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package wasi:io@0.2.0;
interface error {
/// A resource which represents some error information.
/// The only method provided by this resource is `to-debug-string`,
/// which provides some human-readable information about the error.
/// In the `wasi:io` package, this resource is returned through the
/// `wasi:io/streams/stream-error` type.
/// To provide more specific error information, other interfaces may
/// provide functions to further "downcast" this error into more specific
/// error information. For example, `error`s returned in streams derived
/// from filesystem types to be described using the filesystem's own
/// error-code type, using the function
/// `wasi:filesystem/types/filesystem-error-code`, which takes a parameter
/// `borrow<error>` and returns
/// `option<wasi:filesystem/types/error-code>`.
/// The set of functions which can "downcast" an `error` into a more
/// concrete type is open.
resource error {
/// Returns a string that is suitable to assist humans in debugging
/// this error.
/// WARNING: The returned string should not be consumed mechanically!
/// It may change across platforms, hosts, or other implementation
/// details. Parsing this string is a major platform-compatibility
/// hazard.
to-debug-string: func() -> string;