Name Description Size 874 184 11706 Traits and types used for tracking the usage of generic parameters through a proc-macro input. When generating trait impls, libraries often want to automatically figure out which type parameters are used in which fields, and then emit bounds that will produce the most permissive compilable code. # Usage ## Example 1: Filtering This example accepts a proc-macro input, then finds all lifetimes and type parameters used by private fields. ```rust # extern crate darling_core; # extern crate syn; # # // in real-world usage, import from `darling` # use darling_core::usage::{self, CollectLifetimes, CollectTypeParams, GenericsExt, Purpose}; # use syn::{Data, DeriveInput, GenericParam, Generics, Visibility}; # # #[allow(dead_code)] fn process(input: &DeriveInput) -> Generics { let type_params = input.generics.declared_type_params(); let lifetimes = input.generics.declared_lifetimes(); let mut ret_generics = input.generics.clone(); if let Data::Struct(ref body) = { let internal_fields = body .fields .iter() .filter(|field| field.vis == Visibility::Inherited) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let int_type_params = internal_fields .collect_type_params(&Purpose::BoundImpl.into(), &type_params); // We could reuse the vec from above, but here we'll instead // directly consume the chained iterator. let int_lifetimes = body .fields .iter() .filter(|field| field.vis == Visibility::Inherited) .collect_lifetimes(&Purpose::BoundImpl.into(), &lifetimes); ret_generics.params = ret_generics .params .into_iter() .filter(|gp| { match *gp { GenericParam::Type(ref ty) => int_type_params.contains(&ty.ident), GenericParam::Lifetime(ref lt) => int_lifetimes.contains(&lt.lifetime), _ => true, } }) .collect(); } ret_generics } # fn main() {} ``` ## Example 2: Integrating with `FromDeriveInput` It is possible to use `darling`'s magic fields feature in tandem with the `usage` feature set. While there is no custom derive for `UsesTypeParams` or `UsesLifetimes`, there are macros to generate impls. ```rust,ignore #![allow(dead_code)] #[derive(FromField)] #[darling(attributes(speak))] struct SpeakerField { ident: Option<syn::Ident>, ty: syn::Type, #[darling(default)] volume: Option<u32>, } uses_type_params!(SpeakerField, ty); uses_lifetimes!(SpeakerField, ty); #[derive(FromDeriveInput)] struct SpeakerOptions { generics: syn::Generics, data: darling::ast::Data<darling::util::Ignored, SpeakerField>, } ``` At this point, you are able to call `uses_type_params` on ``, or any filtered view of it. `darling` internally uses this in conjunction with the `skip` meta-item to determine which type parameters don't require the `FromMeta` bound in generated impls. **Note:** If you are performing operations referencing generic params in meta-items parsed by `darling`, you should determine if those impact the emitted code and wire up `UsesTypeParams` accordingly for your field/variant. 4020 1962 14204