Name Description Size Array Virtual Table. Note: `rarray`, not `carray` is the name of the table valued function we define. Port of [carray]( C extension: `` # Example ```rust,no_run # use rusqlite::{types::Value, Connection, Result, params}; # use std::rc::Rc; fn example(db: &Connection) -> Result<()> { // Note: This should be done once (usually when opening the DB). rusqlite::vtab::array::load_module(&db)?; let v = [1i64, 2, 3, 4]; // Note: A `Rc<Vec<Value>>` must be used as the parameter. let values = Rc::new(v.iter().copied().map(Value::from).collect::<Vec<Value>>()); let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT value from rarray(?1);")?; let rows = stmt.query_map([values], |row| row.get::<_, i64>(0))?; for value in rows { println!("{}", value?); } Ok(()) } ``` 6283 CSV Virtual Table. Port of [csv]( C extension: `` # Example ```rust,no_run # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result}; fn example() -> Result<()> { // Note: This should be done once (usually when opening the DB). let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?; rusqlite::vtab::csvtab::load_module(&db)?; // Assume my_csv.csv let schema = " CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE my_csv_data USING csv(filename = 'my_csv.csv') "; db.execute_batch(schema)?; // Now the `my_csv_data` (virtual) table can be queried as normal... Ok(()) } ``` 12222 Create virtual tables. Follow these steps to create your own virtual table: 1. Write implementation of [`VTab`] and [`VTabCursor`] traits. 2. Create an instance of the [`Module`] structure specialized for [`VTab`] impl. from step 1. 3. Register your [`Module`] structure using [`Connection::create_module`]. 4. Run a `CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE` command that specifies the new module in the `USING` clause. (See [SQLite doc]( 42615 Generate series virtual table. Port of C [generate series "function"]( `` 11552 Port of C [vtablog]( 8127