Name Description Size 5891 6907 11553 Trace verbosity level filtering. # Compile time filters Trace verbosity levels can be statically disabled at compile time via Cargo features, similar to the [`log` crate]. Trace instrumentation at disabled levels will be skipped and will not even be present in the resulting binary unless the verbosity level is specified dynamically. This level is configured separately for release and debug builds. The features are: * `max_level_off` * `max_level_error` * `max_level_warn` * `max_level_info` * `max_level_debug` * `max_level_trace` * `release_max_level_off` * `release_max_level_error` * `release_max_level_warn` * `release_max_level_info` * `release_max_level_debug` * `release_max_level_trace` These features control the value of the `STATIC_MAX_LEVEL` constant. The instrumentation macros macros check this value before recording an event or constructing a span. By default, no levels are disabled. For example, a crate can disable trace level instrumentation in debug builds and trace, debug, and info level instrumentation in release builds with the following configuration: ```toml [dependencies] tracing = { version = "0.1", features = ["max_level_debug", "release_max_level_warn"] } ``` ## Notes Please note that `tracing`'s static max level features do *not* control the [`log`] records that may be emitted when [`tracing`'s "log" feature flag][f] is enabled. This is to allow `tracing` to be disabled entirely at compile time while still emitting `log` records --- such as when a library using `tracing` is used by an application using `log` that doesn't want to generate any `tracing`-related code, but does want to collect `log` records. This means that if the "log" feature is in use, some code may be generated for `log` records emitted by disabled `tracing` events. If this is not desirable, `log` records may be disabled separately using [`log`'s static max level features][`log` crate]. [`log`]: [`log` crate]: [f]: 4398 A scoped, structured logging and diagnostics system. # Overview `tracing` is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diagnostic information. In asynchronous systems like Tokio, interpreting traditional log messages can often be quite challenging. Since individual tasks are multiplexed on the same thread, associated events and log lines are intermixed making it difficult to trace the logic flow. `tracing` expands upon logging-style diagnostics by allowing libraries and applications to record structured events with additional information about *temporality* and *causality* — unlike a log message, a span in `tracing` has a beginning and end time, may be entered and exited by the flow of execution, and may exist within a nested tree of similar spans. In addition, `tracing` spans are *structured*, with the ability to record typed data as well as textual messages. The `tracing` crate provides the APIs necessary for instrumenting libraries and applications to emit trace data. *Compiler support: [requires `rustc` 1.49+][msrv]* [msrv]: #supported-rust-versions # Core Concepts The core of `tracing`'s API is composed of _spans_, _events_ and _subscribers_. We'll cover these in turn. ## Spans To record the flow of execution through a program, `tracing` introduces the concept of [spans]. Unlike a log line that represents a _moment in time_, a span represents a _period of time_ with a beginning and an end. When a program begins executing in a context or performing a unit of work, it _enters_ that context's span, and when it stops executing in that context, it _exits_ the span. The span in which a thread is currently executing is referred to as that thread's _current_ span. For example: ``` use tracing::{span, Level}; # fn main() { let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span"); // `enter` returns a RAII guard which, when dropped, exits the span. this // indicates that we are in the span for the current lexical scope. let _enter = span.enter(); // perform some work in the context of `my_span`... # } ``` The [`span` module][span]'s documentation provides further details on how to use spans. <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block"><pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;"> **Warning**: In asynchronous code that uses async/await syntax, `Span::enter` may produce incorrect traces if the returned drop guard is held across an await point. See [the method documentation][Span#in-asynchronous-code] for details. </pre></div> ## Events An [`Event`] represents a _moment_ in time. It signifies something that happened while a trace was being recorded. `Event`s are comparable to the log records emitted by unstructured logging code, but unlike a typical log line, an `Event` may occur within the context of a span. For example: ``` use tracing::{event, span, Level}; # fn main() { // records an event outside of any span context: event!(Level::INFO, "something happened"); let span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span"); let _guard = span.enter(); // records an event within "my_span". event!(Level::DEBUG, "something happened inside my_span"); # } ``` In general, events should be used to represent points in time _within_ a span — a request returned with a given status code, _n_ new items were taken from a queue, and so on. The [`Event` struct][`Event`] documentation provides further details on using events. ## Subscribers As `Span`s and `Event`s occur, they are recorded or aggregated by implementations of the [`Subscriber`] trait. `Subscriber`s are notified when an `Event` takes place and when a `Span` is entered or exited. These notifications are represented by the following `Subscriber` trait methods: + [`event`][Subscriber::event], called when an `Event` takes place, + [`enter`], called when execution enters a `Span`, + [`exit`], called when execution exits a `Span` In addition, subscribers may implement the [`enabled`] function to _filter_ the notifications they receive based on [metadata] describing each `Span` or `Event`. If a call to `Subscriber::enabled` returns `false` for a given set of metadata, that `Subscriber` will *not* be notified about the corresponding `Span` or `Event`. For performance reasons, if no currently active subscribers express interest in a given set of metadata by returning `true`, then the corresponding `Span` or `Event` will never be constructed. # Usage First, add this to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] tracing = "0.1" ``` ## Recording Spans and Events 45419 77026 57303 Re-exports either the Rust `std` library or `core` and `alloc` when `std` is disabled. `crate::stdlib::...` should be used rather than `std::` when adding code that will be available with the standard library disabled. Note that this module is called `stdlib` rather than `std`, as Rust 1.34.0 does not permit redefining the name `stdlib` (although this works on the latest stable Rust). 1699 Collects and records trace data. 2337