Name Description Size ISO 8601 calendar date without timezone. 92485 ISO 8601 date and time without timezone. 94401 The internal implementation of the calendar and ordinal date. The current implementation is optimized for determining year, month, day and day of week. 4-bit `YearFlags` map to one of 14 possible classes of year in the Gregorian calendar, which are included in every packed `NaiveDate` instance. The conversion between the packed calendar date (`Mdf`) and the ordinal date (`Of`) is based on the moderately-sized lookup table (~1.5KB) and the packed representation is chosen for the efficient lookup. Every internal data structure does not validate its input, but the conversion keeps the valid value valid and the invalid value invalid so that the user-facing `NaiveDate` can validate the input as late as possible. 32080 ISO 8601 week. 5477 ISO 8601 time without timezone. 70948