Name Description Size A parser generator ____ enough to cope with JavaScript. 62 StackDiff represent stack mutations which have to be performed when executing an action. 23124 Compute all paths which might be reduced by a given action. This function assumes that the state is reachable from the starting goals, and that the depth which is being queried has valid answers. 19324
emit Data structure extracted from parsing the EDSL which are added within the Rust code. 3743 - Fifth stab at a parser generator. **Grammars.** A grammar is a dictionary {str: [[symbol]]} mapping names of nonterminals to lists of right-hand sides. Each right-hand side is a list of symbols. There are several kinds of symbols; see to learn more. Instead of a list of right-hand sides, the value of a grammar entry may be a function; see grammar.Nt for details. **Token streams.** The user passes to each method an object representing the input sequence. This object must support two methods: * `src.peek()` returns the kind of the next token, or `None` at the end of input. * `src.take(kind)` throws an exception if `src.peek() != kind`; otherwise, it removes the next token from the input stream and returns it. The special case `src.take(None)` checks that the input stream is empty: if so, it returns None; if not, it throws. For very basic needs, see `lexer.LexicalGrammar`. 3844 Data structures for representing grammars. 50292 Lexical analysis is the breaking of a string into tokens. 7834 Generate a simple LR0 state graph from a CanonicalGrammar. The resulting graph may contain inconsistent states, which must be resolved by the ParseTable before a parser can be generated. 15324 jsparagus/ - Generate a parser from a pgen grammar. (This is for testing. pgen will likely go away. Ignore this for now.) 844 Deterministic data structures. 4794 - Parse grammars written in the pgen parser specification language. I'm not sure I want to keep this pgen mini-language around; ignore this for now. 8127 36586 This is one state of the parse table, which has transitions based on terminals (text), non-terminals (grammar rules) and epsilon (reduce). In this model epsilon transitions are used to represent code to be executed such as reduce actions and any others actions. 81724 # jsparagus parser generator 3159 Early-pipeline operations that error-check and lower grammars. 29753 Runtime support for jsparagus-generated parsers. 11239 Type inference for reduce expressions. The nonterminals and reduce expressions in a grammar can have types, to support generating parsers in typeful languages. Types are represented by `Type` objects. A `TypeVar` is a type variable that might be bound to any type. This is used only during inference. So during inference, a type is either a `Type` or a `TypeVar` In addition, MethodType simply gathers together a return type and a list of argument types. See infer_types() for more. 11329 List of functions which are useful in many places. 2036