Name Description Size An implementation of a set using a bit vector as an underlying representation for holding unsigned numerical elements. It should also be noted that the amount of storage necessary for holding a set of objects is proportional to the maximum of the objects when viewed as a `usize`. # Examples ``` use bit_set::BitSet; // It's a regular set let mut s = BitSet::new(); s.insert(0); s.insert(3); s.insert(7); s.remove(7); if !s.contains(7) { println!("There is no 7"); } // Can initialize from a `BitVec` let other = BitSet::from_bytes(&[0b11010000]); s.union_with(&other); // Print 0, 1, 3 in some order for x in s.iter() { println!("{}", x); } // Can convert back to a `BitVec` let bv = s.into_bit_vec(); assert!(bv[3]); ``` 44553