Execute `f` in the context of a new autorelease pool. The pool is drained
after the execution of `f` completes.
This corresponds to `@autoreleasepool` blocks in Objective-C and Swift.
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Utilities for reference counting Objective-C objects.
The utilities of the `rc` module provide ARC-like semantics for working with
Objective-C's reference counted objects in Rust.
A `StrongPtr` retains an object and releases the object when dropped.
A `WeakPtr` will not retain the object, but can be upgraded to a `StrongPtr`
and safely fails if the object has been deallocated.
These utilities are not intended to provide a fully safe interface, but can be
useful when writing higher-level Rust wrappers for Objective-C code.
For more information on Objective-C's reference counting, see Apple's documentation:
# Example
``` no_run
# #[macro_use] extern crate objc;
# use objc::rc::{autoreleasepool, StrongPtr};
# fn main() {
// StrongPtr will release the object when dropped
let obj = unsafe {
StrongPtr::new(msg_send![class!(NSObject), new])
// Cloning retains the object an additional time
let cloned = obj.clone();
autoreleasepool(|| {
// Autorelease consumes the StrongPtr, but won't
// actually release until the end of an autoreleasepool
// Weak references won't retain the object
let weak = obj.weak();
# }
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