Name Description Size 4686 Collection types that allocate inside a [`Bump`] arena. [`Bump`]: ../struct.Bump.html 2526 29385
str A UTF-8 encoded, growable string. This module contains the [`String`] type and several error types that may result from working with [`String`]s. This module is a fork of the [`std::string`] module, that uses a bump allocator. [`std::string`]: # Examples You can create a new [`String`] from a string literal with [`String::from_str_in`]: ``` use bumpalo::{Bump, collections::String}; let b = Bump::new(); let s = String::from_str_in("world", &b); ``` [`String`]: struct.String.html [`String::from_str_in`]: struct.String.html#method.from_str_in If you have a vector of valid UTF-8 bytes, you can make a [`String`] out of it. You can do the reverse too. ``` use bumpalo::{Bump, collections::String}; let b = Bump::new(); let sparkle_heart = bumpalo::vec![in &b; 240, 159, 146, 150]; // We know these bytes are valid, so we'll use `unwrap()`. let sparkle_heart = String::from_utf8(sparkle_heart).unwrap(); assert_eq!("💖", sparkle_heart); let bytes = sparkle_heart.into_bytes(); assert_eq!(bytes, [240, 159, 146, 150]); ``` 61724 A contiguous growable array type with heap-allocated contents, written [`Vec<'bump, T>`]. Vectors have `O(1)` indexing, amortized `O(1)` push (to the end) and `O(1)` pop (from the end). This module is a fork of the [`std::vec`] module, that uses a bump allocator. [`std::vec`]: # Examples You can explicitly create a [`Vec<'bump, T>`] with [`new_in`]: ``` use bumpalo::{Bump, collections::Vec}; let b = Bump::new(); let v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new_in(&b); ``` ... or by using the [`vec!`] macro: ``` use bumpalo::{Bump, collections::Vec}; let b = Bump::new(); let v: Vec<i32> = bumpalo::vec![in &b]; let v = bumpalo::vec![in &b; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let v = bumpalo::vec![in &b; 0; 10]; // ten zeroes ``` You can [`push`] values onto the end of a vector (which will grow the vector as needed): ``` use bumpalo::{Bump, collections::Vec}; let b = Bump::new(); let mut v = bumpalo::vec![in &b; 1, 2]; v.push(3); ``` Popping values works in much the same way: ``` use bumpalo::{Bump, collections::Vec}; let b = Bump::new(); let mut v = bumpalo::vec![in &b; 1, 2]; assert_eq!(v.pop(), Some(2)); ``` Vectors also support indexing (through the [`Index`] and [`IndexMut`] traits): ``` use bumpalo::{Bump, collections::Vec}; let b = Bump::new(); let mut v = bumpalo::vec![in &b; 1, 2, 3]; assert_eq!(v[2], 3); v[1] += 5; assert_eq!(v, [1, 7, 3]); ``` [`Vec<'bump, T>`]: struct.Vec.html [`new_in`]: struct.Vec.html#method.new_in [`push`]: struct.Vec.html#method.push [`Index`]: [`IndexMut`]: [`vec!`]: ../../macro.vec.html 86591