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use {
serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer},
std::{error::Error, fmt},
// TODO: Intend to convert this module to a standalone `no_std` crate
pub type MemtestResult<O> = Result<MemtestOutcome, MemtestError<<O as TestObserver>::Error>>;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum MemtestOutcome {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum MemtestFailure {
/// Failure due to the actual value read being different from the expected value
UnexpectedValue {
address: usize,
expected: usize,
actual: usize,
/// Failure due to the two memory locations being compared returning two different values
/// This is used by tests where memory is split in two and values are written in pairs
MismatchedValues {
address1: usize,
value1: usize,
address2: usize,
value2: usize,
pub trait TestObserver {
type Error: Error;
fn init(&mut self, expected_iter: u64);
fn check(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum MemtestError<E> {
serialize_with = "serialize_memtest_error_other",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_memtest_error_other"
macro_rules! memtest_kinds {{
$($variant: ident),* $(,)?
} => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum MemtestKind {
impl MemtestKind {
pub const ALL: &'static [Self] = &[
impl std::str::FromStr for MemtestKind {
type Err = ParseMemtestKindError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
stringify!($variant) => Ok(Self::$variant),
_ => Err(ParseMemtestKindError),
memtest_kinds! {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ParseMemtestKindError;
impl MemtestKind {
pub fn run<O: TestObserver>(&self, memory: &mut [usize], observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let test = match self {
Self::OwnAddressBasic => test_own_address_basic,
Self::OwnAddressRepeat => test_own_address_repeat,
Self::RandomVal => test_random_val,
Self::Xor => test_xor,
Self::Sub => test_sub,
Self::Mul => test_mul,
Self::Div => test_div,
Self::Or => test_or,
Self::And => test_and,
Self::SeqInc => test_seq_inc,
Self::SolidBits => test_solid_bits,
Self::Checkerboard => test_checkerboard,
Self::BlockSeq => test_block_seq,
Self::MovInvFixedBlock => test_mov_inv_fixed_block,
Self::MovInvFixedBit => test_mov_inv_fixed_bit,
Self::MovInvFixedRandom => test_mov_inv_fixed_random,
Self::MovInvWalk => test_mov_inv_walk,
Self::BlockMove => test_block_move,
Self::MovInvRandom => test_mov_inv_random,
Self::Modulo20 => test_modulo_20,
test(memory, observer)
/// Write the address of each memory location to itself, then read back the value and check that it
/// matches the expected address.
pub fn test_own_address_basic<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(2))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, address_from_ref(mem_ref));
for mem_ref in memory.iter() {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != address {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
expected: address,
/// Write the address of each memory location (or its complement) to itself, then read back the
/// value and check that it matches the expected address.
/// This procedure is repeated 16 times.
pub fn test_own_address_repeat<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const NUM_RUNS: u64 = 16;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(2 * NUM_RUNS))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let val_to_write = |address: usize, i, j| {
if (i + j) % 2 == 0 {
} else {
for i in 0..usize::try_from(NUM_RUNS).unwrap() {
for (j, mem_ref) in memory.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let val = val_to_write(address_from_ref(mem_ref), i, j);
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, val);
for (j, mem_ref) in memory.iter().enumerate() {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let expected = val_to_write(address, i, j);
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != expected {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
/// Split given memory into two halves and iterate through memory locations in pairs. For each
/// pair, write a random value. After all locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
pub fn test_random_val<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], mut observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let (first_half, second_half) = split_slice_in_half(memory)?;
let expected_iter =
u64::try_from(first_half.len() * 2).context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
for (first_ref, second_ref) in first_half.iter_mut().zip(second_half.iter_mut()) {
let val = random();
write_volatile_safe(first_ref, val);
write_volatile_safe(second_ref, val);
compare_regions(first_half, second_half, &mut observer)
/// Reset all bits in given memory to 1s. Split given memory into two halves and iterate through
/// memory locations in pairs. For each pair, write the XOR result of a random value and the value
/// read from the location. After all locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
pub fn test_xor<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
test_two_regions(memory, observer, std::ops::BitXor::bitxor)
/// Reset all bits in given memory to 1s. Split given memory into two halves and iterate through
/// memory locations in pairs. For each pair, write the result of subtracting a random value from
/// the value read from the location. After all locations are written, read and compare the two
/// halves.
pub fn test_sub<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
test_two_regions(memory, observer, usize::wrapping_sub)
/// Reset all bits in given memory to 1s. Split given memory into two halves and iterate through
/// memory locations in pairs. For each pair, write the result of multiplying a random value with
/// the value read from the location. After all locations are written, read and compare the two
/// halves.
pub fn test_mul<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
test_two_regions(memory, observer, usize::wrapping_mul)
/// Reset all bits in given memory to 1s. Split given memory into two halves and iterate through
/// memory locations in pairs. For each pair, write the result of dividing the value read from the
/// location with a random value. After all locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
pub fn test_div<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
test_two_regions(memory, observer, |n, d| n.wrapping_div(usize::max(d, 1)))
/// Reset all bits in given memory to 1s. Split given memory into two halves and iterate through
/// memory locations in pairs. For each pair, write the OR result of a random value and the value
/// read from the location. After all locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
pub fn test_or<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
test_two_regions(memory, observer, std::ops::BitOr::bitor)
/// Reset all bits in given memory to 1s. Split given memory into two halves and iterate through
/// memory locations in pairs. For each pair, write the AND result of a random value and the value
/// read from the location. After all locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
pub fn test_and<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
test_two_regions(memory, observer, std::ops::BitAnd::bitand)
/// Base function for `test_xor`, `test_sub`, `test_mul`, `test_div`, `test_or` and `test_and`
/// Reset all bits in given memory to 1s. Split given memory into two halves and iterate through
/// memory locations in pairs. Write to each pair using the given `write_val` function. After all
/// locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
fn test_two_regions<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
transform_fn: fn(usize, usize) -> usize,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let (first_half, second_half) = split_slice_in_half(memory)?;
let expected_iter =
u64::try_from(first_half.len() * 2).context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
for (first_ref, second_ref) in first_half.iter_mut().zip(second_half.iter_mut()) {
let mixing_val = random();
let val = read_volatile_safe(first_ref);
let new_val = transform_fn(val, mixing_val);
write_volatile_safe(first_ref, new_val);
let val = read_volatile_safe(second_ref);
let new_val = transform_fn(val, mixing_val);
write_volatile_safe(second_ref, new_val);
compare_regions(first_half, second_half, &mut observer)
/// Split given memory into two halves and iterate through memory locations in pairs. Generate a
/// random value at the start. For each pair, write the result of adding the random value and the
/// index of iteration. After all locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
pub fn test_seq_inc<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], mut observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let (first_half, second_half) = split_slice_in_half(memory)?;
let expected_iter =
u64::try_from(first_half.len() * 2).context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let mut val: usize = random();
for (first_ref, second_ref) in first_half.iter_mut().zip(second_half.iter_mut()) {
val = val.wrapping_add(1);
write_volatile_safe(first_ref, val);
write_volatile_safe(second_ref, val);
compare_regions(first_half, second_half, &mut observer)
/// Split given memory into two halves and iterate through memory locations in pairs. For each
/// pair, write to all bits as either 1s or 0s, alternating after each memory location pair.
/// After all locations are written, read and compare the two halves.
/// This procedure is repeated 64 times.
pub fn test_solid_bits<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], mut observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const NUM_RUNS: u64 = 64;
let (first_half, second_half) = split_slice_in_half(memory)?;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(first_half.len() * 2)
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(NUM_RUNS))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let mut solid_bits = !0;
for _ in 0..NUM_RUNS {
solid_bits = !solid_bits;
let mut val = solid_bits;
for (first_ref, second_ref) in first_half.iter_mut().zip(second_half.iter_mut()) {
val = !val;
write_volatile_safe(first_ref, val);
write_volatile_safe(second_ref, val);
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = compare_regions(first_half, second_half, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
/// Split given memory into two halves and iterate through memory locations in pairs. For each pair,
/// write to a pattern of alternating 1s and 0s (in bytes it is either 0x55 or 0xaa, and alternating
/// after each memory location pair). After all locations are written, read and compare the two
/// halves.
/// This procedure is repeated 64 times.
pub fn test_checkerboard<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const NUM_RUNS: u64 = 64;
let (first_half, second_half) = split_slice_in_half(memory)?;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(first_half.len() * 2)
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(NUM_RUNS))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let mut checker_board = usize_filled_from_byte(0xaa);
for _ in 0..NUM_RUNS {
checker_board = !checker_board;
let mut val = checker_board;
for (first_ref, second_ref) in first_half.iter_mut().zip(second_half.iter_mut()) {
val = !val;
write_volatile_safe(first_ref, val);
write_volatile_safe(second_ref, val);
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = compare_regions(first_half, second_half, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
/// Split given memory into two halves and iterate through memory locations in pairs. For each pair,
/// write to all bytes with the value i. After all locations are written, read and compare the two
/// halves.
/// This procedure is repeated 256 times, with i corresponding to the iteration number 0-255.
pub fn test_block_seq<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], mut observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const NUM_RUNS: u64 = 256;
let (first_half, second_half) = split_slice_in_half(memory)?;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(first_half.len() * 2)
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(NUM_RUNS))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
for i in 0..=(u8::try_from(NUM_RUNS - 1).unwrap()) {
let val = usize_filled_from_byte(i);
for (first_ref, second_ref) in first_half.iter_mut().zip(second_half.iter_mut()) {
write_volatile_safe(first_ref, val);
write_volatile_safe(second_ref, val);
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = compare_regions(first_half, second_half, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
// Each call to the moving inversion algorithm iterates through the memory 3 times
const MOV_INV_ITERATIONS: u64 = 3;
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus). As described in the the [Memtest86+ Test Algorithm Section](
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus?tab=readme-ov-file#memtest86-test-algorithms),
/// "The moving inversion tests work as follows:
/// 1. Fill memory with a pattern
/// 2. Starting at the lowest address
/// i. check that the pattern has not changed
/// ii. write the pattern's complement
/// iii. increment the address
/// iv. repeat 2.1 to 2.3
/// 3. Starting at the highest address
/// i. check that the pattern has not changed
/// ii. write the pattern's complement
/// iii. decrement the address
/// iv. repeat 3.1 to 3.3 "
/// This test runs the moving inversion algorithm with fixed patterns of all bits as 1s or 0s.
pub fn test_mov_inv_fixed_block<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(MOV_INV_ITERATIONS * 2))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = mov_inv_fixed_pattern(memory, 0, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
mov_inv_fixed_pattern(memory, !0, &mut observer)
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus). For a detailed explanation of the algorithm, please refer
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus?tab=readme-ov-file#memtest86-test-algorithms)
/// This test runs the moving inversion algorithm with fixed 8-bit patterns where 1 bit is 1/0 and the
/// other 7 bits are 0/1s. The procedure is repeated 8 times with the pattern rotated by 1 bit each
/// time to test all bits in a byte.
pub fn test_mov_inv_fixed_bit<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const NUM_RUNS: u64 = 8;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(MOV_INV_ITERATIONS * 2 * NUM_RUNS))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let mut pattern = usize_filled_from_byte(0x10);
for _ in 0..NUM_RUNS {
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = mov_inv_fixed_pattern(memory, pattern, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = mov_inv_fixed_pattern(memory, !pattern, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
pattern = pattern.rotate_right(1);
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus). For a detailed explanation of the algorithm, please refer
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus?tab=readme-ov-file#memtest86-test-algorithms)
/// This test runs the moving inversion algorithm with a random fixed pattern.
pub fn test_mov_inv_fixed_random<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(MOV_INV_ITERATIONS * 2))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let pattern = random();
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = mov_inv_fixed_pattern(memory, pattern, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
mov_inv_fixed_pattern(memory, !pattern, &mut observer)
fn mov_inv_fixed_pattern<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
pattern: usize,
observer: &mut O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, pattern);
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != pattern {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
expected: pattern,
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, !pattern);
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut().rev() {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != !pattern {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
expected: !pattern,
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, pattern);
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus). For a detailed explanation of the algorithm, please refer
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus?tab=readme-ov-file#memtest86-test-algorithms)
/// This test runs the moving inversion algorithm with a "walking" bit pattern. The algorithm starts
/// with 0x1 (or the compliment of 0x1) and "walks" the bit by shifting left for every new memory
/// location.
/// The procedure is repeated with offsets 0-31 or 0-63 depending on the size of `usize` to test all
/// bits in a memory location.
pub fn test_mov_inv_walk<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const NUM_RUNS: u32 = usize::BITS;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(MOV_INV_ITERATIONS * 2 * u64::from(NUM_RUNS)))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
for i in 0..NUM_RUNS {
let pattern = 1 << i;
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = mov_inv_walking_pattern(memory, pattern, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
if let MemtestOutcome::Fail(f) = mov_inv_walking_pattern(memory, !pattern, &mut observer)? {
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(f));
fn mov_inv_walking_pattern<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
starting_pattern: usize,
observer: &mut O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
let mut pattern = starting_pattern;
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, pattern);
pattern = pattern.rotate_left(1);
pattern = starting_pattern;
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != pattern {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
expected: pattern,
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, !pattern);
pattern = pattern.rotate_left(1);
pattern = !pattern;
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut().rev() {
pattern = pattern.rotate_right(1);
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != pattern {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
expected: pattern,
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, !pattern);
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus). For a detailed explanation of the algorithm, please refer to
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus?tab=readme-ov-file#memtest86-test-algorithms)
/// The test aims to stress test the memory by moving blocks of memory, such as with the `movs` instruction.
/// It first initializes the memory with an irregular shifting pattern. Then it performs 3 memory block moves.
/// 1. Copy the first half of the memory region to the second half
/// 2. Copy the second half of the memory region back to the first half, offset by 8 locations.
/// ie. Copy the second half - the last 8 locations, to the first half's original location + 8
/// 3. Copy the second half's last 8 locations to the first half's first 8 locations
/// Finally, the test verifies that the second half has the values of the original first half, and
/// the first half's values are right rotated by 8 locations
/// Note that the original implementation in Memtest86+ only verifies the values by comparing
/// neighbouring pairs of memory location. Instead of that, this implementation verifies by
/// recalculating the expected pattern in each location.
/// Also note that unlike the other memory tests, `Observer::check()` is only called in the initial
/// loop for initalizing memory and the final loop for verifying values. It is not called during the
/// memory block moves, as it intefere with the stress testing of memory. Unfortunately, this means
/// that `Observer::check()` will not be called for a siginficant duration of the test run time.
pub fn test_block_move<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], mut observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 16;
const OFFSET: usize = 8;
if memory.len() < CHUNK_SIZE {
Err(anyhow!("Insufficient memory length for Block Move Test"))?;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(2))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let val_to_write = |pattern: usize, idx| match idx {
4 | 5 | 10 | 11 | 14 | 15 => !pattern,
_ => pattern,
// Set up initial pattern in memory
let mut pattern = 1;
for chunk in memory.chunks_exact_mut(CHUNK_SIZE) {
for (i, mem_ref) in chunk.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let val = val_to_write(pattern, i);
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, val);
pattern = pattern.rotate_left(1);
// Move blocks of memory around
let (first_half, second_half) = split_slice_in_half(memory)?;
let half_len = first_half.len();
volatile_copy_slice(second_half, first_half);
&mut first_half[OFFSET..],
&second_half[..(half_len - OFFSET)],
&mut first_half[..OFFSET],
&second_half[(half_len - OFFSET)..],
// Verify that values stored after block move are as expected, by traversing both halves at the
// same time (with first half rotated by OFFSET), as they have the same expected values
let mut pattern = 1;
for (chunk1, chunk2) in [&first_half[OFFSET..], &first_half[..OFFSET]]
for (i, (mem_ref1, mem_ref2)) in chunk1.iter().zip(chunk2.iter()).enumerate() {
let expected = val_to_write(pattern, i);
for mem_ref in [mem_ref1, mem_ref2] {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != expected {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
pattern = pattern.rotate_left(1);
// TODO: In Memtest86+, block move is achieved with the `movs` assembly instruction
fn volatile_copy_slice<T: Copy>(dst: &mut [T], src: &[T]) {
"length of dst and src should be equal"
for (dst_ref, src_ref) in dst.iter_mut().zip(src.iter()) {
let val = read_volatile_safe(src_ref);
write_volatile_safe(dst_ref, val);
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus). For a detailed explanation of the algorithm, please refer
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus?tab=readme-ov-file#memtest86-test-algorithms)
/// This test runs the moving inversion algorithm with a random pattern for every memory location.
pub fn test_mov_inv_random<O: TestObserver>(
memory: &mut [usize],
mut observer: O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
use {
rand::{rngs::SmallRng, Rng, SeedableRng},
std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH},
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul(MOV_INV_ITERATIONS))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let seed = SystemTime::now()
.as_millis() as u64;
let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, rng.gen());
let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let expected = rng.gen();
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != expected {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, !expected);
let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let expected = !rng.gen::<usize>();
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != expected {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, !expected);
/// memtest86plus/memtest86plus), which is designed to avoid effects of caching and buffering.
/// The test generates a random value, then write the value to every 20th memory location.
/// Afterwards write the complement of the value to all other locations one or more times (twice in
/// this case). Then verify that the values stored in every 20th location is unchanged.
/// The procedure is repeated with offsets 0-19 to test all memory locations.
pub fn test_modulo_20<O: TestObserver>(memory: &mut [usize], mut observer: O) -> MemtestResult<O> {
const STEP: usize = 20;
(memory.len() > STEP)
.context("Insufficient memory length for two-regions memtest")?;
let expected_iter = u64::try_from(memory.len())
.and_then(|count| count.checked_mul((STEP * 2).try_into().unwrap()))
.context("Total number of iterations overflowed")?;
let pattern = random();
for offset in 0..STEP {
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut().skip(offset).step_by(STEP) {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, pattern);
for _ in 0..2 {
for (i, mem_ref) in memory.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if i % STEP == offset {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, !pattern);
for mem_ref in memory.iter().skip(offset).step_by(STEP) {
let address = address_from_ref(mem_ref);
let expected = pattern;
let actual = read_volatile_safe(mem_ref);
if actual != expected {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::UnexpectedValue {
fn read_volatile_safe<T: Copy>(src: &T) -> T {
unsafe { std::ptr::read_volatile(src) }
fn write_volatile_safe<T: Copy>(dst: &mut T, src: T) {
unsafe { std::ptr::write_volatile(dst, src) }
fn split_slice_in_half(slice: &mut [usize]) -> anyhow::Result<(&mut [usize], &mut [usize])> {
let mut it = slice.chunks_exact_mut(slice.len() / 2);
let (Some(first), Some(second)) = (, else {
bail!("Insufficient memory length for two-regions memtest");
Ok((first, second))
fn mem_reset(memory: &mut [usize]) {
for mem_ref in memory.iter_mut() {
write_volatile_safe(mem_ref, !0);
fn address_from_ref(r: &usize) -> usize {
std::ptr::from_ref(r) as usize
/// Return a usize where all bytes are set to to value of `byte`
fn usize_filled_from_byte(byte: u8) -> usize {
let mut val = 0;
unsafe { std::ptr::write_bytes(&mut val, byte, 1) }
fn compare_regions<O: TestObserver>(
region1: &mut [usize],
region2: &mut [usize],
observer: &mut O,
) -> MemtestResult<O> {
for (ref1, ref2) in region1.iter().zip(region2.iter()) {
let address1 = address_from_ref(ref1);
let address2 = address_from_ref(ref2);
let val1 = read_volatile_safe(ref1);
let val2 = read_volatile_safe(ref2);
if val1 != val2 {
info!("Test failed at 0x{address1:x} compared to 0x{address2:x}");
return Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(MemtestFailure::MismatchedValues {
value1: val1,
value2: val2,
impl fmt::Debug for MemtestFailure {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::UnexpectedValue {
} => f
.field("address", &format_args!("0x{address:x}"))
.field("expected", &format_args!("0x{expected:x}"))
.field("actual", &format_args!("0x{actual:x}"))
Self::MismatchedValues {
} => f
.field("address1", &format_args!("0x{address1:x}"))
.field("value1", &format_args!("0x{value1:x}"))
.field("address2", &format_args!("0x{address2:x}"))
.field("value2", &format_args!("0x{value2:x}"))
impl fmt::Display for ParseMemtestKindError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl Error for ParseMemtestKindError {}
impl fmt::Display for MemtestOutcome {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Outcome: {:?}", self)
impl<E: fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for MemtestError<E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Error: {:?}", self)
impl<E: Error + 'static> Error for MemtestError<E> {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
MemtestError::Observer(err) => Some(err),
MemtestError::Other(err) => Some(err.as_ref()),
impl<E> From<anyhow::Error> for MemtestError<E> {
fn from(err: anyhow::Error) -> MemtestError<E> {
fn serialize_memtest_error_other<S>(error: &anyhow::Error, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
serializer.serialize_str(&format!("{:?}", error))
fn deserialize_memtest_error_other<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<anyhow::Error, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let str = String::deserialize(deserializer)?;
mod test {
use {
super::{MemtestKind, MemtestOutcome, TestObserver},
struct IterationCounter {
expected_iter: Option<u64>,
completed_iter: u64,
impl TestObserver for &mut IterationCounter {
type Error = Infallible;
fn init(&mut self, expected_iter: u64) {
"init() should only be called once per test"
self.expected_iter = Some(expected_iter);
fn check(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.completed_iter += 1;
impl IterationCounter {
fn new() -> IterationCounter {
IterationCounter {
expected_iter: None,
completed_iter: 0,
fn assert_count(self) {
let expected_iter = self.expected_iter.expect("init() should be called");
assert_eq!(expected_iter, self.completed_iter);
fn test_memtest_expected_iter() {
let mut memory = vec![0; 512];
for test_kind in MemtestKind::ALL {
let mut counter = IterationCounter::new();
matches!( memory, &mut counter),
"Memtest should pass"