Name Description Size Unix path manipulation. This crate provides two types, [`PathBuf`] and [`Path`] (akin to `String` and `str`), for working with paths abstractly. These types are thin wrappers around `UnixString` and `UnixStr` respectively, meaning that they work directly on strings independently from the local platform's path syntax. Paths can be parsed into [`Component`]s by iterating over the structure returned by the [`components`] method on [`Path`]. [`Component`]s roughly correspond to the substrings between path separators (`/`). You can reconstruct an equivalent path from components with the [`push`] method on [`PathBuf`]; note that the paths may differ syntactically by the normalization described in the documentation for the [`components`] method. ## Simple usage Path manipulation includes both parsing components from slices and building new owned paths. To parse a path, you can create a [`Path`] slice from a `str` slice and start asking questions: ``` use unix_path::Path; use unix_str::UnixStr; let path = Path::new("/tmp/foo/bar.txt"); let parent = path.parent(); assert_eq!(parent, Some(Path::new("/tmp/foo"))); let file_stem = path.file_stem(); assert_eq!(file_stem, Some(UnixStr::new("bar"))); let extension = path.extension(); assert_eq!(extension, Some(UnixStr::new("txt"))); ``` To build or modify paths, use [`PathBuf`]: ``` use unix_path::PathBuf; // This way works... let mut path = PathBuf::from("/"); path.push("feel"); path.push("the"); path.set_extension("force"); // ... but push is best used if you don't know everything up // front. If you do, this way is better: let path: PathBuf = ["/", "feel", "the.force"].iter().collect(); ``` [`Component`]: enum.Component.html [`components`]:struct.Path.html#method.components [`PathBuf`]: struct.PathBuf.html [`Path`]: struct.Path.html [`push`]: struct.PathBuf.html#method.push 83221 6430