Name Description Size An asynchronous fibonacci sequence generator. 554 Using `select!` to send and receive on the same channel at the same time. This example is based on the following program in Go. Source: - - Copyright & License: - Stefan Nilsson - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License - ```go func main() { people := []string{"Anna", "Bob", "Cody", "Dave", "Eva"} match := make(chan string, 1) // Make room for one unmatched send. wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) for _, name := range people { wg.Add(1) go Seek(name, match, wg) } wg.Wait() select { case name := <-match: fmt.Printf("No one received %s’s message.\n", name) default: // There was no pending send operation. } } // Seek either sends or receives, whichever possible, a name on the match // channel and notifies the wait group when done. func Seek(name string, match chan string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { select { case peer := <-match: fmt.Printf("%s received a message from %s.\n", name, peer) case match <- name: // Wait for someone to receive my message. } wg.Done() } ``` 2358 Prints the elapsed time every 1 second and quits on Ctrl+C. 1466