Name Description Size 5908 Generic `Atomic<T>` wrapper type Atomic types provide primitive shared-memory communication between threads, and are the building blocks of other concurrent types. This library defines a generic atomic wrapper type `Atomic<T>` for all `T: Copy` types. Atomic types present operations that, when used correctly, synchronize updates between threads. Each method takes an `Ordering` which represents the strength of the memory barrier for that operation. These orderings are the same as [LLVM atomic orderings][1]. [1]: Atomic variables are safe to share between threads (they implement `Sync`) but they do not themselves provide the mechanism for sharing. The most common way to share an atomic variable is to put it into an `Arc` (an atomically-reference-counted shared pointer). Most atomic types may be stored in static variables, initialized using the `const fn` constructors (only available on nightly). Atomic statics are often used for lazy global initialization. 26452 22978