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// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright by contributors to this project.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
use crate::client::MlsError;
use crate::crypto::{CipherSuiteProvider, HpkePublicKey};
use crate::tree_kem::math as tree_math;
use crate::tree_kem::node::{LeafIndex, Node, NodeIndex};
use crate::tree_kem::TreeKemPublic;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::{
fmt::{self, Debug},
use mls_rs_codec::{MlsDecode, MlsEncode, MlsSize};
use mls_rs_core::error::IntoAnyError;
use tree_math::TreeIndex;
use super::leaf_node::LeafNodeSource;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::collections::HashSet;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use alloc::collections::BTreeSet;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, MlsSize, MlsEncode)]
struct ParentHashInput<'a> {
#[mls_codec(with = "mls_rs_codec::byte_vec")]
public_key: &'a HpkePublicKey,
#[mls_codec(with = "mls_rs_codec::byte_vec")]
parent_hash: &'a [u8],
#[mls_codec(with = "mls_rs_codec::byte_vec")]
original_sibling_tree_hash: &'a [u8],
#[derive(Clone, MlsSize, MlsEncode, MlsDecode, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct ParentHash(
#[mls_codec(with = "mls_rs_codec::byte_vec")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(with = "mls_rs_core::vec_serde"))]
impl Debug for ParentHash {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl From<Vec<u8>> for ParentHash {
fn from(v: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
impl Deref for ParentHash {
type Target = Vec<u8>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl ParentHash {
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
pub async fn new<P: CipherSuiteProvider>(
cipher_suite_provider: &P,
public_key: &HpkePublicKey,
parent_hash: &ParentHash,
original_sibling_tree_hash: &[u8],
) -> Result<Self, MlsError> {
let input = ParentHashInput {
let input_bytes = input.mls_encode_to_vec()?;
let hash = cipher_suite_provider
.map_err(|e| MlsError::CryptoProviderError(e.into_any_error()))?;
pub fn empty() -> Self {
pub fn matches(&self, hash: &ParentHash) -> bool {
//TODO: Constant time equals
hash == self
impl Node {
fn get_parent_hash(&self) -> Option<ParentHash> {
match self {
Node::Parent(p) => Some(p.parent_hash.clone()),
Node::Leaf(l) => match &l.leaf_node_source {
LeafNodeSource::Commit(parent_hash) => Some(parent_hash.clone()),
_ => None,
impl TreeKemPublic {
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
async fn parent_hash_for_leaf<P: CipherSuiteProvider>(
&mut self,
cipher_suite_provider: &P,
index: LeafIndex,
) -> Result<ParentHash, MlsError> {
let mut hash = ParentHash::empty();
for node in self.nodes.direct_copath(index).into_iter().rev() {
if self.nodes.is_resolution_empty(node.copath) {
let parent = self.nodes.borrow_as_parent_mut(node.path)?;
let calculated = ParentHash::new(
&self.tree_hashes.current[node.copath as usize],
(parent.parent_hash, hash) = (hash, calculated);
// Updates all of the required parent hash values, and returns the calculated parent hash value for the leaf node
// If an update path is provided, additionally verify that the calculated parent hash matches
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
pub(crate) async fn update_parent_hashes<P: CipherSuiteProvider>(
&mut self,
index: LeafIndex,
verify_leaf_hash: bool,
cipher_suite_provider: &P,
) -> Result<(), MlsError> {
// First update the relevant original hashes used for parent hash computation.
self.update_hashes(&[index], cipher_suite_provider).await?;
let leaf_hash = self
.parent_hash_for_leaf(cipher_suite_provider, index)
let leaf = self.nodes.borrow_as_leaf_mut(index)?;
if verify_leaf_hash {
// Verify the parent hash of the new sender leaf node and update the parent hash values
// in the local tree
if let LeafNodeSource::Commit(parent_hash) = &leaf.leaf_node_source {
if !leaf_hash.matches(parent_hash) {
return Err(MlsError::ParentHashMismatch);
} else {
return Err(MlsError::InvalidLeafNodeSource);
} else {
leaf.leaf_node_source = LeafNodeSource::Commit(leaf_hash);
// Update hashes after changes to the tree.
self.update_hashes(&[index], cipher_suite_provider).await
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
pub(super) async fn validate_parent_hashes<P: CipherSuiteProvider>(
cipher_suite_provider: &P,
) -> Result<(), MlsError> {
let original_hashes = self.compute_original_hashes(cipher_suite_provider).await?;
let nodes_to_validate = self
.map(|(node_index, _)| node_index);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
let mut nodes_to_validate = nodes_to_validate.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
let mut nodes_to_validate = nodes_to_validate.collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
let num_leaves = self.total_leaf_count();
// For each leaf l, validate all non-blank nodes on the chain from l up the tree.
for (leaf_index, _) in self.nodes.non_empty_leaves() {
let mut n = NodeIndex::from(leaf_index);
while let Some(mut ps) = n.parent_sibling(&num_leaves) {
// Find the first non-blank ancestor p of n and p's co-path child s.
while self.nodes.is_blank(ps.parent)? {
// If we reached the root, we're done with this chain.
let Some(ps_parent) = ps.parent.parent_sibling(&num_leaves) else {
return Ok(());
ps = ps_parent;
// Check is n's parent_hash field matches the parent hash of p with co-path child s.
let p_parent = self.nodes.borrow_as_parent(ps.parent)?;
let n_node = self
let calculated = ParentHash::new(
&original_hashes[ps.sibling as usize],
if n_node.get_parent_hash() == Some(calculated) {
// Check that "n is in the resolution of c, and the intersection of p's unmerged_leaves with the subtree
// under c is equal to the resolution of c with n removed".
let Some(cp) = ps.sibling.parent_sibling(&num_leaves) else {
return Err(MlsError::ParentHashMismatch);
let c = cp.sibling;
let c_resolution = self.nodes.get_resolution_index(c)?.into_iter();
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
let mut c_resolution = c_resolution.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
let mut c_resolution = c_resolution.collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
let p_unmerged_in_c_subtree = self
.unmerged_in_subtree(ps.parent, c)?
.map(|x| *x * 2);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
let p_unmerged_in_c_subtree = p_unmerged_in_c_subtree.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
let p_unmerged_in_c_subtree = p_unmerged_in_c_subtree.collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
if c_resolution.remove(&n)
&& c_resolution == p_unmerged_in_c_subtree
&& nodes_to_validate.remove(&ps.parent)
// If n's parent_hash field matches and p has not been validated yet, mark p as validated and continue.
n = ps.parent;
} else {
// If p is validated for the second time, the check fails ("all non-blank parent nodes are covered by exactly one such chain").
return Err(MlsError::ParentHashMismatch);
} else {
// If n's parent_hash field doesn't match, we're done with this chain.
// The check passes iff all non-blank nodes are validated.
if nodes_to_validate.is_empty() {
} else {
pub(crate) mod test_utils {
use super::*;
use crate::{
tree_kem::{leaf_node::test_utils::get_basic_test_node, node::Parent},
use alloc::vec;
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
pub(crate) async fn test_parent(
cipher_suite: CipherSuite,
unmerged_leaves: Vec<LeafIndex>,
) -> Parent {
let (_, public_key) = test_cipher_suite_provider(cipher_suite)
Parent {
parent_hash: ParentHash::empty(),
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
pub(crate) async fn test_parent_node(
cipher_suite: CipherSuite,
unmerged_leaves: Vec<LeafIndex>,
) -> Node {
Node::Parent(test_parent(cipher_suite, unmerged_leaves).await)
// Create figure 12 from MLS RFC
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
pub(crate) async fn get_test_tree_fig_12(cipher_suite: CipherSuite) -> TreeKemPublic {
let cipher_suite_provider = test_cipher_suite_provider(cipher_suite);
let mut tree = TreeKemPublic::new();
let mut leaves = Vec::new();
for l in ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"] {
leaves.push(get_basic_test_node(cipher_suite, l).await);
tree.add_leaves(leaves, &BasicIdentityProvider, &cipher_suite_provider)
tree.nodes[1] = Some(test_parent_node(cipher_suite, vec![]).await);
tree.nodes[3] = Some(test_parent_node(cipher_suite, vec![LeafIndex(3)]).await);
tree.nodes[7] =
Some(test_parent_node(cipher_suite, vec![LeafIndex(3), LeafIndex(6)]).await);
tree.nodes[9] = Some(test_parent_node(cipher_suite, vec![LeafIndex(5)]).await);
tree.nodes[11] =
Some(test_parent_node(cipher_suite, vec![LeafIndex(5), LeafIndex(6)]).await);
tree.update_parent_hashes(LeafIndex(0), false, &cipher_suite_provider)
tree.update_parent_hashes(LeafIndex(4), false, &cipher_suite_provider)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::client::test_utils::TEST_CIPHER_SUITE;
use crate::crypto::test_utils::test_cipher_suite_provider;
use crate::tree_kem::leaf_node::test_utils::get_basic_test_node;
use crate::tree_kem::leaf_node::LeafNodeSource;
use crate::tree_kem::test_utils::TreeWithSigners;
use crate::tree_kem::MlsError;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
#[maybe_async::test(not(mls_build_async), async(mls_build_async, crate::futures_test))]
async fn test_missing_parent_hash() {
let cs = test_cipher_suite_provider(TEST_CIPHER_SUITE);
let mut test_tree = TreeWithSigners::make_full_tree(8, &cs).await.tree;
*test_tree.nodes.borrow_as_leaf_mut(LeafIndex(0)).unwrap() =
get_basic_test_node(TEST_CIPHER_SUITE, "foo").await;
let missing_parent_hash_res = test_tree
#[maybe_async::test(not(mls_build_async), async(mls_build_async, crate::futures_test))]
async fn test_parent_hash_mismatch() {
let cs = test_cipher_suite_provider(TEST_CIPHER_SUITE);
let mut test_tree = TreeWithSigners::make_full_tree(8, &cs).await.tree;
let unexpected_parent_hash = ParentHash::from(hex!("f00d"));
.leaf_node_source = LeafNodeSource::Commit(unexpected_parent_hash);
let invalid_parent_hash_res = test_tree
assert_matches!(invalid_parent_hash_res, Err(MlsError::ParentHashMismatch));
#[maybe_async::test(not(mls_build_async), async(mls_build_async, crate::futures_test))]
async fn test_parent_hash_invalid() {
let cs = test_cipher_suite_provider(TEST_CIPHER_SUITE);
let mut test_tree = TreeWithSigners::make_full_tree(8, &cs).await.tree;
test_tree.nodes[2] = None;
let res = test_tree
assert_matches!(res, Err(MlsError::ParentHashMismatch));