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interface ip-name-lookup {
use wasi:io/poll@0.2.0.{pollable};
use network.{network, error-code, ip-address};
/// Resolve an internet host name to a list of IP addresses.
/// Unicode domain names are automatically converted to ASCII using IDNA encoding.
/// If the input is an IP address string, the address is parsed and returned
/// as-is without making any external requests.
/// See the wasi-socket proposal for a comparison with getaddrinfo.
/// This function never blocks. It either immediately fails or immediately
/// returns successfully with a `resolve-address-stream` that can be used
/// to (asynchronously) fetch the results.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `invalid-argument`: `name` is a syntactically invalid domain name or IP address.
/// # References:
resolve-addresses: func(network: borrow<network>, name: string) -> result<resolve-address-stream, error-code>;
resource resolve-address-stream {
/// Returns the next address from the resolver.
/// This function should be called multiple times. On each call, it will
/// return the next address in connection order preference. If all
/// addresses have been exhausted, this function returns `none`.
/// This function never returns IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses.
/// # Typical errors
/// - `name-unresolvable`: Name does not exist or has no suitable associated IP addresses. (EAI_NONAME, EAI_NODATA, EAI_ADDRFAMILY)
/// - `temporary-resolver-failure`: A temporary failure in name resolution occurred. (EAI_AGAIN)
/// - `permanent-resolver-failure`: A permanent failure in name resolution occurred. (EAI_FAIL)
/// - `would-block`: A result is not available yet. (EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN)
resolve-next-address: func() -> result<option<ip-address>, error-code>;
/// Create a `pollable` which will resolve once the stream is ready for I/O.
/// Note: this function is here for WASI Preview2 only.
/// It's planned to be removed when `future` is natively supported in Preview3.
subscribe: func() -> pollable;