionPolicyService::CheckRequest).
// getCompiledScripts() uses blockParsing() for document_start scripts to
// ensure that the DOM remains blocked when scripts are still compiling.
scripts = await scripts;
if (cssPromise) {
// Make sure we've injected any related CSS before we run content scripts.
await cssPromise;
const { extension } = context;
// The evaluations below may throw, in which case the promise will be
// automatically rejected.
try {
if ( === "MAIN") {
return this.#injectIntoMainWorld(context, scripts, reportExceptions);
if ( === "USER_SCRIPT") {
return this.#injectIntoUserScriptWorld(
return this.#injectIntoIsolatedWorld(context, scripts, reportExceptions);
} finally {
#injectIntoIsolatedWorld(context, scripts, reportExceptions) {
let result;
// Note: every script execution can potentially destroy the context, in
// which case context.cloneScope becomes null (bug 1403505).
for (let script of scripts) {
result = script.executeInGlobal(context.cloneScope, { reportExceptions });
if (this.jsCode) {
result = Cu.evalInSandbox(
// TODO bug 1651557: Use dynamic name to improve debugger experience.
"sandbox eval code",
return result;
#injectIntoUserScriptWorld(context, scripts, reportExceptions) {
let worldId = this.matcher.worldId;
let sandbox = lazy.ExtensionUserScriptsContent.sandboxFor(context, worldId);
let result;
// Note: every script execution can potentially destroy the context or
// navigate the window, in which case will be false.
for (let script of scripts) {
if (! {
// Return instead of throw, to avoid logspam like bug 1403505.
result = script.executeInGlobal(sandbox, { reportExceptions });
// NOTE: if userScripts.execute() is implemented (bug 1930776), we may have
// to account for this.jsCode here (via addJSCode).
return result;
#injectIntoMainWorld(context, scripts, reportExceptions) {
let result;
// Note: every script execution can potentially destroy the context or
// navigate the window, in which case context.contentWindow will be null,
// which would cause an error to be thrown (bug 1403505).
for (let script of scripts) {
result = script.executeInGlobal(context.contentWindow, {
// Note: string-based code execution (=our implementation of func+args in
// scripting.executeScript) is not handled here, because we compile it in
// addJSCode() and include it in the scripts array via getCompiledScripts().
// We cannot use context.contentWindow.eval() here because the web page's
// CSP may block it.
return result;
* Get the compiled scripts (if they are already precompiled and cached) or a promise which resolves
* to the precompiled scripts (once they have been compiled and cached).
* @param {ContentScriptContextChild} context
* The document to block the parsing on, if the scripts are not yet precompiled and cached.
* @returns {PrecompiledScript[] | Promise<PrecompiledScript[]>}
* Returns an array of preloaded scripts if they are already available, or a promise which
* resolves to the array of the preloaded scripts once they are precompiled and cached.
getCompiledScripts(context) {
let scriptPromises = this.compileScripts();
if (this.jsCodeCompiledScript) {
let scripts = => promise.script);
// If not all scripts are already available in the cache, block
// parsing and wait all promises to resolve.
if (!scripts.every(script => script)) {
let promise = Promise.all(scriptPromises);
// If there is any syntax error, the script promises will be rejected.
// Notify the exception directly to the console so that it can
// be displayed in the web console by flagging the error with the right
// innerWindowID.
for (const p of scriptPromises) {
p.catch(error => {
new ScriptError(
"content javascript",
// If we're supposed to inject at the start of the document load,
// and we haven't already missed that point, block further parsing
// until the scripts have been loaded.
const { document } = context.contentWindow;
if (
this.runAt === "document_start" &&
document.readyState !== "complete"
) {
document.blockParsing(promise, { blockScriptCreated: false });
return promise;
return scripts;
// Represents a user script.
class UserScript extends Script {
* @param {ExtensionChild & ExtensionChildContent} extension
* @param {WebExtensionContentScript|object} matcher
* An object with a "matchesWindowGlobal" method and content script
* execution details.
constructor(extension, matcher) {
super(extension, matcher);
this.scriptType = "user_script";
// This is an opaque object that the extension provides, it is associated to
// the particular userScript and it is passed as a parameter to the custom
// userScripts APIs defined by the extension.
this.scriptMetadata = matcher.userScriptOptions.scriptMetadata;
this.apiScriptURL =
extension.manifest.user_scripts &&
// Add the apiScript to the js scripts to compile.
if (this.apiScriptURL) {
this.js = [this.apiScriptURL].concat(this.js);
// WeakMap<ContentScriptContextChild, Sandbox>
this.sandboxes = new DefaultWeakMap(context => {
return this.createSandbox(context);
async inject(context) {
let scripts = this.getCompiledScripts(context);
if (scripts instanceof Promise) {
scripts = await scripts;
let apiScript, sandboxScripts;
if (this.apiScriptURL) {
[apiScript, ...sandboxScripts] = scripts;
} else {
sandboxScripts = scripts;
// Load and execute the API script once per context.
if (apiScript) {
let userScriptSandbox = this.sandboxes.get(context);
close: () => {
// Destroy the userScript sandbox when the related ContentScriptContextChild instance
// is being closed.
// Notify listeners subscribed to the userScripts.onBeforeScript API event,
// to allow extension API script to provide its custom APIs to the userScript.
if (apiScript) {
for (let script of sandboxScripts) {
createSandbox(context) {
const { contentWindow } = context;
const contentPrincipal = contentWindow.document.nodePrincipal;
const ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager;
let principal;
if (contentPrincipal.isSystemPrincipal) {
principal = ssm.createNullPrincipal(contentPrincipal.originAttributes);
} else {
principal = [contentPrincipal];
const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(principal, {
sandboxName: `User Script registered by ${this.extension.policy.debugName}`,
sandboxPrototype: contentWindow,
sameZoneAs: contentWindow,
wantXrays: true,
wantGlobalProperties: ["XMLHttpRequest", "fetch", "WebSocket"],
originAttributes: contentPrincipal.originAttributes,
metadata: {
"browser-id": context.browserId,
"inner-window-id": context.innerWindowID,
return sandbox;
var contentScripts = new DefaultWeakMap(matcher => {
const extension = lazy.ExtensionProcessScript.extensions.get(
if ("userScriptOptions" in matcher) {
return new UserScript(extension, matcher);
return new Script(extension, matcher);
* An execution context for semi-privileged extension content scripts.
* This is the child side of the ContentScriptContextParent class
* defined in ExtensionParent.sys.mjs.
class ContentScriptContextChild extends BaseContext {
constructor(extension, contentWindow) {
super("content_child", extension);
let frameId = lazy.WebNavigationFrames.getFrameId(contentWindow);
this.frameId = frameId;
this.browsingContextId =;
this.scripts = [];
let contentPrincipal = contentWindow.document.nodePrincipal;
let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager;
// Copy origin attributes from the content window origin attributes to
// preserve the user context id.
let attrs = contentPrincipal.originAttributes;
let extensionPrincipal = ssm.createContentPrincipal(
this.isExtensionPage = contentPrincipal.equals(extensionPrincipal);
if (this.isExtensionPage) {
// This is an iframe with content script API enabled and its principal
// should be the contentWindow itself. We create a sandbox with the
// contentWindow as principal and with X-rays disabled because it
// enables us to create the APIs object in this sandbox object and then
// copying it into the iframe's window. See bug 1214658.
this.sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(contentWindow, {
sandboxName: `Web-Accessible Extension Page ${extension.policy.debugName}`,
sandboxPrototype: contentWindow,
sameZoneAs: contentWindow,
wantXrays: false,
isWebExtensionContentScript: true,
} else {
let principal;
if (contentPrincipal.isSystemPrincipal) {
// Make sure we don't hand out the system principal by accident.
// Also make sure that the null principal has the right origin attributes.
principal = ssm.createNullPrincipal(attrs);
} else {
principal = [contentPrincipal, extensionPrincipal];
// This metadata is required by the Developer Tools, in order for
// the content script to be associated with both the extension and
// the tab holding the content page.
let metadata = {
"browser-id": this.browserId,
"inner-window-id": this.innerWindowID,
addonId: extensionPrincipal.addonId,
let isMV2 = extension.manifestVersion == 2;
let wantGlobalProperties;
let sandboxContentSecurityPolicy;
if (isMV2) {
// In MV2, fetch/XHR support cross-origin requests.
// WebSocket was also included to avoid CSP effects (bug 1676024).
wantGlobalProperties = ["XMLHttpRequest", "fetch", "WebSocket"];
} else {
// In MV3, fetch/XHR have the same capabilities as the web page.
wantGlobalProperties = [];
// In MV3, the base CSP is enforced for content scripts. Overrides are
// currently not supported, but this was considered at some point, see
sandboxContentSecurityPolicy = extension.policy.baseCSP;
this.sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(principal, {
sandboxName: `Content Script ${extension.policy.debugName}`,
sandboxPrototype: contentWindow,
sameZoneAs: contentWindow,
wantXrays: true,
isWebExtensionContentScript: true,
wantExportHelpers: true,
originAttributes: attrs,
// Preserve a copy of the original Error and Promise globals from the sandbox object,
// which are used in the WebExtensions internals (before any content script code had
// any chance to redefine them).
this.cloneScopePromise = this.sandbox.Promise;
this.cloneScopeError = this.sandbox.Error;
if (isMV2) {
// Preserve a copy of the original window's XMLHttpRequest and fetch
// in a content object (fetch is manually binded to the window
// to prevent it from raising a TypeError because content object is not
// a real window).
this.content = {
XMLHttpRequest: window.XMLHttpRequest,
fetch: window.fetch.bind(window),
WebSocket: window.WebSocket,
window.JSON = JSON;
window.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
window.fetch = fetch;
window.WebSocket = WebSocket;
} else {
// The sandbox's JSON API can deal with values from the sandbox and the
// contentWindow, but window.JSON cannot (and it could potentially be
// spoofed by the web page). jQuery.parseJSON relies on window.JSON.
Cu.evalInSandbox("window.JSON = JSON;", this.sandbox);
Object.defineProperty(this, "principal", {
value: Cu.getObjectPrincipal(this.sandbox),
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
this.url = contentWindow.location.href;
() => this.chromeObj
lazy.Schemas.exportLazyGetter(this.sandbox, "chrome", () => this.chromeObj);
// Keep track if the userScript API script has been already executed in this context
// (e.g. because there are more then one UserScripts that match the related webpage
// and so the UserScript apiScript has already been executed).
this.hasUserScriptAPIs = false;
// A lazy created EventEmitter related to userScripts-specific events.
defineLazyGetter(this, "userScriptsEvents", () => {
return new ExtensionCommon.EventEmitter();
injectAPI() {
if (!this.isExtensionPage) {
throw new Error("Cannot inject extension API into non-extension window");
// This is an iframe with content script API enabled (See Bug 1214658)
() => this.chromeObj
() => this.chromeObj
async logActivity(type, name, data) {
ExtensionActivityLogChild.log(this, type, name, data);
get cloneScope() {
return this.sandbox;
async executeAPIScript(apiScript) {
// Execute the UserScript apiScript only once per context (e.g. more then one UserScripts
// match the same webpage and the apiScript has already been executed).
if (apiScript && !this.hasUserScriptAPIs) {
this.hasUserScriptAPIs = true;
addScript(script) {
if (script.requiresCleanup) {
close() {
// Cleanup the scripts even if the contentWindow have been destroyed.
for (let script of this.scripts) {
if (this.contentWindow) {
// Overwrite the content script APIs with an empty object if the APIs objects are still
// defined in the content window (See Bug 1214658).
if (this.isExtensionPage) {
Cu.createObjectIn(this.contentWindow, { defineAs: "browser" });
Cu.createObjectIn(this.contentWindow, { defineAs: "chrome" });
Services.obs.notifyObservers(this.sandbox, "content-script-destroyed");
this.sandbox = null;
get childManager() {
let can = new CanOfAPIs(this, apiManager, {});
let childManager = new ChildAPIManager(this, this.messageManager, can, {
envType: "content_parent",
url: this.url,
return redefineGetter(this, "childManager", childManager);
get chromeObj() {
let chromeObj = Cu.createObjectIn(this.sandbox);
return redefineGetter(this, "chromeObj", chromeObj);
get messenger() {
return redefineGetter(this, "messenger", new Messenger(this));
// Responsible for creating ExtensionContexts and injecting content
// scripts into them when new documents are created.
DocumentManager = {
/** @type {Map<number, Map<ExtensionChild, ContentScriptContextChild>>} */
contexts: new Map(),
initialized: false,
lazyInit() {
if (this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true;
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "memory-pressure");
uninit() {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "memory-pressure");
observers: {
"inner-window-destroyed"(subject) {
let windowId = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data;
// Close any existent content-script context for the destroyed window.
if (this.contexts.has(windowId)) {
let extensions = this.contexts.get(windowId);
for (let context of extensions.values()) {
"memory-pressure"(subject, topic, data) {
let timeout = data === "heap-minimize" ? 0 : undefined;
for (let cache of ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakSetKeys(
)) {
* @param {object} subject
* @param {keyof typeof DocumentManager.observers} topic
* @param {any} data
observe(subject, topic, data) {
this.observers[topic].call(this, subject, topic, data);
shutdownExtension(extension) {
for (let extensions of this.contexts.values()) {
let context = extensions.get(extension);
if (context) {
getContexts(window) {
let winId = getInnerWindowID(window);
let extensions = this.contexts.get(winId);
if (!extensions) {
extensions = new Map();
this.contexts.set(winId, extensions);
return extensions;
// For test use only.
getContext(extensionId, window) {
for (let [extension, context] of this.getContexts(window)) {
if ( === extensionId) {
return context;
getAllContentScriptGlobals() {
const sandboxes = [];
for (let extensions of this.contexts.values()) {
for (let ctx of extensions.values()) {
return sandboxes;
initExtensionContext(extension, window) {
export var ExtensionContent = {
shutdownExtension(extension) {
// This helper is exported to be integrated in the devtools RDP actors,
// that can use it to retrieve all the existent WebExtensions ContentScripts
// running in the current content process and be able to show the
// ContentScripts source in the DevTools Debugger panel.
getAllContentScriptGlobals() {
return DocumentManager.getAllContentScriptGlobals();
initExtensionContext(extension, window) {
DocumentManager.initExtensionContext(extension, window);
getContext(extension, window) {
let extensions = DocumentManager.getContexts(window);
let context = extensions.get(extension);
if (!context) {
context = new ContentScriptContextChild(extension, window);
extensions.set(extension, context);
return context;
// For test use only.
getContextByExtensionId(extensionId, window) {
return DocumentManager.getContext(extensionId, window);
async handleDetectLanguage({ windows }) {
let wgc = WindowGlobalChild.getByInnerWindowId(windows[0]);
let doc = wgc.browsingContext.window.document;
await promiseDocumentReady(doc);
// The CLD2 library can analyze HTML, but that uses more memory, and
// emscripten can't shrink its heap, so we use plain text instead.
let encoder = Cu.createDocumentEncoder("text/plain");
encoder.init(doc, "text/plain", Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder.SkipInvisibleContent);
let result = await lazy.LanguageDetector.detectLanguage({
doc.documentElement.getAttribute("xml:lang") ||
doc.documentElement.getAttribute("lang") ||
doc.contentLanguage ||
tld: doc.location.hostname.match(/[a-z]*$/)[0],
text: encoder.encodeToStringWithMaxLength(60 * 1024),
encoding: doc.characterSet,
return result.language === "un" ? "und" : result.language;
// Activate MV3 content scripts in all same-origin frames for this tab.
handleActivateScripts({ options, windows }) {
let policy = WebExtensionPolicy.getByID(;
// Order content scripts by run_at timing.
let runAt = { document_start: [], document_end: [], document_idle: [] };
for (let matcher of policy.contentScripts) {
// If we got here, checks in TabManagerBase.activateScripts assert:
// 1) this is a MV3 extension, with Origin Controls,
// 2) with a host permission (or content script) for the tab's top origin,
// 3) and that host permission hasn't been granted yet.
// We treat the action click as implicit user's choice to activate the
// extension on the current site, so we can safely run (matching) content
// scripts in all sameOriginWithTop frames while ignoring host permission.
let { browsingContext } = WindowGlobalChild.getByInnerWindowId(windows[0]);
for (let bc of browsingContext.getAllBrowsingContextsInSubtree()) {
let wgc = bc.currentWindowContext.windowGlobalChild;
if (wgc?.sameOriginWithTop) {
// This is TOCTOU safe: if a frame navigated after same-origin check,
// wgc.isClosed would be true and .matchesWindowGlobal() would fail.
const runScript = cs => {
if (cs.matchesWindowGlobal(wgc, /* ignorePermissions */ true)) {
return cs.injectInto(bc.window);
// Inject all matching content scripts in proper run_at order.
.then(() => Promise.all(
.then(() => Promise.all(;
// Used to executeScript, insertCSS and removeCSS.
async handleActorExecute({ options, windows }) {
let policy = WebExtensionPolicy.getByID(options.extensionId);
// `WebExtensionContentScript` uses `MozDocumentMatcher::Matches` to ensure
// that a script can be run in a document. That requires either `frameId`
// or `allFrames` to be set. When `frameIds` (plural) is used, we force
// `allFrames` to be `true` in order to match any frame. This is OK because
// `executeInWin()` below looks up the window for the given `frameIds`
// immediately before `script.injectInto()`. Due to this, we won't run
// scripts in windows with non-matching `frameId`, despite `allFrames`
// being set to `true`.
if (options.frameIds) {
options.allFrames = true;
let matcher = new WebExtensionContentScript(policy, options);
Object.assign(matcher, {
wantReturnValue: options.wantReturnValue,
removeCSS: options.removeCSS,
cssOrigin: options.cssOrigin,
let script = contentScripts.get(matcher);
if (options.jsCode) {
delete options.jsCode;
// Add the cssCode to the script, so that it can be converted into a cached URL.
await script.addCSSCode(options.cssCode);
delete options.cssCode;
const executeInWin = innerId => {
let wg = WindowGlobalChild.getByInnerWindowId(innerId);
if (wg?.isCurrentGlobal && script.matchesWindowGlobal(wg)) {
let bc = wg.browsingContext;
return {
frameId: bc.parent ? : 0,
// Disable exception reporting directly to the console
// in order to pass the exceptions back to the callsite.
promise: script.injectInto(bc.window, false),
let promisesWithFrameIds = => obj);
let result = await Promise.all( ({ frameId, promise }) => {
if (!options.returnResultsWithFrameIds) {
return promise;
try {
const result = await promise;
return { frameId, result };
} catch (error) {
return { frameId, error };
// This is useful when we do not return results/errors with frame IDs in
// the promises above.
e => Promise.reject({ message: e.message })
try {
// Check if the result can be structured-cloned before sending back.
return Cu.cloneInto(result, this);
} catch (e) {
let path = options.jsPaths.slice(-1)[0] ?? "<anonymous code>";
let message = `Script '${path}' result is non-structured-clonable data`;
return Promise.reject({ message, fileName: path });
* Child side of the ExtensionContent process actor, handles some tabs.* APIs.
export class ExtensionContentChild extends JSProcessActorChild {
receiveMessage({ name, data }) {
if (!lazy.isContentScriptProcess) {
switch (name) {
case "DetectLanguage":
return ExtensionContent.handleDetectLanguage(data);
case "Execute":
return ExtensionContent.handleActorExecute(data);
case "ActivateScripts":
return ExtensionContent.handleActivateScripts(data);