Source code

Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

## Description
Lots of people edit text content in the browser. Lots of that content, like WYSIWYG content or code, is too rich or complex to represent well with a `<textarea>`. Sites typically rely on advanced editor libraries for this, and we should make sure browsers perform well at common patterns used by them.
## Screenshot
## What are we testing
- Basic DOM and editing
- Virtualization (DOM content changing during scroll)
- Basic flex layout with SVG icons
## How are we testing
The test simulates a real-world user flow by loading a number of popular editor libraries. After the initial load is complete, the following steps are timed:
- Setting to a fairly large value
- "Formatting" the text - in code editors this means turning on syntax highlighting, and in WYSISWYG this means bolding all of the contents
- Scrolling to the bottom of the editor
## Developer Documentation
The app was created with `npm create vite@latest editors`, and can be previewed with `npm run dev`. In order to update the files run in the harness you have to use `npm run build` which will recreate the `dist/` directory.
The built test can be loaded within the harness using i.e. http://localhost:7000/?suite=Editor-CodeMirror&startAutomatically=true, or the static versions at http://localhost:7000/resources/editors/dist/.