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package wasi:clocks@0.2.0;
/// WASI Wall Clock is a clock API intended to let users query the current
/// time. The name "wall" makes an analogy to a "clock on the wall", which
/// is not necessarily monotonic as it may be reset.
/// It is intended to be portable at least between Unix-family platforms and
/// Windows.
/// A wall clock is a clock which measures the date and time according to
/// some external reference.
/// External references may be reset, so this clock is not necessarily
/// monotonic, making it unsuitable for measuring elapsed time.
/// It is intended for reporting the current date and time for humans.
interface wall-clock {
/// A time and date in seconds plus nanoseconds.
record datetime {
seconds: u64,
nanoseconds: u32,
/// Read the current value of the clock.
/// This clock is not monotonic, therefore calling this function repeatedly
/// will not necessarily produce a sequence of non-decreasing values.
/// The returned timestamps represent the number of seconds since
/// 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, also known as [POSIX's Seconds Since the Epoch],
/// also known as [Unix Time].
/// The nanoseconds field of the output is always less than 1000000000.
now: func() -> datetime;
/// Query the resolution of the clock.
/// The nanoseconds field of the output is always less than 1000000000.
resolution: func() -> datetime;