Name Description Size 2000-03-01 (mod 400 year, immediately after feb29 11455 Date and time utils for HTTP. Multiple HTTP header fields store timestamps. For example a response created on May 15, 2015 may contain the header `Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 15:34:21 GMT`. Since the timestamp does not contain any timezone or leap second information it is equvivalent to writing 1431696861 Unix time. Rust’s `SystemTime` is used to store these timestamps. This crate provides two public functions: * `parse_http_date` to parse a HTTP datetime string to a system time * `fmt_http_date` to format a system time to a IMF-fixdate In addition it exposes the `HttpDate` type that can be used to parse and format timestamps. Convert a sytem time to `HttpDate` and vice versa. The `HttpType` (8 bytes) is smaller than `SystemTime` (16 bytes) and using the display impl avoids a temporary allocation. 5363