Name Description Size
gen_swift # Swift bindings backend for UniFFI This module generates Swift bindings from a [`crate::ComponentInterface`] definition, using Swift's builtin support for loading C header files. Conceptually, the generated bindings are split into two Swift modules, one for the low-level C FFI layer and one for the higher-level Swift bindings. For a UniFFI component named "example" we generate: * A C header file `exampleFFI.h` declaring the low-level structs and functions for calling into Rust, along with a corresponding `exampleFFI.modulemap` to expose them to Swift. * A Swift source file `example.swift` that imports the `exampleFFI` module and wraps it to provide the higher-level Swift API. Most of the concepts in a [`crate::ComponentInterface`] have an obvious counterpart in Swift, with the details documented in inline comments where appropriate. To handle lifting/lowering/serializing types across the FFI boundary, the Swift code defines a `protocol ViaFfi` that is analogous to the `uniffi::ViaFfi` Rust trait. Each type that can traverse the FFI conforms to the `ViaFfi` protocol, which specifies: * The corresponding low-level type. * How to lift from and lower into into that type. * How to read from and write into a byte buffer. 8018
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