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// Copyright (c) 2024 Mozilla Corporation and contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
use mls_platform_api::PlatformError;
// Scenario
// * Alice, Bob, Charlie and Diana create signing identity (generate_signature_keypair)
// * Alice, Bob, Charlie and Diana create credentials (generate_credential_basic)
// * Bob and Charlie create key packages (generate_key_package)
// * Alice creates a group (group_create)
fn test_group_create() -> Result<(), PlatformError> {
// Default group configuration
let group_config = mls_platform_api::GroupConfig::default();
// Storage states
let mut state_global = mls_platform_api::state_access("global.db", &[0u8; 32])?;
// Credentials
let alice_cred = mls_platform_api::mls_generate_credential_basic("alice".as_bytes())?;
println!("\nAlice credential: {}", hex::encode(&alice_cred));
// Create signature keypairs and store them in the state
let alice_id =
mls_platform_api::mls_generate_signature_keypair(&state_global, group_config.ciphersuite)?;
println!("\nAlice identifier: {}", hex::encode(&alice_id));
// Create a group with Alice
let gide = mls_platform_api::mls_group_create(
&mut state_global,
println!("\nGroup created by Alice: {}", hex::encode(&gide.group_id));
// List the members of the group
let members = mls_platform_api::mls_group_members(&state_global, &gide.group_id, &alice_id)?;
println!("Members (alice, empty group): {members:?}");