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<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
function is(a, b, msg) {
if (!, b)) {
throw new Error(`FAIL: expected ${b} got ${a} - ${msg}`);
function isNotAllowedException(ex) {
return /NS_ERROR_CONTENT_BLOCKED/.test(ex.toString()) ||
/DataError/.test(ex.toString()) ||
async function checkReadHelper(readResult, gotNotAllowedException, isReadTextTest) {
// Set by injected JS in the test
let pasteAllowed = document.getElementById("pasteAllowed").checked;
let plainTextOnly = document.getElementById("plainTextOnly").checked;
let contentAnalysisReturnsError = document.getElementById("contentAnalysisReturnsError").checked;
pasteAllowed = pasteAllowed && !contentAnalysisReturnsError;
is(gotNotAllowedException, !pasteAllowed && isReadTextTest, "Should get exception from readText() if not allowed");
if (isReadTextTest) {
is(readResult, pasteAllowed ? "Some plain text" : null, "Should get expected text from clipboard.readText()");
else {
is(readResult.length, 1, "check number of ClipboardItems in response");
is(readResult[0].types.length, 2, "check number of types in ClipboardItem");
let text = null;
let gotNotAllowedException = false;
try {
let textBlob = await readResult[0].getType("text/plain");
text = await textBlob.text();
} catch (ex) {
gotNotAllowedException = isNotAllowedException(ex);
is(gotNotAllowedException, !pasteAllowed, "should get exception from reading text data when blocked");
if (pasteAllowed) {
is(text, "Some plain text", "check text/plain data");
// even if we're in plainTextOnly mode
let htmlPasteAllowed = pasteAllowed || plainTextOnly;
let html = null;
let gotNotAllowedException = false;
try {
let htmlBlob = await readResult[0].getType("text/html");
html = await htmlBlob.text();
} catch (ex) {
gotNotAllowedException = isNotAllowedException(ex);
is(gotNotAllowedException, !htmlPasteAllowed, "should get exception from reading html data when blocked");
if (htmlPasteAllowed) {
const CLIPBOARD_HTML_STRING = "<b>Some HTML</b>";
let expectedHtml = navigator.platform.includes("Win")
? `<html><body>\n<!--StartFragment-->${CLIPBOARD_HTML_STRING}<!--EndFragment-->\n</body>\n</html>`
is(html, expectedHtml, "check text/html data");
return true;
document.addEventListener("teststart", async e => {
let isReadTextTest = e.detail.testType == "readText";
let gotNotAllowedException = false;
let readResult = null;
try {
let readPromise = isReadTextTest ? navigator.clipboard.readText() :;
readResult = await readPromise;
} catch (ex) {
gotNotAllowedException = isNotAllowedException(ex);
let result = null;
try {
result = checkReadHelper(readResult, gotNotAllowedException, isReadTextTest);
} catch (ex) {
result = ex.toString();
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('testresult', {
detail: { result }
<label for="pasteAllowed">Paste allowed?</label><input id="pasteAllowed" type="checkbox">
<label for="plainTextOnly">Plain text only?</label><input id="plainTextOnly" type="checkbox">
<label for="contentAnalysisReturnsError">Content Analysis returns error?</label><input id="contentAnalysisReturnsError" type="checkbox">