Name Description Size 1204 16661 Lock-free single-producer single-consumer (SPSC) FIFO ring buffer with direct access to inner data. # Overview `RingBuffer` is the initial structure representing ring buffer itself. Ring buffer can be splitted into pair of `Producer` and `Consumer`. `Producer` and `Consumer` are used to append/remove elements to/from the ring buffer accordingly. They can be safely sent between threads. Operations with `Producer` and `Consumer` are lock-free - they succeed or fail immediately without blocking or waiting. Elements can be effectively appended/removed one by one or many at once. Also data could be loaded/stored directly into/from [`Read`]/[`Write`] instances. And finally, there are `unsafe` methods allowing thread-safe direct access in place to the inner memory being appended/removed. [`Read`]: [`Write`]: When building with nightly toolchain it is possible to run benchmarks via `cargo bench --features benchmark`. # Examples ## Simple example ```rust # extern crate ringbuf; use ringbuf::RingBuffer; # fn main() { let rb = RingBuffer::<i32>::new(2); let (mut prod, mut cons) = rb.split(); prod.push(0).unwrap(); prod.push(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(prod.push(2), Err(2)); assert_eq!(cons.pop().unwrap(), 0); prod.push(2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(cons.pop().unwrap(), 1); assert_eq!(cons.pop().unwrap(), 2); assert_eq!(cons.pop(), None); # } ``` 1978 9958 5464