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//! Sampler management for DX12.
//! Nearly identical to the Vulkan sampler cache, with added descriptor heap management.
use std::vec::Vec;
use hashbrown::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap};
use ordered_float::OrderedFloat;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use windows::Win32::Graphics::Direct3D12::*;
use crate::dx12::HResult;
/// The index of a sampler in the global sampler heap.
/// This is a type-safe, transparent wrapper around a u32.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub(crate) struct SamplerIndex(u32);
/// [`D3D12_SAMPLER_DESC`] is not hashable, so we wrap it in a newtype that is.
/// We use [`OrderedFloat`] to allow for floating point values to be compared and
/// hashed in a defined way.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct HashableSamplerDesc(D3D12_SAMPLER_DESC);
impl PartialEq for HashableSamplerDesc {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0.Filter == other.0.Filter
&& self.0.AddressU == other.0.AddressU
&& self.0.AddressV == other.0.AddressV
&& self.0.AddressW == other.0.AddressW
&& OrderedFloat(self.0.MipLODBias) == OrderedFloat(other.0.MipLODBias)
&& self.0.MaxAnisotropy == other.0.MaxAnisotropy
&& self.0.ComparisonFunc == other.0.ComparisonFunc
&& ==
&& OrderedFloat(self.0.MinLOD) == OrderedFloat(other.0.MinLOD)
&& OrderedFloat(self.0.MaxLOD) == OrderedFloat(other.0.MaxLOD)
impl Eq for HashableSamplerDesc {}
impl std::hash::Hash for HashableSamplerDesc {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
/// Entry in the sampler cache.
struct CacheEntry {
index: SamplerIndex,
ref_count: u32,
/// Container for the mutable management state of the sampler heap.
/// We have this separated, using interior mutability, to allow for the outside world
/// to access the heap directly without needing to take the lock.
pub(crate) struct SamplerHeapState {
/// Mapping from the sampler description to the index within the heap and the refcount.
mapping: HashMap<HashableSamplerDesc, CacheEntry>,
/// List of free sampler indices.
freelist: Vec<SamplerIndex>,
/// Global sampler heap for the device.
/// As D3D12 only allows 2048 samplers to be in a single heap, we need to cache
/// samplers aggressively and refer to them in shaders by index.
pub(crate) struct SamplerHeap {
/// Mutable management state of the sampler heap.
state: Mutex<SamplerHeapState>,
/// The heap itself.
heap: ID3D12DescriptorHeap,
/// The CPU-side handle to the first descriptor in the heap.
/// Both the CPU and GPU handles point to the same descriptor, just in
/// different contexts.
heap_cpu_start_handle: D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE,
/// The GPU-side handle to the first descriptor in the heap.
/// Both the CPU and GPU handles point to the same descriptor, just in
/// different contexts.
heap_gpu_start_handle: D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE,
/// This is the device-specific size of sampler descriptors.
descriptor_stride: u32,
impl SamplerHeap {
pub fn new(
device: &ID3D12Device,
private_caps: &super::PrivateCapabilities,
) -> Result<Self, crate::DeviceError> {
// WARP can report this as 2M or more. We clamp it to 64k to be safe.
const SAMPLER_HEAP_SIZE_CLAMP: u32 = 64 * 1024;
let max_unique_samplers = private_caps
NumDescriptors: max_unique_samplers,
NodeMask: 0,
let heap = unsafe { device.CreateDescriptorHeap::<ID3D12DescriptorHeap>(&desc) }
.into_device_result("Failed to create global GPU-Visible Sampler Descriptor Heap")?;
let heap_cpu_start_handle = unsafe { heap.GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart() };
let heap_gpu_start_handle = unsafe { heap.GetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart() };
let descriptor_stride =
unsafe { device.GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE_SAMPLER) };
Ok(Self {
state: Mutex::new(SamplerHeapState {
mapping: HashMap::new(),
// Reverse so that samplers get allocated starting from zero.
freelist: (0..max_unique_samplers).map(SamplerIndex).rev().collect(),
/// Returns a reference to the raw descriptor heap.
pub fn heap(&self) -> &ID3D12DescriptorHeap {
/// Returns a reference the handle to be bound to the descriptor table.
pub fn gpu_descriptor_table(&self) -> D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE {
/// Add a sampler with the given description to the heap.
/// If the sampler already exists, the refcount is incremented and the existing index is returned.
/// If the sampler does not exist, a new sampler is created and the index is returned.
/// If the heap is full, an error is returned.
pub fn create_sampler(
device: &ID3D12Device,
) -> Result<SamplerIndex, crate::DeviceError> {
let hashable_desc = HashableSamplerDesc(desc);
// Eagarly dereference the lock to allow split borrows.
let state = &mut *self.state.lock();
// Lookup the sampler in the mapping.
match state.mapping.entry(hashable_desc) {
Entry::Occupied(occupied_entry) => {
// We have found a match, so increment the refcount and return the index.
let entry = occupied_entry.into_mut();
entry.ref_count += 1;
Entry::Vacant(vacant_entry) => {
// We need to create a new sampler.
// Try to get a new index from the freelist.
let Some(index) = state.freelist.pop() else {
// If the freelist is empty, we have hit the maximum number of samplers.
log::error!("There is no more room in the global sampler heap for more unique samplers. Your device supports a maximum of {} unique samplers.", state.mapping.len());
return Err(crate::DeviceError::OutOfMemory);
// Compute the CPU side handle for the new sampler.
let handle = D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE {
ptr: self.heap_cpu_start_handle.ptr
+ self.descriptor_stride as usize * index.0 as usize,
unsafe {
device.CreateSampler(&desc, handle);
// Insert the new sampler into the mapping.
vacant_entry.insert(CacheEntry {
ref_count: 1,
/// Decrement the refcount of the sampler with the given description.
/// If the refcount reaches zero, the sampler is destroyed and the index is returned to the freelist.
/// The provided index is checked against the index of the sampler with the given description, ensuring
/// that there isn't a clerical error from the caller.
pub fn destroy_sampler(&self, desc: D3D12_SAMPLER_DESC, provided_index: SamplerIndex) {
// Eagarly dereference the lock to allow split borrows.
let state = &mut *self.state.lock();
// Get the index of the sampler to destroy.
let Entry::Occupied(mut hash_map_entry) = state.mapping.entry(HashableSamplerDesc(desc))
else {
"Tried to destroy a sampler that doesn't exist. Sampler description: {:#?}",
let cache_entry = hash_map_entry.get_mut();
// Ensure that the provided index matches the index of the sampler to destroy.
cache_entry.index, provided_index,
"Mismatched sampler index, this is an implementation bug"
// Decrement the refcount of the sampler.
cache_entry.ref_count -= 1;
// If we are the last reference, remove the sampler from the mapping and return the index to the freelist.
// As samplers only exist as descriptors in the heap, there is nothing needed to be done to destroy the sampler.
if cache_entry.ref_count == 0 {