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//! A testing library that makes it easy(ish) to add intentional errors to a program
//! When testing error-handling codepaths, it is often useful to programmatically tell parts of the
//! code to fail. This crate provides the [`failspot!()`][failspot] macro, which can be used
//! to mark a spot in the codepath where an intentional failure can be toggled on and off
//! from testing code.
//! Adding it to code is fairly simple:
//! ```no_run
//! # use {failspot::failspot, std::{error::Error, fs, io, path::Path}};
//! # failspot::failspot_name! { pub enum FailSpotName { FailDataRead } }
//! # fn main() {
//! # read_data_file("/tmp/foo".as_ref());
//! # }
//! fn read_data_file(path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>> {
//! // `FailDataRead` is a variant of an enum that was declared in our crate
//! // `bail` returns `Err` and does type conversion on the error type
//! failspot!(FailDataRead bail(io::Error::other("failed due to test config")));
//! Ok(fs::read(path)?)
//! }
//! ```
//! The [`failspot_name!()`][failspot_name] macro is used to declare an enum that can be used
//! to name a failspot. Its syntax is identical to a regular enum declaration:
//! ```no_run
//! # use failspot::failspot_name;
//! failspot_name! {
//! pub enum FailSpotName {
//! StuffWentWrong,
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! # Syntaxes
//! The [`failspot!()`][failspot] macro has **four main syntaxes**. Each takes either a
//! **long form** or a **short form**.
//! The **long form** explicitly contains the path to the enum containing the failspot names. This
//! is useful if there are multiple enums with different failspot names, or if the enum is only
//! accessible at a non-standard name or path.
//! If the enum can be reached at the name `crate::FailSpotName` (either because it was declared in
//! the crate root or re-exported there), the **short form** versions of these macros
//! can be used. The examples below make this clear:
//! ## "if-else" syntax (long form)
//! Useful when standard if-else behavior is desired:
//! ```
//! # use {failspot::failspot};
//! # pub mod my_module {
//! # failspot::failspot_name! { pub enum MyFailName { FailDataRead } }
//! # }
//! # fn main() {
//! // In "long form", the entire path to the enum must be spelled out
//! let _enabled = failspot!(if <crate::my_module::MyFailName>::FailDataRead {
//! println!("Data read failure enabled");
//! true
//! } else {
//! println!("Data read failure disabled");
//! false
//! });
//! # }
//! ```
//! When the `enabled` feature is not on, the compiler will see the second block verbatim.
//! ### The same code with the short-form
//! If an enum named `FailSpotName` is reachable at the crate root, like this:
//! ```
//! # use failspot::failspot_name;
//! //
//! failspot_name! {
//! pub enum FailSpotName {
//! FailDataRead,
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! The short form can be used, like this:
//! ```
//! # use failspot::{failspot, failspot_name};
//! # failspot_name! { pub enum FailSpotName { FailDataRead } }
//! # fn main() {
//! let _enabled = failspot!(if FailDataRead {
//! println!("Data read failure enabled");
//! true
//! } else {
//! println!("Data read failure disabled");
//! false
//! });
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## "quick expression" syntax
//! Useful when a short block of syntax should be evaluated when the failspot is enabled:
//! ```
//! # use {failspot::failspot};
//! # failspot::failspot_name! { pub enum FailSpotName { FailDataRead } }
//! # fn main() {
//! failspot!(FailDataRead println!("Data read failure enabled"));
//! // Also good for panicking
//! failspot!(FailDataRead panic!());
//! // Or for just early returning
//! failspot!(FailDataRead return);
//! // Multiple statements can be run, but use sparingly as things start to get ugly.
//! failspot!(FailDataRead println!("Data read failure enabled"); return);
//! # }
//! ```
//! When the `enabled` feature is not on, the macro will evaluate to the empty block, `{}`.
//! ## "bail" syntax
//! Useful for returning an `Err` with error-type conversion:
//! ```
//! # use {failspot::failspot, std::error::Error};
//! # failspot::failspot_name! { pub enum FailSpotName { FailDataRead } }
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! failspot!(FailDataRead bail(std::io::Error::other("Data read failure enabled")));
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! When the `enabled` feature is not on, the macro will evaluate to the empty block, `{}`.
//! ## "bool" syntax
//! Useful to just evaluate whether the failspot is enabled or not:
//! ```
//! # use {failspot::failspot, std::error::Error};
//! # failspot::failspot_name! { pub enum FailSpotName { FailDataRead } }
//! # fn main() {
//! # let bytes_to_read = 5;
//! let fail_the_read = bytes_to_read > 5000 || failspot!(FailDataRead);
//! # }
//! ```
//! When the `enabled` feature is not on, the macro will evaluate to the token `false`.
feature = "enabled",
doc = r#"
# Testing code
Testing code should see the documentation for the [testing] module."#
#[cfg(feature = "enabled")]
pub mod testing;
/// Declares a spot that can trigger intentional failures
/// See the [crate-level docs][crate] for details.
#[cfg(feature = "enabled")]
macro_rules! failspot {
if <$e: ty>::$n: ident {
$($enabled: tt)*
} $(else {
$($disabled: tt)*
) => {{
if $crate::failspot!(<$e>::$n) {
} $(else {
if $n: ident {
$($enabled: tt)*
} $(else {
$($disabled: tt)*
) => {
if <crate::FailSpotName>::$n {
} $(else {
(<$e: ty>::$n: ident bail($err: expr)) => {{
if $crate::failspot!(<$e>::$n) {
return Err($err.into());
($n: ident bail($err: expr)) => {
$crate::failspot!(<crate::FailSpotName>::$n bail($err))
(<$e: ty>::$n: ident) => {{
($n: ident) => {
(<$e: ty>::$n: ident $($enabled: tt)+) => {{
if $crate::failspot!(<$e>::$n) {
($n: ident $($enabled: tt)+) => {
$crate::failspot!(<crate::FailSpotName>::$n $($enabled)+)
/// Declares a spot that can trigger intentional failures
/// See the [crate-level docs][crate] for details.
#[cfg(not(feature = "enabled"))]
macro_rules! failspot {
if <$e: ty>::$n: ident {
$($enabled: tt)*
} $(else {
$($disabled: tt)*
) => {{$($($disabled)*)?}};
if $n: ident {
$($enabled: tt)*
} $(else {
$($disabled: tt)*
) => {
if <crate::FailSpotName>::$n {
} $(else {
(<$e: ty>::$n: ident bail($err: expr)) => {{}};
($n: ident bail($err: expr)) => {
$crate::failspot!(<crate::FailSpotName>::$n bail($err))
(<$e: ty>::$n: ident) => {false};
($n: ident) => {
(<$e: ty>::$n: ident $($enabled: tt)+) => {{}};
($n: ident $($enabled: tt)+) => {
$crate::failspot!(<crate::FailSpotName>::$n $($enabled)+)
/// Declares an enum that can be used as a name for a [failspot]
/// When feature `enabled` is off, this macro does nothing.
/// See the [crate-level docs][crate] for details.
#[cfg(feature = "enabled")]
macro_rules! failspot_name {{
$p:vis enum $n:ident {
),+ $(,)*
} => {
$crate::flagset::flags! {
$p enum $n: usize {
/// Declares an enum that can be used as a name for a [failspot]
/// When feature `enabled` is off, this macro does nothing.
/// See the [crate-level docs][crate] for details.
#[cfg(not(feature = "enabled"))]
macro_rules! failspot_name(($($t: tt)*) => ());
macro_rules! failspot_global(($n: ident) => {
impl $n {
pub fn enabled(name: Self) -> bool {
pub fn testing_client() -> $crate::testing::Client<'static, $n> {
fn global_config() -> &'static $crate::testing::Config<$n> {
static GLOBAL: std::sync::LazyLock<$crate::testing::Config<$n>> =
#[cfg(feature = "enabled")]
pub use flagset;