Source code
Revision control
Copy as Markdown
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use alloc::{string::String, vec, vec::Vec};
use core::{ptr, sync::atomic::Ordering, time::Duration};
use core::sync::atomic::AtomicU64;
use portable_atomic::AtomicU64;
use crate::TlasInstance;
mod buffer;
pub use buffer::Buffer;
mod command;
pub use command::CommandBuffer;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Api;
pub struct Context;
pub struct Encoder;
pub struct Resource;
pub struct Fence {
value: AtomicU64,
type DeviceResult<T> = Result<T, crate::DeviceError>;
impl crate::Api for Api {
type Instance = Context;
type Surface = Context;
type Adapter = Context;
type Device = Context;
type Queue = Context;
type CommandEncoder = CommandBuffer;
type CommandBuffer = CommandBuffer;
type Buffer = Buffer;
type Texture = Resource;
type SurfaceTexture = Resource;
type TextureView = Resource;
type Sampler = Resource;
type QuerySet = Resource;
type Fence = Fence;
type AccelerationStructure = Resource;
type PipelineCache = Resource;
type BindGroupLayout = Resource;
type BindGroup = Resource;
type PipelineLayout = Resource;
type ShaderModule = Resource;
type RenderPipeline = Resource;
type ComputePipeline = Resource;
crate::impl_dyn_resource!(Buffer, CommandBuffer, Context, Fence, Resource);
impl crate::DynAccelerationStructure for Resource {}
impl crate::DynBindGroup for Resource {}
impl crate::DynBindGroupLayout for Resource {}
impl crate::DynBuffer for Buffer {}
impl crate::DynCommandBuffer for CommandBuffer {}
impl crate::DynComputePipeline for Resource {}
impl crate::DynFence for Fence {}
impl crate::DynPipelineCache for Resource {}
impl crate::DynPipelineLayout for Resource {}
impl crate::DynQuerySet for Resource {}
impl crate::DynRenderPipeline for Resource {}
impl crate::DynSampler for Resource {}
impl crate::DynShaderModule for Resource {}
impl crate::DynSurfaceTexture for Resource {}
impl crate::DynTexture for Resource {}
impl crate::DynTextureView for Resource {}
impl core::borrow::Borrow<dyn crate::DynTexture> for Resource {
fn borrow(&self) -> &dyn crate::DynTexture {
impl crate::Instance for Context {
type A = Api;
unsafe fn init(desc: &crate::InstanceDescriptor) -> Result<Self, crate::InstanceError> {
let crate::InstanceDescriptor {
wgt::BackendOptions {
noop: wgt::NoopBackendOptions { enable },
name: _,
flags: _,
} = *desc;
if enable {
} else {
"noop backend disabled because NoopBackendOptions::enable is false",
unsafe fn create_surface(
_display_handle: raw_window_handle::RawDisplayHandle,
_window_handle: raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle,
) -> Result<Context, crate::InstanceError> {
unsafe fn enumerate_adapters(
_surface_hint: Option<&Context>,
) -> Vec<crate::ExposedAdapter<Api>> {
vec![crate::ExposedAdapter {
adapter: Context,
info: wgt::AdapterInfo {
name: String::from("noop wgpu backend"),
vendor: 0,
device: 0,
device_type: wgt::DeviceType::Cpu,
driver: String::from("wgpu"),
driver_info: String::new(),
backend: wgt::Backend::Noop,
features: wgt::Features::all(),
capabilities: CAPABILITIES,
const CAPABILITIES: crate::Capabilities = {
/// Guaranteed to be no bigger than isize::MAX which is the maximum size of an allocation,
/// except on 16-bit platforms which we certainly don’t fit in.
const ALLOC_MAX_U32: u32 = i32::MAX as u32;
crate::Capabilities {
limits: wgt::Limits {
// All maximally permissive
max_texture_dimension_1d: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_texture_dimension_2d: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_texture_dimension_3d: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_texture_array_layers: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_bind_groups: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_bindings_per_bind_group: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_dynamic_uniform_buffers_per_pipeline_layout: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_dynamic_storage_buffers_per_pipeline_layout: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_sampled_textures_per_shader_stage: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_samplers_per_shader_stage: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_storage_buffers_per_shader_stage: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_storage_textures_per_shader_stage: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_uniform_buffers_per_shader_stage: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_binding_array_elements_per_shader_stage: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_binding_array_sampler_elements_per_shader_stage: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_uniform_buffer_binding_size: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_storage_buffer_binding_size: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_vertex_buffers: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_buffer_size: ALLOC_MAX_U32 as u64,
max_vertex_attributes: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_vertex_buffer_array_stride: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
min_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment: 1,
min_storage_buffer_offset_alignment: 1,
max_inter_stage_shader_components: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_color_attachments: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_color_attachment_bytes_per_sample: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_compute_workgroup_storage_size: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_compute_invocations_per_workgroup: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_compute_workgroup_size_x: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_compute_workgroup_size_y: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_compute_workgroup_size_z: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_compute_workgroups_per_dimension: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
min_subgroup_size: 1,
max_subgroup_size: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_push_constant_size: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
max_non_sampler_bindings: ALLOC_MAX_U32,
alignments: crate::Alignments {
// All maximally permissive
buffer_copy_offset: wgt::BufferSize::MIN,
buffer_copy_pitch: wgt::BufferSize::MIN,
uniform_bounds_check_alignment: wgt::BufferSize::MIN,
raw_tlas_instance_size: 0,
ray_tracing_scratch_buffer_alignment: 1,
downlevel: wgt::DownlevelCapabilities {
flags: wgt::DownlevelFlags::all(),
limits: wgt::DownlevelLimits {},
shader_model: wgt::ShaderModel::Sm5,
impl crate::Surface for Context {
type A = Api;
unsafe fn configure(
device: &Context,
config: &crate::SurfaceConfiguration,
) -> Result<(), crate::SurfaceError> {
unsafe fn unconfigure(&self, device: &Context) {}
unsafe fn acquire_texture(
timeout: Option<Duration>,
fence: &Fence,
) -> Result<Option<crate::AcquiredSurfaceTexture<Api>>, crate::SurfaceError> {
unsafe fn discard_texture(&self, texture: Resource) {}
impl crate::Adapter for Context {
type A = Api;
unsafe fn open(
features: wgt::Features,
_limits: &wgt::Limits,
_memory_hints: &wgt::MemoryHints,
) -> DeviceResult<crate::OpenDevice<Api>> {
Ok(crate::OpenDevice {
device: Context,
queue: Context,
unsafe fn texture_format_capabilities(
format: wgt::TextureFormat,
) -> crate::TextureFormatCapabilities {
unsafe fn surface_capabilities(&self, surface: &Context) -> Option<crate::SurfaceCapabilities> {
unsafe fn get_presentation_timestamp(&self) -> wgt::PresentationTimestamp {
impl crate::Queue for Context {
type A = Api;
unsafe fn submit(
command_buffers: &[&CommandBuffer],
surface_textures: &[&Resource],
(fence, fence_value): (&mut Fence, crate::FenceValue),
) -> DeviceResult<()> {
// All commands are executed synchronously.
for cb in command_buffers {
// SAFETY: Caller is responsible for ensuring synchronization between commands and
// other mutations.
unsafe {
}, Ordering::Release);
unsafe fn present(
surface: &Context,
texture: Resource,
) -> Result<(), crate::SurfaceError> {
unsafe fn get_timestamp_period(&self) -> f32 {
impl crate::Device for Context {
type A = Api;
unsafe fn create_buffer(&self, desc: &crate::BufferDescriptor) -> DeviceResult<Buffer> {
unsafe fn destroy_buffer(&self, buffer: Buffer) {}
unsafe fn add_raw_buffer(&self, _buffer: &Buffer) {}
unsafe fn map_buffer(
buffer: &Buffer,
range: crate::MemoryRange,
) -> DeviceResult<crate::BufferMapping> {
// Safety: the `wgpu-core` validation layer will prevent any user-accessible aliasing
// mappings from being created, so we don’t need to perform any checks here, except for
// bounds checks on the range which are built into `get_slice_ptr()`.
Ok(crate::BufferMapping {
ptr: ptr::NonNull::new(buffer.get_slice_ptr(range).cast::<u8>()).unwrap(),
is_coherent: true,
unsafe fn unmap_buffer(&self, buffer: &Buffer) {}
unsafe fn flush_mapped_ranges<I>(&self, buffer: &Buffer, ranges: I) {}
unsafe fn invalidate_mapped_ranges<I>(&self, buffer: &Buffer, ranges: I) {}
unsafe fn create_texture(&self, desc: &crate::TextureDescriptor) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn destroy_texture(&self, texture: Resource) {}
unsafe fn add_raw_texture(&self, _texture: &Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_texture_view(
texture: &Resource,
desc: &crate::TextureViewDescriptor,
) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn destroy_texture_view(&self, view: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_sampler(&self, desc: &crate::SamplerDescriptor) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn destroy_sampler(&self, sampler: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_command_encoder(
desc: &crate::CommandEncoderDescriptor<Context>,
) -> DeviceResult<CommandBuffer> {
unsafe fn create_bind_group_layout(
desc: &crate::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor,
) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn destroy_bind_group_layout(&self, bg_layout: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_pipeline_layout(
desc: &crate::PipelineLayoutDescriptor<Resource>,
) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_layout(&self, pipeline_layout: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_bind_group(
desc: &crate::BindGroupDescriptor<Resource, Buffer, Resource, Resource, Resource>,
) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn destroy_bind_group(&self, group: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_shader_module(
desc: &crate::ShaderModuleDescriptor,
shader: crate::ShaderInput,
) -> Result<Resource, crate::ShaderError> {
unsafe fn destroy_shader_module(&self, module: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_render_pipeline(
desc: &crate::RenderPipelineDescriptor<Resource, Resource, Resource>,
) -> Result<Resource, crate::PipelineError> {
unsafe fn destroy_render_pipeline(&self, pipeline: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_compute_pipeline(
desc: &crate::ComputePipelineDescriptor<Resource, Resource, Resource>,
) -> Result<Resource, crate::PipelineError> {
unsafe fn destroy_compute_pipeline(&self, pipeline: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_pipeline_cache(
desc: &crate::PipelineCacheDescriptor<'_>,
) -> Result<Resource, crate::PipelineCacheError> {
unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_cache(&self, cache: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_query_set(
desc: &wgt::QuerySetDescriptor<crate::Label>,
) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn destroy_query_set(&self, set: Resource) {}
unsafe fn create_fence(&self) -> DeviceResult<Fence> {
Ok(Fence {
value: AtomicU64::new(0),
unsafe fn destroy_fence(&self, fence: Fence) {}
unsafe fn get_fence_value(&self, fence: &Fence) -> DeviceResult<crate::FenceValue> {
unsafe fn wait(
fence: &Fence,
value: crate::FenceValue,
timeout_ms: u32,
) -> DeviceResult<bool> {
// The relevant commands must have already been submitted, and noop-backend commands are
// executed synchronously, so there is no waiting — either it is already done,
// or this method was called incorrectly.
fence.value.load(Ordering::Acquire) >= value,
"submission must have already been done"
unsafe fn start_capture(&self) -> bool {
unsafe fn stop_capture(&self) {}
unsafe fn create_acceleration_structure(
desc: &crate::AccelerationStructureDescriptor,
) -> DeviceResult<Resource> {
unsafe fn get_acceleration_structure_build_sizes<'a>(
_desc: &crate::GetAccelerationStructureBuildSizesDescriptor<'a, Buffer>,
) -> crate::AccelerationStructureBuildSizes {
unsafe fn get_acceleration_structure_device_address(
_acceleration_structure: &Resource,
) -> wgt::BufferAddress {
unsafe fn destroy_acceleration_structure(&self, _acceleration_structure: Resource) {}
fn tlas_instance_to_bytes(&self, instance: TlasInstance) -> Vec<u8> {
fn get_internal_counters(&self) -> wgt::HalCounters {