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use unix::{memory_lock, memory_resize_and_lock};
use windows::{memory_lock, memory_resize_and_lock, replace_set_size};
use {
rand::{seq::SliceRandom, thread_rng},
serde::{Deserialize, Serialize},
time::{Duration, Instant},
mod memtest;
mod prelude;
pub use memtest::{
MemtestError, MemtestFailure, MemtestKind, MemtestOutcome, MemtestResult, ParseMemtestKindError,
pub struct MemtestRunner {
test_kinds: Vec<MemtestKind>,
timeout: Duration,
mem_lock_mode: MemLockMode,
allow_working_set_resize: bool,
allow_multithread: bool,
allow_early_termination: bool,
// TODO: Replace MemtestRunnerArgs with a Builder struct implementing fluent interface
/// A set of arguments that define the behavior of MemtestRunner
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct MemtestRunnerArgs {
/// How long should MemtestRunner run the test suite before timing out
pub timeout: Duration,
/// Whether memory will be locked before testing and whether the requested memory size of
/// testing can be reduced to accomodate memory locking
/// If memory locking failed but is required, MemtestRunner returns with error
pub mem_lock_mode: MemLockMode,
/// Whether the process working set can be resized to accomodate memory locking
/// This argument is only meaningful for Windows
pub allow_working_set_resize: bool,
/// Whether mulithreading is enabled
pub allow_multithread: bool,
/// Whether MemtestRunner returns immediately if a test fails or continues until all tests are run
pub allow_early_termination: bool,
pub enum MemtestRunnerError {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MemtestReportList {
pub tested_mem_length: usize,
pub mlocked: bool,
pub reports: Vec<MemtestReport>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MemtestReport {
pub test_kind: MemtestKind,
pub outcome: Result<MemtestOutcome, MemtestError<TimeoutError>>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum MemLockMode {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ParseMemLockModeError;
/// The minimum memory length (in usize) for MemtestRunner to run tests on
/// On a 64-bit machine, this is the size of a page
pub const MIN_MEMORY_LENGTH: usize = 512;
struct MemLockGuard {
base_ptr: *mut usize,
mem_size: usize,
/// A struct to ensure the test timeouts in a given duration
struct TimeoutChecker {
deadline: Instant,
state: Option<TimeoutCheckerState>,
struct TimeoutCheckerState {
test_start_time: Instant,
expected_iter: u64,
completed_iter: u64,
checkpoint: u64,
/// This is an enum instead of an empty struct so that the serial representation shows
/// "TimeoutError" instead of "null"
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TimeoutError {
use TimeoutError::TimeoutError as Timeout;
impl MemtestRunner {
/// Create a MemtestRunner containing all test kinds in random order
pub fn all_tests_random_order(args: &MemtestRunnerArgs) -> MemtestRunner {
let mut test_kinds = MemtestKind::ALL.to_vec();
test_kinds.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());
Self::from_test_kinds(args, test_kinds)
/// Create a MemtestRunner with specified test kinds
pub fn from_test_kinds(
args: &MemtestRunnerArgs,
test_kinds: Vec<MemtestKind>,
) -> MemtestRunner {
MemtestRunner {
timeout: args.timeout,
mem_lock_mode: args.mem_lock_mode,
allow_working_set_resize: args.allow_working_set_resize,
allow_multithread: args.allow_multithread,
allow_early_termination: args.allow_early_termination,
/// Run the tests, possibly after locking the memory
pub fn run(&self, memory: &mut [usize]) -> Result<MemtestReportList, MemtestRunnerError> {
if memory.len() < MIN_MEMORY_LENGTH {
return Err(anyhow!("Insufficient memory length").into());
let deadline = Instant::now() + self.timeout;
if matches!(self.mem_lock_mode, MemLockMode::Disabled) {
return Ok(MemtestReportList {
tested_mem_length: memory.len(),
mlocked: false,
reports: self.run_tests(memory, deadline),
// TODO: When it is MemLockMode::Resizable and working set resize failed, consider shrinking
// the memory region and try again
let _working_set_resize_guard = if self.allow_working_set_resize {
.context("Failed to replace process working set size")?,
} else {
let (memory, _mem_lock_guard) = match self.mem_lock_mode {
MemLockMode::FixedSize => memory_lock(memory),
MemLockMode::Resizable => memory_resize_and_lock(memory),
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok(MemtestReportList {
tested_mem_length: memory.len(),
mlocked: true,
reports: self.run_tests(memory, deadline),
/// Run tests
fn run_tests(&self, memory: &mut [usize], deadline: Instant) -> Vec<MemtestReport> {
let mut reports = Vec::new();
let mut timed_out = false;
for test_kind in &self.test_kinds {
let test_result = if timed_out {
} else if self.allow_multithread {
std::thread::scope(|scope| {
let num_threads = num_cpus::get();
let chunk_size = memory.len() / num_threads;
let mut handles = vec![];
for chunk in memory.chunks_exact_mut(chunk_size) {
let handle =
scope.spawn(||, TimeoutChecker::new(deadline)));
.map(|handle| {
.unwrap_or(Err(MemtestError::Other(anyhow!("Thread panicked"))))
.fold(Ok(MemtestOutcome::Pass), |acc, result| {
use {MemtestError::*, MemtestOutcome::*};
match (acc, result) {
(Err(Other(e)), _) | (_, Err(Other(e))) => Err(Other(e)),
(Err(Observer(Timeout)), _) | (_, Err(Observer(Timeout))) => {
(Ok(Fail(f)), _) | (_, Ok(Fail(f))) => Ok(Fail(f)),
_ => Ok(Pass),
} else {, TimeoutChecker::new(deadline))
timed_out = matches!(test_result, Err(MemtestError::Observer(Timeout)));
if matches!(test_result, Ok(MemtestOutcome::Fail(_))) && self.allow_early_termination {
reports.push(MemtestReport::new(*test_kind, test_result));
warn!("Memtest failed, terminating early");
reports.push(MemtestReport::new(*test_kind, test_result));
impl fmt::Display for MemtestRunnerError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl Error for MemtestRunnerError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
MemtestRunnerError::MemLockFailed(err) | MemtestRunnerError::Other(err) => {
impl From<anyhow::Error> for MemtestRunnerError {
fn from(err: anyhow::Error) -> MemtestRunnerError {
impl std::str::FromStr for MemLockMode {
type Err = ParseMemLockModeError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"resizable" => Ok(Self::Resizable),
"fixedsize" => Ok(Self::FixedSize),
"disabled" => Ok(Self::Disabled),
_ => Err(ParseMemLockModeError),
impl fmt::Display for ParseMemLockModeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl Error for ParseMemLockModeError {}
impl fmt::Display for MemtestReportList {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "tested_mem_len = {}", self.tested_mem_length)?;
writeln!(f, "mlocked = {}", self.mlocked)?;
for report in &self.reports {
let outcome = match &report.outcome {
Ok(outcome) => format!("{}", outcome),
Err(e) => format!("{}", e),
"{:<30} {}",
format!("Ran Test: {:?}", report.test_kind),
impl MemtestReportList {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &MemtestReport> {
/// Returns true if all tests were run successfully and all tests passed
pub fn all_pass(&self) -> bool {
.all(|report| matches!(report.outcome, Ok(MemtestOutcome::Pass)))
impl MemtestReport {
fn new(test_kind: MemtestKind, outcome: MemtestResult<TimeoutChecker>) -> MemtestReport {
MemtestReport { test_kind, outcome }
impl TimeoutChecker {
fn new(deadline: Instant) -> TimeoutChecker {
TimeoutChecker {
state: None,
impl memtest::TestObserver for TimeoutChecker {
type Error = TimeoutError;
/// Initialize TimeoutCheckerState
/// This function should be called in the beginning of a memtest.
fn init(&mut self, expected_iter: u64) {
const FIRST_CHECKPOINT: u64 = 8;
"init() should only be called once per test"
// The first checkpoint is set to 8 to have a more accurate sample of duration per
// iteration for determining new checkpoint
self.state = Some(TimeoutCheckerState {
test_start_time: Instant::now(),
completed_iter: 0,
/// Check if the current iteration is a checkpoint. If so, check if timeout occurred
/// This function should be called in every iteration of a memtest.
/// To reduce overhead, the function only checks for timeout at specific checkpoints, and
/// early returns otherwise.
// It is important to ensure that the "early return" hot path is inlined. This results in a
// 100% improvement in performance.
fn check(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let state = self
.expect("init() should be called before check()");
if state.completed_iter < state.checkpoint {
state.completed_iter += 1;
return Ok(());
impl TimeoutCheckerState {
fn on_checkpoint(&mut self, deadline: Instant) -> Result<(), TimeoutError> {
let current_time = Instant::now();
if current_time >= deadline {
return Err(Timeout);
self.set_next_checkpoint(deadline, current_time);
self.completed_iter += 1;
// Note: Because `trace_progress()` is only called in `on_checkpoints()`, not every percent
// of the test progress is traced. If memtests are running way ahead of the given deadline, the
// progress may only be traced once or twice. Although this makes the logs less comprehensive,
// it avoids signficiant perforamnce overhead.
fn trace_progress(&mut self) {
if tracing::enabled!(tracing::Level::TRACE) {
"Progress on checkpoint: {:.2}%",
self.completed_iter as f64 / self.expected_iter as f64 * 100.0
/// Calculate the remaining time before the deadline and schedule the next check at 75% of that
/// interval, then estimate the number of iterations to get there and set as next checkpoint
fn set_next_checkpoint(&mut self, deadline: Instant, current_time: Instant) {
const DEADLINE_CHECK_RATIO: f64 = 0.75;
let duration_until_next_checkpoint = {
let duration_until_deadline = deadline - current_time;
let avg_iter_duration = {
let test_elapsed = current_time - self.test_start_time;
test_elapsed.div_f64(self.completed_iter as f64)
let iter_until_next_checkpoint = {
let x =
Self::div_duration_f64(duration_until_next_checkpoint, avg_iter_duration) as u64;
u64::max(x, 1)
self.checkpoint += iter_until_next_checkpoint;
// This is equivalent to `Duration::div_duration_f64`, but that is not stable on Rust 1.76
fn div_duration_f64(lhs: Duration, rhs: Duration) -> f64 {
const NANOS_PER_SEC: u32 = 1_000_000_000;
let lhs_nanos =
(lhs.as_secs() as f64) * (NANOS_PER_SEC as f64) + (lhs.subsec_nanos() as f64);
let rhs_nanos =
(rhs.as_secs() as f64) * (NANOS_PER_SEC as f64) + (rhs.subsec_nanos() as f64);
lhs_nanos / rhs_nanos
impl fmt::Display for TimeoutError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl Error for TimeoutError {}
mod windows {
use {
crate::{prelude::*, MemLockGuard},
std::mem::{size_of, size_of_val},
Memory::{VirtualLock, VirtualUnlock},
GetNativeSystemInfo, GlobalMemoryStatusEx, MEMORYSTATUSEX, SYSTEM_INFO,
GetCurrentProcess, GetProcessWorkingSetSize, SetProcessWorkingSetSize,
pub struct WorkingSetResizeGuard {
min_set_size: usize,
max_set_size: usize,
// TODO: Consider verifying that the process memory is properly sized by using
// `GetProcessMemoryInfo` during memtests to retrieve the number of page faults this process is
// causing. If it's suddenly a very high number, it indicates the set size might be too small
pub(super) fn replace_set_size(memsize: usize) -> anyhow::Result<WorkingSetResizeGuard> {
const ESTIMATED_TEST_MEM_USAGE: usize = 1024 * 1024; // 1MiB
let (min_set_size, max_set_size) = get_set_size()?;
let new_min_set_size = memsize + ESTIMATED_TEST_MEM_USAGE;
let new_max_set_size =
get_physical_memory_size().context("Failed to get physical memory size")?;
unsafe {
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), new_min_set_size, new_max_set_size)
.context("Failed to set process working set size")?;
Ok(WorkingSetResizeGuard {
impl Drop for WorkingSetResizeGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
if let Err(e) = SetProcessWorkingSetSize(
) {
warn!("Failed to restore process working set: {e}");
pub(super) fn memory_lock(
memory: &mut [usize],
) -> anyhow::Result<(&mut [usize], MemLockGuard)> {
let base_ptr = memory.as_mut_ptr();
let mem_size = size_of_val(memory);
unsafe {
VirtualLock(base_ptr.cast(), mem_size).context("VirtualLock failed")?;
info!("Successfully locked {}MB", mem_size);
Ok((memory, MemLockGuard { base_ptr, mem_size }))
pub(super) fn memory_resize_and_lock(
mut memory: &mut [usize],
) -> anyhow::Result<(&mut [usize], MemLockGuard)> {
// Resizing to system limit first is more efficient than only decrementing by page
// size and retry locking.
let min_set_size_usize = get_set_size()?.0 / size_of::<usize>();
if memory.len() > min_set_size_usize {
memory = &mut memory[0..min_set_size_usize];
"Resized memory to system limit ({} bytes)",
let usize_per_page = get_page_size()? / std::mem::size_of::<usize>();
loop {
let base_ptr = memory.as_mut_ptr();
let mem_size = size_of_val(memory);
let res = unsafe { VirtualLock(base_ptr.cast(), mem_size) };
let Err(e) = res else {
info!("Successfully locked {} bytes", mem_size);
return Ok((memory, MemLockGuard { base_ptr, mem_size }));
anyhow!(e).context("VirtualLock failed")
// Locking with the system limit can still fail as the memory to be locked may not be
// page aligned. In that case retry locking after decrement memory size by a page.
let new_len = memory
.context("Failed to lock any memory, memory size has been decremented to 0")?;
memory = &mut memory[0..new_len];
"Decremented memory size to {} bytes, retry memory locking",
new_len * usize_per_page
impl Drop for MemLockGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
if let Err(e) = VirtualUnlock(self.base_ptr.cast(), self.mem_size) {
warn!("Failed to unlock memory: {e}")
fn get_set_size() -> anyhow::Result<(usize, usize)> {
let (mut min_set_size, mut max_set_size) = (0, 0);
unsafe {
GetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), &mut min_set_size, &mut max_set_size)
.context("Failed to get process working set")?;
Ok((min_set_size, max_set_size))
fn get_page_size() -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
Ok((unsafe {
let mut sysinfo: SYSTEM_INFO = std::mem::zeroed();
GetNativeSystemInfo(&mut sysinfo);
fn get_physical_memory_size() -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
let mut memory_status = MEMORYSTATUSEX::default();
memory_status.dwLength = std::mem::size_of_val(&memory_status).try_into().unwrap();
unsafe {
GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&mut memory_status)
.context("Failed to get global memory status")?
mod unix {
use {
crate::{prelude::*, MemLockGuard},
libc::{getrlimit, mlock, munlock, rlimit, sysconf, RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, _SC_PAGESIZE},
io::{Error, ErrorKind},
mem::{size_of, size_of_val},
pub(super) fn memory_lock(
memory: &mut [usize],
) -> anyhow::Result<(&mut [usize], MemLockGuard)> {
let base_ptr = memory.as_mut_ptr();
let mem_size = size_of_val(memory);
if unsafe { mlock(base_ptr.cast(), mem_size) } == 0 {
info!("Successfully locked {} bytes", mem_size);
MemLockGuard {
base_ptr: base_ptr.cast(),
} else {
Err(anyhow!(Error::last_os_error()).context("mlock failed"))
pub(super) fn memory_resize_and_lock(
mut memory: &mut [usize],
) -> anyhow::Result<(&mut [usize], MemLockGuard)> {
// Note: Resizing to system limit first is more efficient than only decrementing by page
// size and retry locking, but this may not work as intended when running as a priviledged
// process, since priviledged processes do not need to respect the limit.
let max_mem_lock_usize = get_max_mem_lock()? / size_of::<usize>();
if memory.len() > max_mem_lock_usize {
memory = &mut memory[0..max_mem_lock_usize];
"Resized memory to system limit ({} bytes)",
let usize_per_page = get_page_size()? / std::mem::size_of::<usize>();
loop {
let base_ptr = memory.as_mut_ptr();
let mem_size = size_of_val(memory);
if unsafe { mlock(base_ptr.cast(), mem_size) } == 0 {
info!("Successfully locked {} bytes", mem_size);
return Ok((memory, MemLockGuard { base_ptr, mem_size }));
let e = Error::last_os_error();
e.kind() == ErrorKind::OutOfMemory,
anyhow!(e).context("mlock failed")
// Locking with the system limit can still fail as the memory to be locked may not be
// page aligned. In that case retry locking after decrement memory size by a page.
let new_len = memory
.context("Failed to lock any memory, memory size has been decremented to 0")?;
memory = &mut memory[0..new_len];
"Decremented memory size to {} bytes, retry memory locking",
impl Drop for MemLockGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
if munlock(self.base_ptr.cast(), self.mem_size) != 0 {
warn!("Failed to unlock memory: {}", Error::last_os_error())
fn get_max_mem_lock() -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
unsafe {
let mut rlim: rlimit = std::mem::zeroed();
getrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, rlim.borrow_mut()) == 0,
anyhow!(Error::last_os_error()).context("Failed to get RLIMIT_MEMLOCK")
fn get_page_size() -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
(unsafe { sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) })
.context("Failed to get page size")