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use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::ast::{Expression, OpCode};
pub Expression: Box<Expression> = Expr00;
Expr00: Box<Expression> = {
<left: Expression> <operation: Op10> <right: Expr10> => Box::new(Expression::BinaryOperation { left, right, operation }),
Expr10: Box<Expression> = {
<left: Expr10> <operation: Op20> <right: Expr20> => Box::new(Expression::BinaryOperation { left, right, operation }),
Expr20: Box<Expression> = {
<left: Expr20> <operation: Op30> <right: Expr30> => Box::new(Expression::BinaryOperation { left, right, operation }),
Expr30: Box<Expression> = {
<left: Expr30> <operation: Op40> <right: Expr40> => Box::new(Expression::BinaryOperation { left, right, operation }),
Expr40: Box<Expression> = {
<left: Expr40> <operation: Op50> <right: Expr50> => Box::new(Expression::BinaryOperation { left, right, operation }),
Expr50: Box<Expression> = {
<left: Expr50> "?" <truthy: Expr60> ":" <falsy: Expr60> => Box::new(Expression::Conditional {left, truthy, falsy}),
Expr60: Box<Expression> = {
<subject: Expr60> "|" <name: Identifier> <args: Args?> => Box::new(Expression::Transform{name, subject, args}),
/// Expression for dereferencing.
/// Used for dereferencing object literals, array literals, and the context
/// There are two types of operations here:
/// - Either a `dot` operation, taking an expression on the left hand side, and an identifier on the right hand side (a string without the quotations)
/// - Or an `index` operation, taking an expression on the left hand side, and another expression inside square ("[]") brackets.
/// # Examples:
/// Assume our context is the following
/// ```
/// "foo":
/// {
/// "bar": [{"baz": 1}, {"bobo": [13, 12]}]
// }
// }
/// ```
/// ` == [{"baz": 1}, {"bobo": [13, 12]]`
/// `[0] == {"baz": 1}`
/// `[1].bobo[0] == 13`
/// `[1, 2, 3][1] == 2`
Expr70: Box<Expression> = {
<subject: Expr70> <index: Index> => Box::new(Expression::IndexOperation{subject, index}),
<subject: Expr70> "." <ident: Identifier> => Box::new(Expression::DotOperation{subject, ident}),
Expr80: Box<Expression> = {
Number => Box::new(Expression::Number(<>)),
Boolean => Box::new(Expression::Boolean(<>)),
String => Box::new(Expression::String(<>)),
Array => Box::new(Expression::Array(<>)),
Object => Box::new(Expression::Object(<>)),
Null => Box::new(Expression::Null),
Identifier => Box::new(Expression::Identifier(<>)),
"(" <Expression> ")",
Args: Vec<Box<Expression>> = {
"(" <Comma<Expression>> ")"
Op10: OpCode = {
"&&" => OpCode::And,
"||" => OpCode::Or,
Op20: OpCode = {
"==" => OpCode::Equal,
"!=" => OpCode::NotEqual,
">=" => OpCode::GreaterEqual,
"<=" => OpCode::LessEqual,
">" => OpCode::Greater,
"<" => OpCode::Less,
"in" => OpCode::In,
Op30: OpCode = {
"+" => OpCode::Add,
"-" => OpCode::Subtract,
Op40: OpCode = {
"*" => OpCode::Multiply,
"//" => OpCode::FloorDivide,
"/" => OpCode::Divide,
Op50: OpCode = {
"%" => OpCode::Modulus,
"^" => OpCode::Exponent,
Number: f64 = {
r"[0-9]+" => f64::from_str(<>).unwrap(),
r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]*" => f64::from_str(<>).unwrap(),
r"\.[0-9]+" => f64::from_str(<>).unwrap(),
String: String = {
<s: r#""([^"\\]*(\\")?)*""#> => s[1..s.len() - 1].to_string().replace("\\\"", "\""),
<s: r#"'([^'\\]*(\\')?)*'"#> => s[1..s.len() - 1].to_string().replace("\\'", "'"),
Null: Option<Box<Expression>> = {
"null" => None,
Identifier: String = {
r#"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"# => <>.to_string()
Index: Box<Expression> = {
"[" "." <ident: Identifier> <op: Op20> <right: Expr80> "]" => Box::new(Expression::Filter {ident, op, right}),
"[" <Expression> "]",
Boolean: bool = {
"true" => true,
"false" => false,
Comma<T>: Vec<T> = {
<v: (<T> ",")*> <e:T?> => match e {
None => v,
Some(e) => {
let mut v = v;
Array: Vec<Box<Expression>> = {
"[" <Comma<Expression>> "]"
Object: Vec<(String, Box<Expression>)> = {
"{" <Comma<(<ObjectIdentifier> ":" <Expression>)>> "}",
"{}" => vec![],
ObjectIdentifier: String = {