Name Description Size
app.css background: #f5f5f5; 10576
buildComplex.js Builds the complex version of TodoMVC. @param {Object} options - The options for building the complex version. @param {string} options.callerDirectory - The directory of the caller. @param {string} options.sourceDirectory - The directory of the source files. @param {string} options.title - The title of the generated HTML file. @param {string[]} options.filesToMove - An array of file paths to move to the dist directory. @param {string} options.cssFilePath - The path to the CSS file. @param {string} [options.cssFolder=""] - The folder where the CSS file is located. @param {RegExp} [options.cssFileNamePattern - The css file name pattern is used to find the css file in the source dist directory. @param {string[]} options.extraCssToLink=[] - An array of extra CSS files to link. @param {string[]} options.scriptsToLink=[] - An array of scripts to link. @param {string} options.targetDirectory="./dist" - The target directory. @param {string} options.complexDomHtmlFile="index.html" - The name of the complex HTML file. @param {string} options.todoHtmlFile="index.html" - The name of the todo HTML file. @param {string[]} options.cssFilesToAddLinksFor=["big-dom.css"] - An array of CSS files to add links for. @param {string} options.standaloneDirectory - The directory of the TodoMVC standalone version. @param {string} options.complexDirectory - The directory of the TodoMVC complex version. 7075
createVariant.js Create a variant of big-dom.css by adding a property that creates a CSS stacking context for the overflow scroller (<div class="tree-area">) to trigger different code paths related to scrolling in browsers. 840