Name Description Size
.cargo-checksum.json 1476
Cargo.toml 1258
generators An OpenGL bindings generator. It defines a function named `generate_bindings` which can be used to generate all constants and functions of a given OpenGL version. # Example In ``: ```no_run extern crate gl_generator; use gl_generator::{Registry, Api, Profile, Fallbacks, GlobalGenerator}; use std::env; use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; fn main() { let dest = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let mut file = File::create(&Path::new(&dest).join("")).unwrap(); Registry::new(Api::Gl, (4, 5), Profile::Core, Fallbacks::All, []) .write_bindings(GlobalGenerator, &mut file) .unwrap(); } ``` In your project: ```ignore include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")); ``` # About EGL When you generate bindings for EGL, the following platform-specific types must be declared *at the same level where you include the bindings*: - `khronos_utime_nanoseconds_t` - `khronos_uint64_t` - `khronos_ssize_t` - `EGLNativeDisplayType` - `EGLNativePixmapType` - `EGLNativeWindowType` - `EGLint` - `NativeDisplayType` - `NativePixmapType` - `NativeWindowType` 2432 # gl_generator 5200