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interface udp {
use wasi:io/poll@0.2.0.{pollable};
use network.{network, error-code, ip-socket-address, ip-address-family};
/// A received datagram.
record incoming-datagram {
/// The payload.
/// Theoretical max size: ~64 KiB. In practice, typically less than 1500 bytes.
data: list<u8>,
/// The source address.
/// This field is guaranteed to match the remote address the stream was initialized with, if any.
/// Equivalent to the `src_addr` out parameter of `recvfrom`.
remote-address: ip-socket-address,
/// A datagram to be sent out.
record outgoing-datagram {
/// The payload.
data: list<u8>,
/// The destination address.
/// The requirements on this field depend on how the stream was initialized:
/// - with a remote address: this field must be None or match the stream's remote address exactly.
/// - without a remote address: this field is required.
/// If this value is None, the send operation is equivalent to `send` in POSIX. Otherwise it is equivalent to `sendto`.
remote-address: option<ip-socket-address>,
/// A UDP socket handle.
resource udp-socket {
/// Bind the socket to a specific network on the provided IP address and port.
/// If the IP address is zero (`` in IPv4, `::` in IPv6), it is left to the implementation to decide which
/// network interface(s) to bind to.
/// If the port is zero, the socket will be bound to a random free port.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-argument`: The `local-address` has the wrong address family. (EAFNOSUPPORT, EFAULT on Windows)
/// - `invalid-state`: The socket is already bound. (EINVAL)
/// - `address-in-use`: No ephemeral ports available. (EADDRINUSE, ENOBUFS on Windows)
/// - `address-in-use`: Address is already in use. (EADDRINUSE)
/// - `address-not-bindable`: `local-address` is not an address that the `network` can bind to. (EADDRNOTAVAIL)
/// - `not-in-progress`: A `bind` operation is not in progress.
/// - `would-block`: Can't finish the operation, it is still in progress. (EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN)
/// # Implementors note
/// Unlike in POSIX, in WASI the bind operation is async. This enables
/// interactive WASI hosts to inject permission prompts. Runtimes that
/// don't want to make use of this ability can simply call the native
/// `bind` as part of either `start-bind` or `finish-bind`.
/// # References
start-bind: func(network: borrow<network>, local-address: ip-socket-address) -> result<_, error-code>;
finish-bind: func() -> result<_, error-code>;
/// Set up inbound & outbound communication channels, optionally to a specific peer.
/// This function only changes the local socket configuration and does not generate any network traffic.
/// On success, the `remote-address` of the socket is updated. The `local-address` may be updated as well,
/// based on the best network path to `remote-address`.
/// When a `remote-address` is provided, the returned streams are limited to communicating with that specific peer:
/// - `send` can only be used to send to this destination.
/// - `receive` will only return datagrams sent from the provided `remote-address`.
/// This method may be called multiple times on the same socket to change its association, but
/// only the most recently returned pair of streams will be operational. Implementations may trap if
/// the streams returned by a previous invocation haven't been dropped yet before calling `stream` again.
/// The POSIX equivalent in pseudo-code is:
/// ```text
/// if (was previously connected) {
/// connect(s, AF_UNSPEC)
/// }
/// if (remote_address is Some) {
/// connect(s, remote_address)
/// }
/// ```
/// Unlike in POSIX, the socket must already be explicitly bound.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-argument`: The `remote-address` has the wrong address family. (EAFNOSUPPORT)
/// - `invalid-argument`: The IP address in `remote-address` is set to INADDR_ANY (`` / `::`). (EDESTADDRREQ, EADDRNOTAVAIL)
/// - `invalid-argument`: The port in `remote-address` is set to 0. (EDESTADDRREQ, EADDRNOTAVAIL)
/// - `invalid-state`: The socket is not bound.
/// - `address-in-use`: Tried to perform an implicit bind, but there were no ephemeral ports available. (EADDRINUSE, EADDRNOTAVAIL on Linux, EAGAIN on BSD)
/// - `remote-unreachable`: The remote address is not reachable. (ECONNRESET, ENETRESET, EHOSTUNREACH, EHOSTDOWN, ENETUNREACH, ENETDOWN, ENONET)
/// - `connection-refused`: The connection was refused. (ECONNREFUSED)
/// # References
%stream: func(remote-address: option<ip-socket-address>) -> result<tuple<incoming-datagram-stream, outgoing-datagram-stream>, error-code>;
/// Get the current bound address.
/// POSIX mentions:
/// > If the socket has not been bound to a local name, the value
/// > stored in the object pointed to by `address` is unspecified.
/// WASI is stricter and requires `local-address` to return `invalid-state` when the socket hasn't been bound yet.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-state`: The socket is not bound to any local address.
/// # References
local-address: func() -> result<ip-socket-address, error-code>;
/// Get the address the socket is currently streaming to.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-state`: The socket is not streaming to a specific remote address. (ENOTCONN)
/// # References
remote-address: func() -> result<ip-socket-address, error-code>;
/// Whether this is a IPv4 or IPv6 socket.
/// Equivalent to the SO_DOMAIN socket option.
address-family: func() -> ip-address-family;
/// Equivalent to the IP_TTL & IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS socket options.
/// If the provided value is 0, an `invalid-argument` error is returned.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-argument`: (set) The TTL value must be 1 or higher.
unicast-hop-limit: func() -> result<u8, error-code>;
set-unicast-hop-limit: func(value: u8) -> result<_, error-code>;
/// The kernel buffer space reserved for sends/receives on this socket.
/// If the provided value is 0, an `invalid-argument` error is returned.
/// Any other value will never cause an error, but it might be silently clamped and/or rounded.
/// I.e. after setting a value, reading the same setting back may return a different value.
/// Equivalent to the SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF socket options.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-argument`: (set) The provided value was 0.
receive-buffer-size: func() -> result<u64, error-code>;
set-receive-buffer-size: func(value: u64) -> result<_, error-code>;
send-buffer-size: func() -> result<u64, error-code>;
set-send-buffer-size: func(value: u64) -> result<_, error-code>;
/// Create a `pollable` which will resolve once the socket is ready for I/O.
/// Note: this function is here for WASI Preview2 only.
/// It's planned to be removed when `future` is natively supported in Preview3.
subscribe: func() -> pollable;
resource incoming-datagram-stream {
/// Receive messages on the socket.
/// This function attempts to receive up to `max-results` datagrams on the socket without blocking.
/// The returned list may contain fewer elements than requested, but never more.
/// This function returns successfully with an empty list when either:
/// - `max-results` is 0, or:
/// - `max-results` is greater than 0, but no results are immediately available.
/// This function never returns `error(would-block)`.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `remote-unreachable`: The remote address is not reachable. (ECONNRESET, ENETRESET on Windows, EHOSTUNREACH, EHOSTDOWN, ENETUNREACH, ENETDOWN, ENONET)
/// - `connection-refused`: The connection was refused. (ECONNREFUSED)
/// # References
/// - <>
receive: func(max-results: u64) -> result<list<incoming-datagram>, error-code>;
/// Create a `pollable` which will resolve once the stream is ready to receive again.
/// Note: this function is here for WASI Preview2 only.
/// It's planned to be removed when `future` is natively supported in Preview3.
subscribe: func() -> pollable;
resource outgoing-datagram-stream {
/// Check readiness for sending. This function never blocks.
/// Returns the number of datagrams permitted for the next call to `send`,
/// or an error. Calling `send` with more datagrams than this function has
/// permitted will trap.
/// When this function returns ok(0), the `subscribe` pollable will
/// become ready when this function will report at least ok(1), or an
/// error.
/// Never returns `would-block`.
check-send: func() -> result<u64, error-code>;
/// Send messages on the socket.
/// This function attempts to send all provided `datagrams` on the socket without blocking and
/// returns how many messages were actually sent (or queued for sending). This function never
/// returns `error(would-block)`. If none of the datagrams were able to be sent, `ok(0)` is returned.
/// This function semantically behaves the same as iterating the `datagrams` list and sequentially
/// sending each individual datagram until either the end of the list has been reached or the first error occurred.
/// If at least one datagram has been sent successfully, this function never returns an error.
/// If the input list is empty, the function returns `ok(0)`.
/// Each call to `send` must be permitted by a preceding `check-send`. Implementations must trap if
/// either `check-send` was not called or `datagrams` contains more items than `check-send` permitted.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-argument`: The `remote-address` has the wrong address family. (EAFNOSUPPORT)
/// - `invalid-argument`: The IP address in `remote-address` is set to INADDR_ANY (`` / `::`). (EDESTADDRREQ, EADDRNOTAVAIL)
/// - `invalid-argument`: The port in `remote-address` is set to 0. (EDESTADDRREQ, EADDRNOTAVAIL)
/// - `invalid-argument`: The socket is in "connected" mode and `remote-address` is `some` value that does not match the address passed to `stream`. (EISCONN)
/// - `invalid-argument`: The socket is not "connected" and no value for `remote-address` was provided. (EDESTADDRREQ)
/// - `remote-unreachable`: The remote address is not reachable. (ECONNRESET, ENETRESET on Windows, EHOSTUNREACH, EHOSTDOWN, ENETUNREACH, ENETDOWN, ENONET)
/// - `connection-refused`: The connection was refused. (ECONNREFUSED)
/// - `datagram-too-large`: The datagram is too large. (EMSGSIZE)
/// # References
send: func(datagrams: list<outgoing-datagram>) -> result<u64, error-code>;
/// Create a `pollable` which will resolve once the stream is ready to send again.
/// Note: this function is here for WASI Preview2 only.
/// It's planned to be removed when `future` is natively supported in Preview3.
subscribe: func() -> pollable;