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package wasi:http@0.2.0;
/// The `wasi:http/proxy` world captures a widely-implementable intersection of
/// hosts that includes HTTP forward and reverse proxies. Components targeting
/// this world may concurrently stream in and out any number of incoming and
/// outgoing HTTP requests.
world proxy {
/// HTTP proxies have access to time and randomness.
include wasi:clocks/imports@0.2.0;
import wasi:random/random@0.2.0;
/// Proxies have standard output and error streams which are expected to
/// terminate in a developer-facing console provided by the host.
import wasi:cli/stdout@0.2.0;
import wasi:cli/stderr@0.2.0;
/// TODO: this is a temporary workaround until component tooling is able to
/// gracefully handle the absence of stdin. Hosts must return an eof stream
/// for this import, which is what wasi-libc + tooling will do automatically
/// when this import is properly removed.
import wasi:cli/stdin@0.2.0;
/// This is the default handler to use when user code simply wants to make an
/// HTTP request (e.g., via `fetch()`).
import outgoing-handler;
/// The host delivers incoming HTTP requests to a component by calling the
/// `handle` function of this exported interface. A host may arbitrarily reuse
/// or not reuse component instance when delivering incoming HTTP requests and
/// thus a component must be able to handle 0..N calls to `handle`.
export incoming-handler;