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// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright by contributors to this project.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
use core::fmt::Debug;
use mls_rs_core::{crypto::CipherSuite, error::IntoAnyError};
use mls_rs_crypto_traits::{KdfId, KdfType};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(thiserror::Error))]
pub enum KdfError {
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid prk length"))]
// InvalidPrkLength,
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid length"))]
// InvalidLength,
feature = "std",
error("the provided length of the key {0} is shorter than the minimum length {1}")
TooShortKey(usize, usize),
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid input"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("internal error"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("unsupported cipher suite"))]
impl From<nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfError> for KdfError {
fn from(_value: nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfError) -> Self {
impl IntoAnyError for KdfError {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn into_dyn_error(self) -> Result<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>, Self> {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Kdf(KdfId);
impl Kdf {
pub fn new(cipher_suite: CipherSuite) -> Option<Self> {
#[cfg_attr(not(mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_sync)]
#[cfg_attr(all(target_arch = "wasm32", mls_build_async), maybe_async::must_be_async(?Send))]
all(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), mls_build_async),
impl KdfType for Kdf {
type Error = KdfError;
async fn expand(&self, prk: &[u8], info: &[u8], len: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>, KdfError> {
if prk.len() < self.extract_size() {
return Err(KdfError::TooShortKey(prk.len(), self.extract_size()));
let alg = match self.0 {
KdfId::HkdfSha256 => Ok(nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfAlgorithm::HKDF_SHA2_256),
KdfId::HkdfSha384 => Ok(nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfAlgorithm::HKDF_SHA2_384),
KdfId::HkdfSha512 => Ok(nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfAlgorithm::HKDF_SHA2_512),
_ => Err(KdfError::UnsupportedCipherSuite),
let hkdf = nss_gk_api::hkdf::Hkdf::new(alg);
let prk_symkey = hkdf.import_secret(prk).unwrap();
// Expand
let r = hkdf
.expand_data(&prk_symkey, info, len)
async fn extract(&self, salt: &[u8], ikm: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, KdfError> {
if ikm.is_empty() {
return Err(KdfError::TooShortKey(0, 1));
let alg = match self.0 {
KdfId::HkdfSha256 => Ok(nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfAlgorithm::HKDF_SHA2_256),
KdfId::HkdfSha384 => Ok(nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfAlgorithm::HKDF_SHA2_384),
KdfId::HkdfSha512 => Ok(nss_gk_api::hkdf::HkdfAlgorithm::HKDF_SHA2_512),
_ => Err(KdfError::UnsupportedCipherSuite),
let hkdf = nss_gk_api::hkdf::Hkdf::new(alg);
let ikm_symkey = hkdf.import_secret(ikm).unwrap();
// Extract
let prk = hkdf.extract(salt, &ikm_symkey).unwrap();
let prk_data = prk.key_data().unwrap();
fn extract_size(&self) -> usize {
fn kdf_id(&self) -> u16 {
self.0 as u16
#[cfg(all(test, not(mls_build_async)))]
mod test {
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use mls_rs_core::crypto::CipherSuite;
use mls_rs_crypto_traits::KdfType;
use crate::kdf::{Kdf, KdfError};
use alloc::vec;
fn no_key() {
let kdf = Kdf::new(CipherSuite::CURVE25519_AES128).unwrap();
assert!(kdf.extract(b"key", &[]).is_err());
fn no_salt() {
let kdf = Kdf::new(CipherSuite::CURVE25519_AES128).unwrap();
assert!(kdf.extract(&[], b"key").is_ok());
fn no_info() {
let kdf = Kdf::new(CipherSuite::CURVE25519_AES128).unwrap();
let key = vec![0u8; kdf.extract_size()];
assert!(kdf.expand(&key, &[], 42).is_ok());
fn test_short_key() {
let kdf = Kdf::new(CipherSuite::CURVE25519_AES128).unwrap();
let key = vec![0u8; kdf.extract_size() - 1];
assert_matches!(kdf.expand(&key, &[], 42), Err(KdfError::TooShortKey(_, _)));