Name Description Size [![](]( [![](]( [![Travis CI Build Status](]( A simple, id-based arena. ## Id-based Allocate objects and get an identifier for that object back, *not* a reference to the allocated object. Given an id, you can get a shared or exclusive reference to the allocated object from the arena. This id-based approach is useful for constructing mutable graph data structures. If you want allocation to return a reference, consider [the `typed-arena` crate]( instead. ## No Deletion This arena does not support deletion, which makes its implementation simple and allocation fast. If you want deletion, you need a way to solve the ABA problem. Consider using [the `generational-arena` crate]( instead. ## Homogeneous This crate's arenas can only contain objects of a single type `T`. If you need an arena of objects with heterogeneous types, consider another crate. ## `#![no_std]` Support Requires the `alloc` nightly feature. Disable the on-by-default `"std"` feature: ```toml [] version = "2" default-features = false ``` ## `rayon` Support If the `rayon` feature of this crate is activated: ```toml [dependencies] id-arena = { version = "2", features = ["rayon"] } ``` then you can use [`rayon`]('s support for parallel iteration. The `Arena` type will have a `par_iter` family of methods where appropriate. ## Example ```rust use id_arena::{Arena, Id}; type AstNodeId = Id<AstNode>; #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum AstNode { Const(i64), Var(String), Add { lhs: AstNodeId, rhs: AstNodeId, }, Sub { lhs: AstNodeId, rhs: AstNodeId, }, Mul { lhs: AstNodeId, rhs: AstNodeId, }, Div { lhs: AstNodeId, rhs: AstNodeId, }, } let mut ast_nodes = Arena::<AstNode>::new(); // Create the AST for `a * (b + 3)`. let three = ast_nodes.alloc(AstNode::Const(3)); let b = ast_nodes.alloc(AstNode::Var("b".into())); let b_plus_three = ast_nodes.alloc(AstNode::Add { lhs: b, rhs: three, }); let a = ast_nodes.alloc(AstNode::Var("a".into())); let a_times_b_plus_three = ast_nodes.alloc(AstNode::Mul { lhs: a, rhs: b_plus_three, }); // Can use indexing to access allocated nodes. assert_eq!(ast_nodes[three], AstNode::Const(3)); ``` 18432 6709