Name Description Size /bitflags/#externally-defined-flags> const _ = !0; } } bitflags! { /// `EPOLL*` for use with [`epoll::add`]. /// /// [`epoll::add`]: crate::event::epoll::add #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)] pub struct EventFlags: u32 { /// `EPOLLIN` const IN = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLIN as u32; /// `EPOLLOUT` const OUT = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLOUT as u32; /// `EPOLLPRI` const PRI = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLPRI as u32; /// `EPOLLERR` const ERR = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLERR as u32; /// `EPOLLHUP` const HUP = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLHUP as u32; /// `EPOLLRDNORM` const RDNORM = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLRDNORM as u32; /// `EPOLLRDBAND` const RDBAND = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLRDBAND as u32; /// `EPOLLWRNORM` const WRNORM = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLWRNORM as u32; /// `EPOLLWRBAND` const WRBAND = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLWRBAND as u32; /// `EPOLLMSG` const MSG = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLMSG as u32; /// `EPOLLRDHUP` const RDHUP = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLRDHUP as u32; /// `EPOLLET` const ET = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLET as u32; /// `EPOLLONESHOT` const ONESHOT = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLONESHOT as u32; /// `EPOLLWAKEUP` const WAKEUP = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLWAKEUP as u32; /// `EPOLLEXCLUSIVE` const EXCLUSIVE = linux_raw_sys::general::EPOLLEXCLUSIVE as u32; /// < 2185 86 2985 linux_raw syscalls supporting `rustix::event`. # Safety See the `rustix::backend` module documentation for details. 6898 657