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use relevancy::{
url_hash::{hash_url, UrlHash},
use std::{collections::HashMap, fs::File, io::Write};
// Generate a set of test data and output it to the `test-data` file.
// This is meant to be a placeholder until we can get this data stored in remote settings.
const TEST_INTEREST_DATA: &[(&str, Interest)] = &[
("", Interest::Sports),
("", Interest::Animals),
("", Interest::Autos),
("", Interest::Fashion),
("", Interest::Tech),
("", Interest::Autos),
("", Interest::Sports),
fn main() {
let mut interest_map: HashMap<Interest, Vec<UrlHash>> =
HashMap::from_iter(Interest::all().into_iter().map(|i| (i, vec![])));
for (url, interest) in TEST_INTEREST_DATA {
if let Some(hash) = hash_url(url) {
let mut f = File::create("test-data").expect("Error opening file");
// Loop over all possible interests
for interest in Interest::all() {
// Get the list of URL hashes for that interest
let hashes = interest_map.get(&interest).unwrap();
// Write the count
f.write_all(&(hashes.len() as u32).to_le_bytes())
.expect("Error writing file");
// Write the hashes
for hash in hashes {
f.write_all(hash).expect("Error writing file");