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//! Strategies a caller may use to collect errors from subfunctions
//! Currently, the strategies contained in this module are:
//! - [DontCare]: The caller will ignore any non-fatal errors in subfunction.
//! [WriteErrorList::push] is effectively a no-op.
//! - [ErrorOccurred]: Keeps track of a single boolean about whether an error occurred or not.
//! [WriteErrorList::push] essentially just sets a flag.
//! - [Sublist]: A full-fledged list of all non-fatal errors in subfunction. Will be mapped to
//! the caller's error type with a map function and pushed into the caller's error list.
use {
crate::{private, ErrorList, WriteErrorList},
std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
/// A sublist that maps a list of errors into a parent error type
/// When an object of this type is dropped, it will call the given `MapFn` object with a
/// [`ErrorList<E>`][ErrorList] containing all the errors that were pushed into it. The map
/// function will be used to map that error list to a single `ParentErr` object which will then
/// be pushed onto the parent's error list.
/// This type implements [DerefMut] to an [ErrorList], so it can basically be thought of as
/// an [ErrorList] with a fancy destructor.
pub struct Sublist<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr>
MapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<E>) -> ParentErr,
Parent: WriteErrorList<ParentErr>,
list: ErrorList<E>,
map_fn_and_parent: Option<(MapFn, &'a mut Parent)>,
impl<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr> Sublist<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr>
MapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<E>) -> ParentErr,
Parent: WriteErrorList<ParentErr>,
/// Create a new sublist that maps a list of subfunction errors to the parent error
/// `map_fn` is a function that accepts an `ErrorList<E>` and returns a `ParentErr`, which
/// is then pushed into the parent's error list.
/// It is recommended use [WriteErrorList::sublist] instead of this.
pub fn new(map_fn: MapFn, parent: &'a mut Parent) -> Self {
Self {
list: ErrorList::default(),
map_fn_and_parent: Some((map_fn, parent)),
impl<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr> Drop for Sublist<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr>
MapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<E>) -> ParentErr,
Parent: WriteErrorList<ParentErr>,
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.list.is_empty() {
let list = std::mem::take(&mut self.list);
let (map_fn, parent) = self.map_fn_and_parent.take().unwrap();
let parent_error = map_fn(list);
impl<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr> Deref for Sublist<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr>
MapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<E>) -> ParentErr,
Parent: WriteErrorList<ParentErr>,
type Target = ErrorList<E>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr> DerefMut for Sublist<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr>
MapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<E>) -> ParentErr,
Parent: WriteErrorList<ParentErr>,
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.list
impl<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr> private::Sealed<E>
for Sublist<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr>
MapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<E>) -> ParentErr,
Parent: WriteErrorList<ParentErr>,
impl<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr> WriteErrorList<E> for Sublist<'a, E, MapFn, Parent, ParentErr>
MapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<E>) -> ParentErr,
Parent: WriteErrorList<ParentErr>,
fn push(&mut self, error: E) {
fn subwriter<'sub, SubMapFn, SubErr: 'sub>(
&'sub mut self,
map_fn: SubMapFn,
) -> impl WriteErrorList<SubErr> + 'sub
SubMapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<SubErr>) -> E + 'sub,
/// An error list writer that ignores errors
/// Any call to [WriteErrorList::push] does nothing but drop the given error.
pub struct DontCare;
impl<E> private::Sealed<E> for DontCare {}
impl<E> WriteErrorList<E> for DontCare {
fn push(&mut self, _error: E) {}
fn subwriter<'sub, SubMapFn, SubErr: 'sub>(
&'sub mut self,
_map_fn: SubMapFn,
) -> impl WriteErrorList<SubErr> + 'sub
SubMapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<SubErr>) -> E + 'sub,
/// An error list writer that only notes that an error occurred
/// [ErrorOccurred::as_bool] will return `true` if the subfunction encountered a non-fatal error
/// `false` otherwise
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct ErrorOccurred(bool);
impl ErrorOccurred {
pub fn as_bool(&self) -> bool {
impl<E> private::Sealed<E> for ErrorOccurred {}
impl<E> WriteErrorList<E> for ErrorOccurred {
fn push(&mut self, _error: E) {
self.0 = true;
fn subwriter<'sub, SubMapFn, SubErr: 'sub>(
&'sub mut self,
_map_fn: SubMapFn,
) -> impl WriteErrorList<SubErr> + 'sub
SubMapFn: FnOnce(ErrorList<SubErr>) -> E + 'sub,