Name Description Size Implementation of `errno` functionality for RustyHermit. Currently, the error handling in RustyHermit isn't clearly defined. At the current stage of RustyHermit, only a placeholder is provided to be compatible to the classical errno interface. 1017 Cross-platform interface to the `errno` variable. # Examples ``` use errno::{Errno, errno, set_errno}; // Get the current value of errno let e = errno(); // Set the current value of errno set_errno(e); // Extract the error code as an i32 let code = e.0; // Display a human-friendly error message println!("Error {}: {}", code, e); ``` 3744 Implementation of `errno` functionality for Unix systems. Adapted from `src/libstd/sys/unix/` in the Rust distribution. 2932 Implementation of `errno` functionality for WASI. Adapted from ``. 1686 Implementation of `errno` functionality for Windows. Adapted from `src/libstd/sys/windows/` in the Rust distribution. 2608