Name Description Size
Async.kt 4387
BooleanHelper.kt @suppress 519
ByteArrayHelper.kt @suppress 497
CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt 5036
CallbackInterfaceRuntime.kt @suppress 1052
CallbackInterfaceTemplate.kt The ffiConverter which transforms the Callbacks in to handles to pass to Rust. @suppress 599
CustomTypeTemplate.kt Typealias from the type name used in the UDL file to the builtin type. This is needed because the UDL type name is used in function/method signatures. It's also what we have an external type that references a custom type. 2345
DurationHelper.kt @suppress 1790
EnumTemplate.kt @suppress 4813
ErrorTemplate.kt this makes the `when` an expression, which ensures it is exhaustive 4817
ExternalTypeTemplate.kt 604
FfiConverterTemplate.kt The FfiConverter interface handles converter types to and from the FFI All implementing objects should be public to support external types. When a type is external we need to import it's FfiConverter. @suppress 2949
Float32Helper.kt @suppress 460
Float64Helper.kt @suppress 472
HandleMap.kt 916
Helpers.kt Each top-level error class has a companion object that can lift the error from the call status's rust buffer @suppress 4454
Int8Helper.kt @suppress 440
Int16Helper.kt @suppress 460
Int32Helper.kt @suppress 436
Int64Helper.kt @suppress 448
Interface.kt 483
macros.kt 5051
MapTemplate.kt @suppress 1502
NamespaceLibraryTemplate.kt 4373
ObjectCleanerHelper.kt The cleaner interface for Object finalization code to run. This is the entry point to any implementation that we're using. The cleaner registers objects and returns cleanables, so now we are defining a `UniffiCleaner` with a `UniffiClenaer.Cleanable` to abstract the different implmentations available at compile time. @suppress 1407
ObjectCleanerHelperAndroid.kt 993
ObjectCleanerHelperJvm.kt 986
ObjectTemplate.kt 13301
OptionalTemplate.kt @suppress 813 # Rules for the Kotlin template code 741
RecordTemplate.kt @suppress 2104
RustBufferTemplate.kt @suppress 3456
SequenceTemplate.kt @suppress 836
StringHelper.kt @suppress 2067
TimestampHelper.kt @suppress 1707
TopLevelFunctionTemplate.kt 39
Types.kt @suppress 4156
UInt8Helper.kt @suppress 481
UInt16Helper.kt @suppress 504
UInt32Helper.kt @suppress 474
UInt64Helper.kt @suppress 489
wrapper.kt 1947