Name Description Size ! Disabling parts of the default format. Before running this example, try setting the `MY_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to `info`: ```no_run,shell $ export MY_LOG_LEVEL='info' ``` Also try setting the `MY_LOG_STYLE` environment variable to `never` to disable colors or `auto` to enable them: ```no_run,shell $ export MY_LOG_STYLE=never ``` If you want to control the logging output completely, see the `custom_logger` example. 804 ! Changing the default logging format. Before running this example, try setting the `MY_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to `info`: ```no_run,shell $ export MY_LOG_LEVEL='info' ``` Also try setting the `MY_LOG_STYLE` environment variable to `never` to disable colors or `auto` to enable them: ```no_run,shell $ export MY_LOG_STYLE=never ``` If you want to control the logging output completely, see the `custom_logger` example. 1311 ! Using `env_logger` to drive a custom logger. Before running this example, try setting the `MY_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to `info`: ```no_run,shell $ export MY_LOG_LEVEL='info' ``` If you only want to change the way logs are formatted, look at the `custom_format` example. 1318 ! Using `env_logger`. Before running this example, try setting the `MY_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to `info`: ```no_run,shell $ export MY_LOG_LEVEL='info' ``` Also try setting the `MY_LOG_STYLE` environment variable to `never` to disable colors or `auto` to enable them: ```no_run,shell $ export MY_LOG_STYLE=never ``` 856 ! Using `env_logger::Logger` and the `log::Log` trait directly. This example doesn't rely on environment variables, or having a static logger installed. 993 ! Specify logging filters in code instead of using an environment variable. 394 ! Using `env_logger` in tests. Log events will be captured by `cargo` and only printed if the test fails. You can run this example by calling: ```text cargo test --example in_tests ``` You should see the `it_does_not_work` test fail and include its log output. 1095 750