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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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about-inference-title = Inference Manager
about-inference-header = ✨ Inference Manager
about-inference-description = This page gathers all information about local inference
about-inference-warning = is set to False !
about-inference-simd-supported = SIMD supported
about-inference-onnx-runtime-file = ONNX Runtime file
about-inference-downloads-description = You can delete models here to free up disk space. They will be downloaded again on first inference.
about-inference-delete-button = ❌
.title = Delete model
about-inference-processes-title = Running Inference Processes
about-inference-models-title = Models downloaded
about-inference-yes = Yes
about-inference-no = No
about-inference-total = Total
about-inference-no-processes = No inference processes are running.
about-inference-memory = Memory
about-inference-pid = PID
about-inference-file = File
about-inference-size = Size
about-inference-learn-more = Learn more about the platform here.