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//! Write DWARF debugging information.
//! ## API Structure
//! This module works by building up a representation of the debugging information
//! in memory, and then writing it all at once. It supports two major use cases:
//! * Use the [`DwarfUnit`](./struct.DwarfUnit.html) type when writing DWARF
//! for a single compilation unit.
//! * Use the [`Dwarf`](./struct.Dwarf.html) type when writing DWARF for multiple
//! compilation units.
//! The module also supports reading in DWARF debugging information and writing it out
//! again, possibly after modifying it. Create a [`read::Dwarf`](../read/struct.Dwarf.html)
//! instance, and then use [`Dwarf::from`](./struct.Dwarf.html#method.from) to convert
//! it to a writable instance.
//! ## Example Usage
//! Write a compilation unit containing only the top level DIE.
//! ```rust
//! use gimli::write::{
//! Address, AttributeValue, DwarfUnit, EndianVec, Error, Range, RangeList, Sections,
//! };
//! fn example() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! // Choose the encoding parameters.
//! let encoding = gimli::Encoding {
//! format: gimli::Format::Dwarf32,
//! version: 5,
//! address_size: 8,
//! };
//! // Create a container for a single compilation unit.
//! let mut dwarf = DwarfUnit::new(encoding);
//! // Set a range attribute on the root DIE.
//! let range_list = RangeList(vec![Range::StartLength {
//! begin: Address::Constant(0x100),
//! length: 42,
//! }]);
//! let range_list_id = dwarf.unit.ranges.add(range_list);
//! let root = dwarf.unit.root();
//! dwarf.unit.get_mut(root).set(
//! gimli::DW_AT_ranges,
//! AttributeValue::RangeListRef(range_list_id),
//! );
//! // Create a `Vec` for each DWARF section.
//! let mut sections = Sections::new(EndianVec::new(gimli::LittleEndian));
//! // Finally, write the DWARF data to the sections.
//! dwarf.write(&mut sections)?;
//! sections.for_each(|id, data| {
//! // Here you can add the data to the output object file.
//! Ok(())
//! })
//! }
//! # fn main() {
//! # example().unwrap();
//! # }
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::result;
use crate::constants;
mod endian_vec;
pub use self::endian_vec::*;
mod writer;
pub use self::writer::*;
mod relocate;
pub use self::relocate::*;
mod section;
pub use self::section::*;
macro_rules! define_id {
($name:ident, $docs:expr) => {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct $name {
base_id: BaseId,
index: usize,
impl $name {
fn new(base_id: BaseId, index: usize) -> Self {
$name { base_id, index }
macro_rules! define_offsets {
($offsets:ident: $id:ident => $offset:ident, $off_doc:expr) => {
pub struct $offsets {
base_id: BaseId,
// We know ids start at 0.
offsets: Vec<$offset>,
impl $offsets {
/// Return an empty list of offsets.
pub fn none() -> Self {
$offsets {
base_id: BaseId::default(),
offsets: Vec::new(),
/// Get the offset
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `id` is invalid.
pub fn get(&self, id: $id) -> $offset {
debug_assert_eq!(self.base_id, id.base_id);
/// Return the number of offsets.
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
mod abbrev;
pub use self::abbrev::*;
mod cfi;
pub use self::cfi::*;
mod dwarf;
pub use self::dwarf::*;
mod line;
pub use self::line::*;
mod loc;
pub use self::loc::*;
mod op;
pub use self::op::*;
mod range;
pub use self::range::*;
mod str;
pub use self::str::*;
mod unit;
pub use self::unit::*;
/// An error that occurred when writing.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Error {
/// The given offset is out of bounds.
/// The given length is out of bounds.
/// The attribute value is an invalid for writing.
/// The value is too large for the encoding form.
/// Unsupported word size.
/// Unsupported DWARF version.
/// The unit length is too large for the requested DWARF format.
/// The address is invalid.
/// The reference is invalid.
/// A requested feature requires a different DWARF version.
/// Strings in line number program have mismatched forms.
/// The range is empty or otherwise invalid.
/// The line number program encoding is incompatible with the unit encoding.
/// Could not encode code offset for a frame instruction.
/// Could not encode data offset for a frame instruction.
/// Unsupported eh_frame pointer encoding.
/// Unsupported reference in CFI expression.
/// Unsupported forward reference in expression.
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
Error::OffsetOutOfBounds => write!(f, "The given offset is out of bounds."),
Error::LengthOutOfBounds => write!(f, "The given length is out of bounds."),
Error::InvalidAttributeValue => {
write!(f, "The attribute value is an invalid for writing.")
Error::ValueTooLarge => write!(f, "The value is too large for the encoding form."),
Error::UnsupportedWordSize(size) => write!(f, "Unsupported word size: {}", size),
Error::UnsupportedVersion(version) => {
write!(f, "Unsupported DWARF version: {}", version)
Error::InitialLengthOverflow => write!(
"The unit length is too large for the requested DWARF format."
Error::InvalidAddress => write!(f, "The address is invalid."),
Error::InvalidReference => write!(f, "The reference is invalid."),
Error::NeedVersion(version) => write!(
"A requested feature requires a DWARF version {}.",
Error::LineStringFormMismatch => {
write!(f, "Strings in line number program have mismatched forms.")
Error::InvalidRange => write!(f, "The range is empty or otherwise invalid."),
Error::IncompatibleLineProgramEncoding => write!(
"The line number program encoding is incompatible with the unit encoding."
Error::InvalidFrameCodeOffset(offset) => write!(
"Could not encode code offset ({}) for a frame instruction.",
Error::InvalidFrameDataOffset(offset) => write!(
"Could not encode data offset ({}) for a frame instruction.",
Error::UnsupportedPointerEncoding(eh_pe) => {
write!(f, "Unsupported eh_frame pointer encoding ({}).", eh_pe)
Error::UnsupportedCfiExpressionReference => {
write!(f, "Unsupported reference in CFI expression.")
Error::UnsupportedExpressionForwardReference => {
write!(f, "Unsupported forward reference in expression.")
impl error::Error for Error {}
/// The result of a write.
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
/// An address.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Address {
/// A fixed address that does not require relocation.
/// An address that is relative to a symbol which may be relocated.
Symbol {
/// The symbol that the address is relative to.
/// The meaning of this value is decided by the writer, but
/// will typically be an index into a symbol table.
symbol: usize,
/// The offset of the address relative to the symbol.
/// This will typically be used as the addend in a relocation.
addend: i64,
/// A reference to a `.debug_info` entry.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Reference {
/// An external symbol.
/// The meaning of this value is decided by the writer, but
/// will typically be an index into a symbol table.
/// An entry in the same section.
/// This only supports references in units that are emitted together.
Entry(UnitId, UnitEntryId),
// This type is only used in debug assertions.
type BaseId = ();
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct BaseId(usize);
impl Default for BaseId {
fn default() -> Self {
use std::sync::atomic;
static BASE_ID: atomic::AtomicUsize = atomic::AtomicUsize::new(0);
BaseId(BASE_ID.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed))
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
mod convert {
use super::*;
use crate::read;
pub(crate) use super::unit::convert::*;
/// An error that occurred when converting a read value into a write value.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ConvertError {
/// An error occurred when reading.
/// Writing of this attribute value is not implemented yet.
/// This attribute value is an invalid name/form combination.
/// A `.debug_info` reference does not refer to a valid entry.
/// An address could not be converted.
/// Writing this line number instruction is not implemented yet.
/// Writing this form of line string is not implemented yet.
/// A `.debug_line` file index is invalid.
/// A `.debug_line` directory index is invalid.
/// A `.debug_line` line base is invalid.
/// A `.debug_line` reference is invalid.
/// A `.debug_info` unit entry reference is invalid.
/// A `.debug_info` reference is invalid.
/// Invalid relative address in a range list.
/// Writing this CFI instruction is not implemented yet.
/// Writing indirect pointers is not implemented yet.
/// Writing this expression operation is not implemented yet.
/// Operation branch target is invalid.
/// Writing this unit type is not supported yet.
impl fmt::Display for ConvertError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
use self::ConvertError::*;
match *self {
Read(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
UnsupportedAttributeValue => {
write!(f, "Writing of this attribute value is not implemented yet.")
InvalidAttributeValue => write!(
"This attribute value is an invalid name/form combination."
InvalidDebugInfoOffset => write!(
"A `.debug_info` reference does not refer to a valid entry."
InvalidAddress => write!(f, "An address could not be converted."),
UnsupportedLineInstruction => write!(
"Writing this line number instruction is not implemented yet."
UnsupportedLineStringForm => write!(
"Writing this form of line string is not implemented yet."
InvalidFileIndex => write!(f, "A `.debug_line` file index is invalid."),
InvalidDirectoryIndex => write!(f, "A `.debug_line` directory index is invalid."),
InvalidLineBase => write!(f, "A `.debug_line` line base is invalid."),
InvalidLineRef => write!(f, "A `.debug_line` reference is invalid."),
InvalidUnitRef => write!(f, "A `.debug_info` unit entry reference is invalid."),
InvalidDebugInfoRef => write!(f, "A `.debug_info` reference is invalid."),
InvalidRangeRelativeAddress => {
write!(f, "Invalid relative address in a range list.")
UnsupportedCfiInstruction => {
write!(f, "Writing this CFI instruction is not implemented yet.")
UnsupportedIndirectAddress => {
write!(f, "Writing indirect pointers is not implemented yet.")
UnsupportedOperation => write!(
"Writing this expression operation is not implemented yet."
InvalidBranchTarget => write!(f, "Operation branch target is invalid."),
UnsupportedUnitType => write!(f, "Writing this unit type is not supported yet."),
impl error::Error for ConvertError {}
impl From<read::Error> for ConvertError {
fn from(e: read::Error) -> Self {
/// The result of a conversion.
pub type ConvertResult<T> = result::Result<T, ConvertError>;
#[cfg(feature = "read")]
pub use self::convert::*;