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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! This module defines the types that we export across the UNIFFI interface.
use serde::Deserialize;
/// The list of possible application names that are currently supported.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, PartialEq, uniffi::Enum)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub enum SearchApplicationName {
FirefoxAndroid = 1,
FirefoxIos = 2,
FocusAndroid = 3,
FocusIos = 4,
// The default doesn't really matter here, so we pick desktop.
Firefox = 5,
impl SearchApplicationName {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
SearchApplicationName::Firefox => "firefox",
SearchApplicationName::FirefoxAndroid => "firefox-android",
SearchApplicationName::FocusAndroid => "focus-android",
SearchApplicationName::FirefoxIos => "firefox-ios",
SearchApplicationName::FocusIos => "focus-ios",
/// The list of possible update channels for a user's build.
/// Use `default` for a self-build or an unknown channel.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, PartialEq, uniffi::Enum)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum SearchUpdateChannel {
Nightly = 1,
Aurora = 2,
Beta = 3,
Release = 4,
Esr = 5,
Default = 6,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, PartialEq, uniffi::Enum)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum SearchDeviceType {
Smartphone = 1,
Tablet = 2,
None = 3,
/// The user's environment that is used for filtering the search configuration.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, uniffi::Record, Default)]
pub struct SearchUserEnvironment {
/// The current locale of the application that the user is using.
pub locale: String,
/// The home region that the user is currently identified as being within.
/// On desktop & android there is a 14 day lag after detecting a region
/// change before the home region changes. TBD: iOS?
pub region: String,
/// The update channel of the user's build.
pub update_channel: SearchUpdateChannel,
/// The distribution id for the user's build.
pub distribution_id: String,
/// The search related experiment id that the user is included within. On
/// desktop this is the `searchConfiguration.experiment` variable.
pub experiment: String,
/// The application name that the user is using.
pub app_name: SearchApplicationName,
/// The application version that the user is using.
pub version: String,
/// The device type that the user is using.
pub device_type: SearchDeviceType,
/// Parameter definitions for search engine URLs. The name property is always
/// specified, along with one of value, experiment_config or search_access_point.
#[derive(Debug, uniffi::Record, PartialEq, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct SearchUrlParam {
/// The name of the parameter in the url.
pub name: String,
/// The parameter value, this may be a static value, or additionally contain
/// a parameter replacement, e.g. `{inputEncoding}`. For the partner code
/// parameter, this field should be `{partnerCode}`.
pub value: Option<String>,
/// Same as value but only used if Services.polices.isEnterprise is true. Overrides other parameters of the same name.
pub enterprise_value: Option<String>,
/// The value for the parameter will be derived from the equivalent experiment
/// configuration value.
/// Only desktop uses this currently.
pub experiment_config: Option<String>,
/// Defines an individual search engine URL.
#[derive(Debug, uniffi::Record, PartialEq, Deserialize, Clone, Default)]
pub struct SearchEngineUrl {
/// The PrePath and FilePath of the URL. May include variables for engines
/// which have a variable FilePath, e.g. `{searchTerm}` for when a search
/// term is within the path of the url.
pub base: String,
/// The HTTP method to use to send the request (`GET` or `POST`).
/// If the engine definition has not specified the method, it defaults to GET.
pub method: String,
/// The parameters for this URL.
pub params: Vec<SearchUrlParam>,
/// The name of the query parameter for the search term. Automatically
/// appended to the end of the query. This may be skipped if `{searchTerm}`
/// is included in the base.
pub search_term_param_name: Option<String>,
/// The URLs associated with the search engine.
#[derive(Debug, uniffi::Record, PartialEq, Deserialize, Clone, Default)]
pub struct SearchEngineUrls {
/// The URL to use for searches.
pub search: SearchEngineUrl,
/// The URL to use for suggestions.
pub suggestions: Option<SearchEngineUrl>,
/// The URL to use for trending suggestions.
pub trending: Option<SearchEngineUrl>,
/// The URL of the search engine homepage.
pub search_form: Option<SearchEngineUrl>,
/// The list of acceptable classifications for a search engine.
#[derive(Debug, uniffi::Enum, PartialEq, Deserialize, Clone, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum SearchEngineClassification {
General = 2,
Unknown = 1,
impl SearchEngineClassification {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
SearchEngineClassification::Unknown => "unknown",
SearchEngineClassification::General => "general",
/// A definition for an individual search engine to be presented to the user.
#[derive(Debug, uniffi::Record, PartialEq, Clone, Default)]
pub struct SearchEngineDefinition {
/// A list of aliases for this engine.
pub aliases: Vec<String>,
/// The character set this engine uses for queries.
pub charset: String,
/// The classification of search engine according to the main search types
/// (e.g. general, shopping, travel, dictionary). Currently, only marking as
/// a general search engine is supported.
/// On Android, only general search engines may be selected as "default"
/// search engines.
pub classification: SearchEngineClassification,
/// The identifier of the search engine. This is used as an internal
/// identifier, e.g. for saving the user's settings for the engine. It is
/// also used to form the base telemetry id and may be extended by telemetrySuffix.
pub identifier: String,
/// The user visible name of the search engine.
pub name: String,
/// This search engine is presented as an option that the user may enable.
/// The application should not include these in the default list of the
/// user's engines. If not supported, it should filter them out.
pub optional: bool,
/// The partner code for the engine. This will be inserted into parameters
/// which include `{partnerCode}`. May be the empty string.
pub partner_code: String,
/// Optional suffix that is appended to the search engine identifier
/// following a dash, i.e. `<identifier>-<suffix>`. If it is an empty string
/// no dash should be appended.
pub telemetry_suffix: String,
/// The URLs associated with the search engine.
pub urls: SearchEngineUrls,
/// A hint to the order that this engine should be in the engine list. This
/// is derived from the `engineOrders` section of the search configuration.
/// The higher the number, the nearer to the front it should be.
/// If the number is not specified, other methods of sorting may be relied
/// upon (e.g. alphabetical).
pub order_hint: Option<u32>,
/// The url used for reporting clicks.
pub click_url: Option<String>,
/// Details of the search engines to display to the user, generated as a result
/// of processing the search configuration.
#[derive(Debug, uniffi::Record, PartialEq)]
pub struct RefinedSearchConfig {
/// A sorted list of engines. Clients may use the engine in the order that
/// this list is specified, or they may implement their own order if they
/// have other requirements.
/// The application default engines should not be assumed from this order in
/// case of future changes.
/// The sort order is:
/// * Application Default Engine
/// * Application Default Engine for Private Mode (if specified & different)
/// * Engines sorted by descending `SearchEngineDefinition.orderHint`
/// * Any other engines in alphabetical order (locale based comparison)
pub engines: Vec<SearchEngineDefinition>,
/// The identifier of the engine that should be used for the application
/// default engine. If this is undefined, an error has occurred, and the
/// application should either default to the first engine in the engines
/// list or otherwise handle appropriately.
pub app_default_engine_id: Option<String>,
/// If specified, the identifier of the engine that should be used for the
/// application default engine in private browsing mode.
/// Only desktop uses this currently.
pub app_private_default_engine_id: Option<String>,