Name Description Size This function parses Accept-Language string into a list of language tags that can be later passed to language negotiation functions. # Example: ``` use fluent_langneg::negotiate_languages; use fluent_langneg::NegotiationStrategy; use fluent_langneg::parse_accepted_languages; use fluent_langneg::convert_vec_str_to_langids_lossy; use unic_langid::LanguageIdentifier; let requested = parse_accepted_languages("de-AT;0.9,de-DE;0.8,de;0.7;en-US;0.5"); let available = convert_vec_str_to_langids_lossy(&["fr", "pl", "de", "en-US"]); let default: LanguageIdentifier = "en-US".parse().expect("Failed to parse a langid."); let supported = negotiate_languages( &requested, &available, Some(&default), NegotiationStrategy::Filtering ); let expected = convert_vec_str_to_langids_lossy(&["de", "en-US"]); assert_eq!(supported, expected.iter().map(|t| t.as_ref()).collect::<Vec<&LanguageIdentifier>>()); ``` This function ignores the weights associated with the locales, since Fluent Locale language negotiation only uses the order of locales, not the weights. 1449 fluent-langneg is an API for operating on locales and language tags. It's part of Project Fluent, a localization framework designed to unleash the expressive power of the natural language. The primary use of fluent-langneg is to parse/modify/serialize language tags and to perform language negotiation. fluent-langneg operates on a subset of [BCP47]( It can parse full BCP47 language tags, and will serialize them back, but currently only allows for operations on primary subtags and unicode extension keys. In result fluent-langneg is not suited to replace full implementations of BCP47 like [rust-language-tags](, but is arguably a better option for use cases involving operations on language tags and for language negotiation. 1707