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use super::TargetInfo;
impl TargetInfo<'_> {
pub(crate) fn apple_sdk_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match (self.os, self.abi) {
("macos", "") => "macosx",
("ios", "") => "iphoneos",
("ios", "sim") => "iphonesimulator",
("ios", "macabi") => "macosx",
("tvos", "") => "appletvos",
("tvos", "sim") => "appletvsimulator",
("watchos", "") => "watchos",
("watchos", "sim") => "watchsimulator",
("visionos", "") => "xros",
("visionos", "sim") => "xrsimulator",
(os, _) => panic!("invalid Apple target OS {}", os),
pub(crate) fn apple_version_flag(&self, min_version: &str) -> String {
// There are many aliases for these, and `-mtargetos=` is preferred on Clang nowadays, but
// for compatibility with older Clang, we use the earliest supported name here.
// NOTE: GCC does not support `-miphoneos-version-min=` etc. (because it does not support
// iOS in general), but we specify them anyhow in case we actually have a Clang-like
// compiler disguised as a GNU-like compiler, or in case GCC adds support for these in the
// future.
// See also:
match (self.os, self.abi) {
("macos", "") => format!("-mmacosx-version-min={min_version}"),
("ios", "") => format!("-miphoneos-version-min={min_version}"),
("ios", "sim") => format!("-mios-simulator-version-min={min_version}"),
("ios", "macabi") => format!("-mtargetos=ios{min_version}-macabi"),
("tvos", "") => format!("-mappletvos-version-min={min_version}"),
("tvos", "sim") => format!("-mappletvsimulator-version-min={min_version}"),
("watchos", "") => format!("-mwatchos-version-min={min_version}"),
("watchos", "sim") => format!("-mwatchsimulator-version-min={min_version}"),
// `-mxros-version-min` does not exist
("visionos", "") => format!("-mtargetos=xros{min_version}"),
("visionos", "sim") => format!("-mtargetos=xros{min_version}-simulator"),
(os, _) => panic!("invalid Apple target OS {}", os),