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use alloc::{sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
use core::{cell::UnsafeCell, ops::Range, ptr};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Buffer {
/// This data is potentially accessed mutably in arbitrary non-overlapping slices,
/// so we must store it in `UnsafeCell` to avoid making any too-strong no-aliasing claims.
storage: Arc<UnsafeCell<[u8]>>,
/// Size of the allocation.
/// This is redundant with `storage.get().len()`, but that method is not
/// available until our MSRV is 1.79 or greater.
size: usize,
/// This shared mutable data will not be accessed in a way which causes data races;
/// the obligation to do so is on the caller of the HAL API.
/// For safe code, `wgpu-core` validation manages appropriate access.
unsafe impl Send for Buffer {}
unsafe impl Sync for Buffer {}
impl Buffer {
pub(super) fn new(desc: &crate::BufferDescriptor) -> Result<Self, crate::DeviceError> {
let &crate::BufferDescriptor {
label: _,
usage: _,
memory_flags: _,
} = desc;
let size = usize::try_from(size).map_err(|_| crate::DeviceError::OutOfMemory)?;
let mut vector: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
.map_err(|_| crate::DeviceError::OutOfMemory)?;
vector.resize(size, 0);
let storage: Arc<[u8]> = Arc::from(vector);
debug_assert_eq!(storage.len(), size);
// SAFETY: `UnsafeCell<[u8]>` and `[u8]` have the same layout.
// This is just adding a wrapper type without changing any layout,
// because there is not currently a safe language/`std` way to accomplish this.
let storage: Arc<UnsafeCell<[u8]>> =
unsafe { Arc::from_raw(Arc::into_raw(storage) as *mut UnsafeCell<[u8]>) };
Ok(Buffer { storage, size })
/// Returns a pointer to the memory owned by this buffer within the given `range`.
/// This may be used to create any number of simultaneous pointers;
/// aliasing is only a concern when actually reading, writing, or converting the pointer
/// to a reference.
pub(super) fn get_slice_ptr(&self, range: crate::MemoryRange) -> *mut [u8] {
let base_ptr =;
let range = range_to_usize(range, self.size);
// We must obtain a slice pointer without ever creating a slice reference
// that could alias with another slice.
// SAFETY: `range_to_usize` bounds checks this addition.
unsafe { base_ptr.cast::<u8>().add(range.start) },
/// Convert a [`crate::MemoryRange`] to `Range<usize>` and bounds check it.
fn range_to_usize(range: crate::MemoryRange, upper_bound: usize) -> Range<usize> {
// Note: these assertions should be impossible to trigger from safe code.
// We're doing them anyway since this entire backend is for testing
// (except for when it is an unused placeholder)
let start = usize::try_from(range.start).expect("range too large");
let end = usize::try_from(range.end).expect("range too large");
assert!(start <= end && end <= upper_bound, "range out of bounds");